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27. Haojie Yang, Hongbao Sun, Yinghan Chen, Yayue Wang, Cheng Yang, Fang Yuan, Xiaoai Wu, Wei Chen, Ping Yin, Yong Liang*, and Haoxing Wu*. Enabling Universal Access to Rapid and Stable Tetrazine Bioorthogonal Probes through Triazolyl-Tetrazine Formation. JACS Au 2024, 410.1021/jacsau.3c00843

26. Xinyu He, Jie Li, Xinxin Liang, Wuyu Mao, Xinglong Deng, Meng Qin, Hao Su and Haoxing Wu*. An all-in-one tetrazine reagent for cysteine-selective labeling and bioorthogonal activable prodrug construction. Nat. Commun. 2024, 15, 2831.

Fig. 1

25. Liqun Dai, Xiaoyang Zhang, Siming Zhou, Jie Li, Lili Pan, Chunyan Liao, Zhipeng Wang, Ying Chen, Guohua Shen, Lin Li, Rong Tian, Hongbao Sun,  Zhenhua Liu,* Shiyong Zhang* and Haoxing Wu*. Pretargeted radiotherapy and synergistic treatment of metastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer using cross-linked, PSMA-targeted lipoic acid nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2024, 12, 2324-2333.

Graphical abstract: Pretargeted radiotherapy and synergistic treatment of metastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer using cross-linked, PSMA-targeted lipoic acid nanoparticles

24.Yingqiao Deng, Tianruo Shen, Xinyu Yu, Jie Li, Peixuan Zou, Qiyong Gong, Yongxiang Zheng, Hongbao Sun*, Xiaogang Liu*, and Haoxing Wu*Tetrazine-Isonitrile Bioorthogonal Fluorogenic Reactions Enable Multiplex Labeling and Wash-Free Bioimaging of Live Cells. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2024, 63, e202319853.

Description unavailable

23.Liqun Dai, Siming Zhou, Cheng Yang, Jie Li, Yayue Wang, Meng Qin, Lili Pan, Dan Zhang*, Zhiyong Qian* and Haoxing Wu*. A bioorthogonal cell sorting strategy for isolation of desired cell phenotypes. Chem Comm.2024,60, 1916-1919.

Graphical abstract: A bioorthogonal cell sorting strategy for isolation of desired cell phenotypes

22.Yayue Wang , Haojie Yang , Jie Li , Qiao Kong , Siming Zhou , Hongbao Sun , Lili Pan , Qiyong Gong , Ping Feng * and Haoxing Wu*. A biocompatible Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons (HWE) reaction triggered by a bioorthogonal proximity-induced platform.Chinese Chemical Letters.2023, 35, 109226.

21Huan Cao, Jinyao Zhu, Jianhua Zhang, Lei Yang, Xutong Guo, Rong Tian, Haoxing Wu* , Yiwen Li* and Zhipeng Gu*. In Situ Fabrication of Robust Polyphenolic Hydrogels for Skin Protection and Repair. Chemistry of Materials.2023,35,2191-2201.

20Fang Yuan, HongbaoSun, Cheng Yang, Haojie Yang, Lili Pan, Xiaoyang Zhang, Rong Tian, Lingjun Li, Wei Chen, Xiaoai Wu* and Haoxing Wu.* Difluorocarbene-derived rapid late-stage trifluoromethylation of 5-iodotriazoles for the synthesis of 18F-labeled radiotracers. Chinese Chemical Letters.2023,34,107960.

19. Yayue WangGuohua ShenJie Li, Wuyu Mao, Hongbao Sun, Ping Fengand  Haoxing Wu*Bioorthogonal Cleavage of Tetrazine-Caged Ethers and Esters Triggered by trans-Cyclooctene. Org. Lett. 2022, 24, 5293–5297.

18. Wei Shi, Jie Li, Xinyu He, Siming Zhou, Hongbao Sun* and Haoxing Wu*. Tuning the Physicochemical Properties of BODIPY for Bioimaging via meso-Amino Acylation. Org. Lett202224, 3368–3372.

17. Wuyu Mao, Weijie Chi, Xinyu He, Chao Wang, Xueyi Wang, Haojie Yang, Xiaogang Liu* and Haoxing Wu*. Overcoming the Spectral Dependence: A General Strategy for Developing Far-Red and Near-Infrared Ultra-Fluorogenic Tetrazine Bioorthogonal Probes. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202117386.

    16. Hongbao Sun, Qinghe Xue, Chang Zhang, Haoxing Wu* and Ping Feng*. Derivatization based on tetrazine scaffolds: synthesis of tetrazine derivatives and their biomedical applications. Org. Chem. Front. 2022, 9, 481-498.

    15. Xiaoyang Zhang, Hui Xu, Jie Li, Dunyan Su, Wuyu Mao, Guohua Shen, Lin Li and Haoxing Wu*. Isonitrile induced bioorthogonal activation of fluorophores and mutually orthogonal cleavage in live cells. Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 573-576.

    14. Wuyu Mao, Jie Tang, Liqun Dai, Xinyu He, Jie Li, Larry Cai, Ping Liao, Ruotian Jiang, Jingwei Zhou and Haoxing Wu*. A General Strategy to Design Highly Fluorogenic Far-Red and Near-Infrared Tetrazine Bioorthogonal Probes. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 2393-2397.

    13. Ping Dong, Xueyi Wang, Junwei Zheng, Xiaoyang Zhang, Yiwen Li, Haoxing Wu and Lin Li. Recent Advances in Targeting Nuclear Molecular Imaging Driven by Tetrazine Bioorthogonal Chemistry. Curr. Med. Chem. 2020, 27, 39243943.

    12. YayueWang, Chang Zhang, Haoxing Wu and Ping Feng. Activation and Delivery of Tetrazine-Responsive Bioorthogonal Prodrugs. Molecules 2020, 25, 5640.

    11. Wuyu MaoWei Shi, Jie Li, Dunyan Su, Xiaomeng Wang, Lyuye Zhang, Lili Pan, Xiaoai Wu and Haoxing Wu*. Organocatalytic and Scalable Syntheses of Unsymmetrical 1,2,4,5-Tetrazines by Thiol-Containing Promotors. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 11061109. 

    10. Haoxing Wu*, Neal Devaraj*. Advances in Tetrazine Bioorthogonal Chemistry Driven by the Synthesis of Novel Tetrazines and Dienophiles. Acc. Chem. Res. 201851,  5, 1249–1259.

    9. Min Wu, Xiaoai Wu, Yayue Wang, Lei Gu, Jiao You, Haoxing Wu and Ping Feng*. Alkoxy Tetrazine Substitution at a Boron Center: A Strategy for Synthesizing Highly Fluorogenic Hydrophilic Probes. ChemBioChem. 2018, 19, 530534.


    8. Haoxing Wu, Seth C. Alexander, Shuaijiang Jin, Neal K. Devaraj*. A Bioorthogonal Near-infrared Fluorogenic Probe for mRNA Detection. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 11429–11432.

    7. Haoxing Wu, Neal K. Devaraj*. Inverse Electron-Demand Diels–Alder Bioorthogonal Reactions. Top. Curr. Chem. 2016, 3, 109–130.

    6. Fabian Ehret, Haoxing Wu, Seth C. Alexander, Neal K. Devaraj*. Electrochemical Control of Rapid Bioorthogonal Tetrazine Ligations for Selective Functionalization of Microelectrodes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 8876–8879.

    5. Cun Yu Zhou, Haoxing Wu, Neal K. Devaraj*. Rapid Access to Phospholipid Analogs Using Thiol-yne Chemistry. Chem. Sci. 2015, 6, 4365–4372.

    4. Haoxing Wu, Brandon Cisneros, Christian Cole, Neal K. Devaraj*. Bioorthogonal Tetrazine-Mediated Transfer Reactions Facilitate Reaction Turnover in the Nucleic Acid-Templated Detection of microRNA. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136,17942–17945.

    3. Haoxing Wu, Jun Yang, Jolita Šečkutė, Neal K. Devara j*. In Situ Synthesis of Alkenyl Tetrazines for Highly Fluorogenic Bioorthogonal Live-Cell Imaging Probes. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 5805–5809.

    2. Haoxing Wu, Fei Xue, Xue Xiao, and Yong Qin*. Total Synthesis of (+)-Perop horamidine and Determinati on of the Absolute Configuration. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132,14052–14054. 1. Jun Yang, Haoxing Wu, Liqun Shen, and Yong Qin*. Total Synthesis of (±)-Communesin F. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 13794–13795.

    1. Jun Yang, Haoxing Wu, Liqun Shen, and Yong Qin*. Total Synthesis of (±)-Communesin F. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007129, 13794–13795.