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47.   J. Ding, M. Li, A. B. Khanikaev, and X. Ni, Topology classification in bi-anisotropic topological photonic crystals via the Wilson loop approach, Opt. Mater. Express 14, 1995-2002 (2024). (受邀

46. E. M. Renzi, E. Galiffi, X. Ni, A. Alù, Hyperbolic Shear Metasurfaces, Phys. Rev. Lett., 132, 263803, 2024 (编辑推荐).

45. S. Yves, E. Galiffi, X. Ni, E. M. Renzi, and A. Alù, Twist-Induced Hyperbolic Shear Metasurfaces, Phys. Rev. X. 14, 021031, 2024.

44. X. Xiang, Y.-G. Peng†, F. Gao, X. Wu, P. Wu, Z. Chen, X. Ni, and X.-F. Zhu, Demonstration of Acoustic Higher-Order Topological Stiefel-Whitney Semimetal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 197202, 2024.

43. F. Gao, Y.-G. Peng, X. Xiang, X. Ni, C. Zheng, S. Yves, X.-F. Zhu, A. Alù, Acoustic Higher-Order Topological Insulators Induced by Orbital-Interactions. Advanced Materials, 2312421, 2024.

42. W. Liu*, Q. Liu*, X. Ni*, Y. Jia, K. Ziegler, A. Alù & F. Chen, Floquet parity-time symmetry in integrated photonics. Nature Communications, 15, 946 (2024).

41. L. Huang, S. Huang, C. Shen, A. Pilipchuk, S. Yves, X. Ni, S. Kim, Y. Chiang, D. A. Powell, Y. Li, A. F. Sadreev, A. Alù, and A. E. Miroshnichenko, Non-Hermitian Acoustic Resonances, Nature Reviews Physics, 6, 11–27 (2024). (综述)

40. E. Galiffi*, G. Carini*, X. Ni*, E. M. Renzi, S. Waßerroth, M. Wolf, S. Yves, A. Paarman, and A. Alù, Extreme Polaritonics Based on Broken Symmetries, Nature Reviews Materials, 9, 9–28 (2024). (综述)


39. F. Gao, X. Xiang, Y. G. Peng, X. Ni, Q. L. Sun, S. Yves, X. F. Zhu, and A. Alù, Orbital-Induced Acoustic Topological Order, Nature Communications 14, 8162 (2023).

38. Z. Zhou, R. Song, J. Xu, X. Ni, et al., Gate-Tuning Hybrid Polaritons in Twisted α-MoO3/Graphene Heterostructures. Nano Letters 23 (23), 11252–11259, (2023).

37. J. Matson*, S. Waßerroth*, X. Ni*, et al. Controlling the Propagation Asymmetry of Hyperbolic Shear Polaritons in Beta-Gallium Oxide, Nature Communications 14, 5240, (2023).

36. Li, A., Wei, H., Cotrufo, M. et al. Exceptional points and non-Hermitian photonics at the nanoscale. Nature Nanotechnology18, 706–720 (2023).

35. N. C. Passler, X. Ni, G. Carini, D. N Chigrin, A. Alù and A. Paarmann, Physical Review B, 107, 235426 (2023).

34. X. Ni*, S. Yves*, A. Krasnok* and A. Alu, Topological Metamaterials, Chemical Reviews, 123, 12, 7585–7654 (2023). 

33. X. Ni*, G. Carini*, W. Ma*, et al. "Observation of directional leaky polaritons at anisotropic crystal interfaces," Nature Communications, 14, 2845 (2023).

32. G. Hu, W. Ma, D. Hu, J. Wu, C. Zheng, K. Liu, X. Zhang, X. Ni et. al, "Real-space nanoimaging of hyperbolic shear polaritons in a monoclinic crystal," Nature Nanotechnology, 18, 64–70 (2023).



31. M. Weiner, X. Ni, A. Alù and A. Khanikaev, "Synthetic Pseudo-Spin-Hall effect in acoustic metamaterials", Nature Communications 13, 6332 (2022).

30. S. Yves, X. Ni and A. Alù, "Topological sound in two dimensions", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 00, 1– 15, (2022).

29. A. Nagulu*, X. Ni,* A. Kord*, et al. "Chip-scale Floquet topological insulators for 5G wireless systems", Nature Electronics 5, 300–309 (2022).同期专题报道Kumar, A., Gupta, M. & Singh, R. Topological integrated circuits for 5G and 6G. Nat Electron 5, 261–262 (2022).

28. N.C., Passler, X. Ni, G. Hu, et al. “Hyperbolic shear polaritons in low-symmetry crystals,” Nature, 602, 595–600 (2022).


27.  X. Ni, S. Kim, and A. Alù, "Topological insulator in two synthetic dimensions based on an optomechanical resonator," Optica, 8, 1024-1032 (2021).

26. K. Chen, M. Weiner, M. Li, X. Ni, A. Alù and A. B. Khanikaev, “Nonlocal topological insulators: Deterministic aperiodic arrays supporting localized topological states protected by nonlocal symmetries," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, (34) e2100691118 (2021).

25.  X. Ni, A. Alu, “Higher-Order Topolectrical Semimetal Realized via Synthetic Gauge Fields,” APL Photonics, 6 (5), 050802, (2021).

24. A. Vakulenko, S. Kiriushechkina, M. Wang, M. Li, D. Zhirihin, X. Ni, S. Guddala, D. Korobkin, A. Alù, A. B Khanikaev, “Near‐Field Characterization of Higher‐Order Topological Photonic States at Optical Frequencies,” Advanced Materials, 33 (18), 2170135, (2021).


23. A. Ardabi, X. Ni, M. Leamy, and A. Alù, “Reconfigurable Floquet Elastodynamic Topological Insulators Based on Synthetic Angular Momentum Bias,” Science Advances, 6, eaba8656 (2020).

22. X. Ni, Z. Xiao, A. Khanikaev, and A. Alù, “Robust Multiplexing with Topolectrical Higher-Order Chern Insulators,” Physical Review Applied, 13, 064031, (2020).

21. M. Weiner, X. Ni, M. Li, A. Alù and A. B. Khanikaev, “Experimental demonstration of high-order topological corner and edge states in a three-dimensional acoustic metamaterial”, Science Advances, 6, eaay4166 (2020).

20. X. Ni M. Li, M. Weiner, A. Alù and A. B. Khanikaev, “Demonstration of a quantized acoustic octupole topological insulator”, Nature Communications, 11, 1-7, (2020).

19. M. Li, D. Zhirihin, M. A. Gorlach, X. Ni, D. Filonov, A. Slobozhanyuk, A. Alù, A. B. Khanikaev, “Photonic Higher-Order Topological States Induced by Long Range Interactions,” Nature Photonics, 14, 89–94(2020).(封面文章)


18. M. Li, X. Ni, M. Weiner, A. Alù and A. B. Khanikaev, “Topological phases and nonreciprocal edge states in non-Hermitian Floquet Insulators”, Physical Review B, 100 (4), 045423 (2019).

17. G. D’Aguanno, Y. Hadad, D. A. Smirnova, X. Ni, A. B. Khanikaev, A. Alú, “Nonlinear topological transitions over a metasurface,” Physical Review B, 100, 214310 (2019).

16. X. Ni et al., “Observation of Hofstadter Butterfly and Topological Edge States in Reconfigurable Quasi-Periodic Acoustic Crystals”, Communications Physics, 2, 55, (2019).

15. A. Slobozhanyuk, A. V. Shchelokova, X. Ni et al., “Near-field imaging of spin-locked edge states in all-dielectric topological metasurfaces”, Applied Physical Letters114 (3), 031103 (2019).

14. X. Ni, M. Weiner, A. Khanikaev and A. Alu, “Observation of Higher-Order Topological Acoustic States Protected by Generalized Chiral Symmetry”, Nature materials, 18, 113-120, (2019). (同期专题报道Z. Liu, “Trapping sound at corners”, Nature materials, 18, 98-99 (2019).

13. S. Peng, N. Schilder, X. Ni et al., “Bandstructure of topological silicon photonic lattices probed with high-energy electrons”, Physical Review Letters122 (11), 117401 (2019).


12. X. Ni, D. Smirnova, A. Poddubny, D. Leykam, Y. Chong and A. B. Khanikaev, “Exceptional points in topological edge spectrum of PT symmetric domain walls”, Physical Review B, 98 (16), 165129 (2018).

11. Y. Kang, X. Ni, X. Cheng, A. B. Khanikaev and A. Z. Genack, “Pseudospin-valley coupled edge states in a photonic topological insulator”, Nature Communications, 9, 3029 (2018). 

10. X. Ni*, D. Purtseladze*, D. A. Smirnova*, A. Slobozhanyuk, A. Alù and A. Khanikaev, “Spin and valley polarized one-way Klein tunneling in photonic topological insulators”, Science Advances, 4, aap8802 (2018).

9. M. A. Gorlach*, X. Ni*, D. A. Smirnova, D. Korobkin, D. Zhirihin, A. P. Slobozhanyuk, P. A. Belov, A. Alu and A. B. Khanikaev, “Far-field probing of topological states in all-dielectric metasurfaces”, Nature Communications, 9, 909 (2018).


8. X. Ni, M. A Gorlach, A. Alu and A. B Khanikaev, “Topological edge states in acoustic Kagome lattices”, New Journal of Physics, 19, 055002 (2017).

7. A.  Slobozhanyuk, S. H. Mousavi, X. Ni, Y. S. Kivshar and A. B. Khanikaev, “Three-Dimensional All-Dielectric Photonic Topological Insulator”, Nature Photonics, 11, 130–136 (2017).


6. X. Cheng, C. Jouvaud, X. Ni, S. H. Mousavi, A. Z. Genack and A. B. Khanikaev, “Robust reconfigurable electromagnetic pathways within a photonic topological insulator”, Nature Materials, 15, 542–548 (2016). (同期专题报道B. Zhen, M. Soljacic, “Flexible yet robust”, Nature materials, 15, 494-495 (2016).


5. H. Zhang, H. Xu, X. Ni, et al., “Detection of nucleic acids by graphene-based devices: A first-principles study”, Journal of Applied Physics, 115(13), 133701 (2014).

4. S. Peng, Z. Yang, X. Ni et al., “DNA translocation through graphene nanopores: A first-principles study”, Materials Research Express, 1(1), 015044 (2014).

3. F. P. Ouyang, Z. X. Yang, X. Ni et al., “Hydrogenation-induced edge magnetization in armchair MoS2 nanoribbon and electric field effects”, Apply Physics Letter, 104, 071901 (2014).

2. F. P. Ouyang, X. Ni, et al., “Effects of edge hydrogenation on structural stability, electronic, and magnetic properties of WS2 nanoribbons”, Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 213701 (2013). (封面文章,导师一作)

1. H. Zou, X. Ni, S. L. Peng, J. Ouyang, Y. Chen, F. P. Ouyang, “First-Principle Study of Graphene-Based Biomolecular Sensor”, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 29(02), 250-254 (2013).