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祝贺课题组在顶级化学综述期刊Chemical Reviews上发表关于拓扑超材料的综述


综述标题:Topological Metamaterials

综述摘要:The topological properties of an object, associated with an integer called the topological invariant, are global features that cannot change continuously but only through abrupt variations, hence granting them intrinsic robustness. Engineered metamaterials (MMs) can be tailored to support highly nontrivial topological properties of their band structure, relative to their electronic, electromagnetic, acoustic and mechanical response, representing one of the major breakthroughs in physics over the past decade. Here, we review the foundations and the latest advances of topological photonic and phononic MMs, whose nontrivial wave interactions have become of great interest to a broad range of science disciplines, such as classical and quantum chemistry. We first introduce the basic concepts, including the notion of topological charge and geometric phase. We then discuss the topology of natural electronic materials, before reviewing their photonic/phononic topological MM analogues, including 2D topological MMs with and without time-reversal symmetry, Floquet topological insulators, 3D, higher-order, non-Hermitian and nonlinear topological MMs. We also discuss the topological aspects of scattering anomalies, chemical reactions and polaritons. This work aims at connecting the recent advances of topological concepts throughout a broad range of scientific areas and it highlights opportunities offered by topological MMs for the chemistry community and beyond.

综述链接: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.chemrev.2c00800