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17.张硕,梁潇,束春慧,朱晴晴,赵雪同,燕爱林,王振卫, 汪玉,高温氧化 316L 不锈钢电解抛光工艺,电镀与涂饰,

摘要:[目的]不锈钢在高温烧结后表面会形成致密的灰黑色氧化膜,影响后续加工及使用,因此需要采取措施去除该氧化膜。 [方法]对高温氧化后的 316L 不锈钢先进行浸蚀和酸洗处理,再电解抛光。通过正交试验和单因素实验优化了酸洗液的配方 和工艺条件。重点研究了电解抛光过程中电流密度和抛光时间对 316L 不锈钢表面粗糙度和耐蚀性的影响。对比了不同工序 处理后 316L 不锈钢的表面轮廓和微观形貌变化。[结果]较佳的酸洗配方和工艺条件为:盐酸 220 mL/L,硫酸 70 mL/L,金 属盐 X 60 g/L,温度 70 ℃,时间 6 min。电解抛光的较佳工艺条件为:电流密度 50 A/dm2,抛光时间 85 s。在此条件下处理 后,316L 不锈钢的表面粗糙度 Ra 降至 0.326 2 μm,表面均匀平滑,耐蚀性显著提升。[结论]通过浸蚀和酸洗前处理再电解 抛光,可有效去除高温氧化 316L 不锈钢表面的氧化膜,降低表面粗糙度,并显著提高其耐蚀性。


摘要:本研究旨在开发一种高效的表面处理工艺, 在不使用HF、CrO₃等有害物质,且电镀过程不含氟化物、铬、铜或锌的条件下,提升镁合金的耐腐蚀性能。[方法] 通过一步NH4HF2活化和碱性化学沉积Ni-P作为保护层的前处理工艺,成功在AZ91D镁合金表面制备了Ni-P/Ni复合镀层。[结果] 通过动电位极化曲线和电化学阻抗谱(EIS)表征,腐蚀电位较基体正移1207 mV,处理后的镁合金腐蚀电流密度(0.36 μA·cm⁻²)相比于未处理基体(96.14 μA·cm⁻²)降低了两个数量级,耐盐雾实验达到48 h以上。[结论] 结果表明封闭后的Ni-P/Ni镀层有效提高了AZ91D镁合金的耐腐蚀性能。

15.Q. F. Zhan , H. L. Li , Y. Wang and Z. W. Wang,Effect of eco-friendly organic additives on copper electropolishing and process parameter optimization,Surface Engineering,2024,1-12

The type of organic additives significantly affects copper electropolishing performance, including glossiness and surface smoothness. Therefore, developing efficient and eco-friendly additives is crucial for advancing this technology. This study investigates the effects of glycerol and ascorbic acid on copper electrochemical properties and surface morphology. Using the Box- Behnken Design (BBD), we examined the interaction effects of polishing time (A), current density (B), and polishing temperature (C) while optimizing the process parameters. The results demonstrate that glycerol and ascorbic acid additives effectively reduce the critical current density and limiting current density, synergistically enhancing copper surface glossiness and smoothness while slowing down the dissolution rate of the copper. Interaction analysis revealed a prioritized sequence of effects: AB > BC > AC. Under optimal conditions (1.5 min of polishing time, 12 A dm−2 of current density, and 27 °C of polishing temperature), copper surface roughness decreases from 1.2 μm to 37 nm, representing a 97% reduction, along with enhanced corrosion resistance.

14.KaiFeng,Chaonan Liu,Yu Wang,Zhenwei Wang,Electropolishing of 316L Stainless Steel Small-Diameter Tubes: Reduced Surface Roughness and Enhanced Corrosion Resistance,Journal of Matrials Engineering and Performance, 2024,

Abstract: Semiconductor, pharmaceutical, and food processing industries require highly clean and corrosion-resistant 316L stainless steel pipelines to prevent product contamination and ensure durability. This study employs an optimized electropolishing technique for small-diameter 316L stainless steel tubes, aimed at significantly reducing surface roughness and enhancing corrosion resistance to meet stringent industry standards. A comprehensive examination of the effects of electropolishing parameters—polishing time, current density, and temperature—on surface roughness and morphology was conducted. Optimal conditions were determined to be 105 seconds of polishing time, a current density of 50 AÆdm-2, and a temperature of 60  C. Under these conditions, the tube achieves a mirror-like finish with a surface roughness of 0.063 lm. Corrosion resistance was characterized using electrochemical testing and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The electropolished tube exhibits superior corrosion resistance compared to the mechanically polished tube, which is attributed to its increased thickness and chromium-rich passive film.


摘要:为解决由于电流密度分布不均导致的电铸镍片厚度不均匀性问题,研究了电铸工艺参数和阴极挂具结构对改善镍片厚度均匀性和电铸结瘤状况的影响。结果表明,当电流密度为11 A·dm-2、阳极长度为3.5 cm、极间距为2.5 cm、温度为45℃时,镍片厚度均匀性最好。此时厚度平均值为0.484 mm,极差和均方差分别为0.157 mm0.044 mm。在最佳工艺参数下,改善挂具和设计阴极遮蔽,解决了接触点厚度薄的问题,结瘤缓解,电铸时间由10 h缩至4 h,厚度极差和均方差分别降至0.116 mm0.036 mm。实验确定的最佳工艺条件不仅提高了镍片厚度均匀性,电铸时间也缩短了60%,提升了阳极镍粒的利用率,节约了电铸成本。

12.QingQingZhu,HuiYing Li,Yu Wang,ZhenWei Wang,ZhaoQi Zhou,ChunHui Shu,Low current density electropolishing and corrosion resistance study of 304 stainless steel.Surface Engineering,1-9

Abstract: To address the issue of the thickness non-uniformity of electroformed nickel plates resulted from uneven current density distribution, this study investigated the impact of electroforming process parameters and cathode fixturing structure on enhancing the uniformity of nickel plate thickness and mitigating dendritic growth. The results show the uniformity of nickel sheet is the best when the current density is set at 11 A·dm-2, the anode length at 3.5 cm, the electrode spacing at 2.5 cm, and the temperature at 45 ℃. The average thickness is 0.484 mm, and the range and standard deviation of thickness decreases are 0.157 mm and 0.044 mm, respectively. Forthermore, by optimizing the rack design and introducing cathode shielding, thickness at the contact points is enhanced and nodular can be alleviated.The electroforming time can be shorted from 10 h to 4 h. Moreover, the thickness range and the standard deviation are reduced down to 0.116 mm and 0.036 mm, respectively. The optimal conditions obtained brings about the homogeneous thickness of the nickel sheet and a 60% reduction in the electroforming time. These improvements increase utilization ratio of anode nickel shots, thereby contributing to cost savings.

11.周赵琪,丁明玥,朱晴晴,何 康,汪 玉,王振卫,316L不锈钢电解抛光的MATLAB图像定量分析[A].电镀与精饰,2024,46(1):97-104

摘要:基于机器视觉的不锈钢表面无损检测方法正受到工业界关注并得到研究人员的探索与开发。本研究使用MATLAB对电解抛光的316L不锈钢表面金相图进行图像二值化处理,保留区域点蚀和过抛腐蚀区的黑色像素点和黑色区域,除去浅色划痕和不明显的凹凸区域。图像腐蚀处理选取半径为3个像素点的圆形结构元素为参数,去除图像噪声,增强图像黑色像素区域边界和对比度。选取图像的黑色像素占比和点蚀区域数量作为特征变量,并通过对特征变量进行测量和计数来评估抛光效果。在此基础上,借助MATLAB GUI编程平台开发了一个基于图像定量分析过程的抛光效果评估程序,应用该程序可快速获得316L不锈钢电解抛光材料点蚀定量数据,使金相图片分析数值化,弥补主观判断的不足。该方法得到的结果与基于探针式粗糙度测量的优化结果一致。

10.俞鼎行,李苓静,续小林,王志强,王振卫,李 俊,锌镍镀层耐高温封闭剂研究[A].电镀与精饰,2024,46(5):85-91

摘要:在碱性锌镍滚镀线去氢工序中,传统封闭剂无法耐受高温,致使去氢步骤放在封闭步骤前,进而导致操作复杂而无法充分释放产能。本文旨在开发一种耐高温碱性锌镍封闭剂,实现去氢热处理步骤可以置于钝化封闭步骤之后,有助于提高锌镍镀层自动化水平。采用正交实验方法,结合场发射扫描电镜、X射线光电子能谱、傅里叶红外光谱、热重分析、塔菲尔曲线和交流阻抗等方法,研究了硅酸锂、硅酸钠、钨酸钠、磷酸二氢钠用量以及温度和时间对封闭层耐高温性能的影响。结果表明,在125 mL最佳封闭剂溶液中含有100 mL水、25 mL硅酸锂溶液、5 g硅酸钠、0.2 g钨酸钠、0.02 g磷酸二氢钠。将试件在其中浸泡10 min后取出,60 ℃干燥后在250 ℃去氢热处理3 h,得到的工件在ISO9227标准下红锈出现时间超过2000 h,远高于720 h无红锈行业标准。

9.XiaoXiao Li, YuFei Chen, XiaoMan Zheng, YeQuan Zhu, ZhenWei Wang, Yu Wang. One-step electrodeposition of          composition-controllable dendritic NiFe alloy electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction[A]. Journal of Alloys and         Compounds, 2023, 968: 172313.

 Abstract: The development of cost-effective, highly stable, and efficient catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is a crucial step          for large-scale industrial application of water electrolysis. This study introduces a facile and swift one-step electrodeposition method for the      in-situ formation of dendritic NiFe alloy electrocatalysts supported on a nickel mesh. By fine-tuning the current density during                electrodeposition, both the morphology and the nickel-iron ratio of the NiFe alloy can be optimized to enhance its OER performance. With an optimized nickel-iron ratio, the dendritic NiFe alloy catalyst demonstrates outstanding performance, achieving a current density of 10 mA/cm2 at an overpotential of 242 mV in 1 M KOH solution, with a smaller charge transfer resistance (Rct) of 1.033 Ω and a low Tafel slope of 56.64 mV/dec. Moreover, the NiFe alloy catalyst exhibits good stability, maintaining a consistent current density of 10 mA⋅cm−2 over 30 h period with negligible fluctuations in over potential. Moreover, at a current density of 50 mA/cm2, the Faradaic efficiency for O2 achieves an impressive rate of 97.70%. This work presents a facile and efficient approach for the controlled synthesis of NiFe alloy OER electrocatalysts, providing a potential catalyst for industrial-scale water electrolysis applications.


8.刘晓东, 朱晴晴, 方倩雯, 何康, 李宵宵, 王振卫.316L不锈钢带卷镀铜厚度不均匀性研究[A].电镀与精饰,2023, 45(4): 51-56.



7.王军,刘超男,梁超飞,张东勋,王振卫,张静,王韡,姜金耀.316L不锈钢包埋渗铝涂层制备及动力学研究[A].核技术,2023,46(3): 1-8.

摘要:包埋渗铝技术是制备阻氚涂层常用工艺,其中形成的Fe-Al渗层微观组织对最终形成Al2O3涂层的阻氚性能有重要影响。选取AlCl3(1 wt%)为催化剂,在316 L不锈钢基体表面上开展了粉末包埋渗铝工艺试验,采用扫描电镜、X射线能谱分析、X射线衍射等测试手段,分析了渗铝温度和保温时间对基体表面Fe-Al渗层的相结构、微观结构、成分组成的影响,并建立了渗铝过程的动力学模型。试验结果表明:渗铝层由铁铝相组成,存在一定量的铁铝铬、铁铝镍析出物;高的渗铝温度有利于渗铝层的生长,1023 K以上渗铝层出现明显分层现象;延长渗铝时间能够提高Fe-Al渗层的厚度,但对其物相组成没有影响。根据以上结果,对Fe-Al渗层形成过程进行动力学分析,发现渗铝温度对渗层生长速率的影响符合 Arrhenius 关系,获得了316 L不锈钢包埋渗铝的Arrhenius活化能约为79.23 kJ·mol−1。同时,拟合出了渗铝时间与涂层厚度的关系式为 h=14.585t1/2+19.514。

6.宣宇娜,唐佳斌,冯凯,周赵琪,詹秦芳,李会英,王振卫,蒋继波.工艺参数对316 L不锈钢电解抛光效果的影响[A].电镀与涂饰,2023,42(5): 47-55.

Abstract: The temperature and flow rate of the electrolyte for electrolytic polishing of 316 L stainless steel were optimized by orthogonal test. The effects of current density and polishing time on surface properties of 316L stainless steel were further studied by single-factor experiments. The results showed that the surface roughness of 316 L stainless steel was decreased initially and then increased with the extending of polishing time or the increasing of current density. The surface of 316 L stainless steel was smooth and uniform with the fewest defects and a roughness (Ra) as low as 0.51 μm after electrolytic polishing at temperature 60 °C, current density 45 A/dm2, and flow rate of electrolyte 800 mL/min for 90 s. After electrolytic polishing, the Fe-rich oxides on the surface of 316 L stainless steel were effectively removed, and a passivation film mainly composed of Cr2O3 was formed, improving the corrosion resistance of 316 L stainless steel.


5.Xiao Tang, Zhenwei Wang, Dandan Cai, Qinsi Shao, Ziwei Qin, Yang Liu, Wenxian Li, Ying Li, Jiujun Zhang.NiO nanoparticles decorated pine needle‑liked CuO as efcient electrocatalysts to boost methanol oxidation reaction[A].Ionics, 2023, 29: 3693–3701.

Abstract: Design and synthesis of high-performance and low-cost electrocatalysts for methanol oxidation reaction (MOR) are of great signifcance in energy conversion applications. In this work, g-NiO/CuO composites with high catalytic performance for MOR are successfully synthesized by a template method using g-C3N4 fakes as the sacrifcial template. NiO nanoparticles are dispersed uniformly on the surface of the pine needle-liked CuO substrate, resulting in a synergistic efect which can enhance the electrocatalytic MOR activity and stability of g-NiO/CuO catalysts. The catalyst shows a maximum peak current density of 159 mA/cm2 and also long-term stability. The bimetal-oxide-synergistic strategy in this work highlights a promising way for the design of catalysts with high electrochemical performance for direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs).

4.Yanyan Chen, Qinhao Shi, Shengyu Zhao, Wuliang Feng, Yang Liu, Xinxin Yang, Zhenwei Wang, Yufeng Zhao.Investigation on the Air Stability of P2-Layered TransitionMetal Oxides by Nb Doping in Sodium Ion Batteries[A].Batteries, 2023, 9(18): 1-13.

Abstract: Sodium-ion batteries are regarded as a substitution for lithium-ion batteries for its abundant resources, wide distribution, low cost, etc. The P2-layered sodium transition metal oxides(P2-NaxTMO2) have attracted extensive attention due to their high rate and cycling properties. However, P2-NaxTMO2 often undergoes structural transformations when exposed in ambient air, which restricts its practical applications. Herein we studied the effect of Nb doping on the air stabilityof P2-NaxTMO2. We demonstrated that the Nb-induced surface preconstructed layer inhibitedthe surface dissolution of the P2 material in the electrochemical reaction and formed a stable andthin (cathode–electrolyte interphase) CEI film, which prevented water molecules from enteringthe P2-NaxTMO2 lattice. Na0.67Mn0.67Ni0.33Nb0.03O2 could exhibit superior rate performance (areversible capacity of 72.5 mAh/g at 20 C) and outstanding cycling performance (84.43% capacity retention after 1000 cycles at 5 C) in a half cell after exposed in a moisture atmosphere (RH93%) for 20 days.

3. Shu-Ling Cheng, Xiu-Ping Yin, Samrat Sarkar, Zhen-Wei Wang, Qiu-An Huang, Jiu-Jun Zhang, Yu-Feng Zhao. A novel Mo8.7Nb6.1Ox@NCs egg-nest composite structure assuperior anode material for lithium-ion storage[A].RARE METALS, 2022, 41:  2645–2654.

Abstract: Anode materials of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) endowed with high-rate performance and fast charging capability are crucial for future energy storage systems.Here, Mo8.7Nb6.1Ox@NCs (nitrogen-doped carbon nan-otubes, NCs) egg-nest structure synthesized by an in-situ solvothermal method is reported. The Mo8.7Nb6.1Ox@NCs egg-nest exhibits high embedding potential, high pseudo-capacitance contribution rate (87.5%), and low charge transfer resistance. The electrochemical results show that Mo8.7Nb6.1Ox@NCs demonstrates excellent rate performance (reversible capacity of 196.8 mAh/Ag at 10 A/Ag, and full charging only takes 1.1 min) and excellent cycle stability (reversible capacity of 513 mAh/Ag at 0.5 A/Ag combined with a capacity loss of only 5.4% after 100 cycles), outperforming the state-of-the-art literature. The full cell is assembled with Mo8.7Nb6.1Ox@NCs as the anode and LiFePO4 as the cathode, which can provide a remarkably high energy density of 731.9 Wh/kg, indicating its excellent prospect for practical applications.


2.Xiuyu Sun, Zhenwei Wang, Wei Yan, Chuangan Zhou. Study of the Relationship between Metal–Support Interactions and the Electrocatalytic Performance of Pt/Ti4O7 with Different Loadings[A].Catalysts, 2022, 12(5): 480.

Abstract: The application potential of Pt/Ti4O7 has been reported, but the lack of research on the relationship between Pt loading, MSI, and catalytic activity hinders further development. Micronsized Ti4O7 powders synthesized by a thermal reduction method under an H2 atmosphere were used as a support material for Pt-based catalysts. Using a modified polyol method, Pt/Ti4O7-5, Pt/Ti4O7-10, andPt/Ti4O7-20 with different mass ratios (Pt to Pt/Ti4O7 is 0.05, 0.1, 0.2) were successfully synthesized. Uniformly dispersed platinum nanoparticles exhibit disparate morphologiesrod-like for Pt/Ti4O7-5 and approximately spherical for Pt/Ti4O7-10 and Pt/Ti4O7-20. Small-angle deflections and lattice reconstruction induced by strong metal–support interactions were observed in Pt/Ti4O7-5, which indicated the formation of a new phase at the interface. However, lattice distortions and dislocations for higher loading samples imply the existence of weak metal–support interactions. A possible mechanism is proposed to explain the different morphologies and varying metal–support interactions (MSI). With X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, spectrums of Pt and Ti display apparent shifts in binding energy compared with commercial Pt-C and non-platinized Ti4O7, which can properly explain the changes in absorption ability and oxygen reduction reaction activity,as described in the electrochemical results. The synthetic method, Pt loading, and surface coverage of the support play an important role in the adjustment of MSI, which gives significant guidance for better utilizing MSI to prepare the target catalyst.


1.Haining Peng, Li Dong, Shiyuan Gao, Zhenwei Wang. Increasing the oxygen-containing functional groups of oxidized multi-walled carbon nanotubes to improve high-rate-partial-state-of-charge performance[A].RSC Advances, 2022, 12: 4475.

Abstract: Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with different oxygen functional groups were prepared from hot nitric acid reflux treatment. The acid-treated MWCNTs (a-MWCNTs) were introduced to negative active materials (NAMs) of lead-acid batteries (LABs) and the high-rate-partial-state-of-charge (HRPSoC) performance of the LABs was evaluated. A-MWCNTs with high quantities of carboxylic (COO) and carbonyl (CO) functional groups significantly improve the lead sulfate (PbSO4) reduction to lead (Pb) and thereby improve HRPSoC cycle life. The addition of a-MWCNTs to NAMs is helpful for the formationof larger crystals of ternary lead sulfate (3BS). The improved LABs performance is due to the formation of a sponge crisscrossed rod-like structure at the negative plate in the presence of a-MWCNTs. This unique channels structure is conducive to the diffusion of the electrolyte into the negative plate and delays the PbSO4 accumulation during HRPSoC cycles. The HRPSoC cycle life with a-MWCNTs is significantly prolonged up to the longest cycles of 39580 from 19712. In conclusion, oxygen-containing groups on the a-MWCNTs showed significant influence on the curing process and forming process and then improved HRPSoC performance.