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22.J. TaoX. CaiY. LiL. HuangX. ZhangH. ZhangD. MaL. RanW. SongA Synergistic Zincophilic and Hydrophobic Supramolecule Shielding Layer for Actualizing Long-Term Zinc-Ion BatteriesAdv. Energy Mater. 2024, 2403662. https://doi.org/10.1002/aenm.202403662

21.Jingchen Tao,Xinxin Cai,Yiran Li,Liang Huang,Xueying Zhang,Huiquan Zhang,Dongmin Ma,Ran Liang,Weixing Song,A Synergistic Zincophilic and Hydrophobic Supramolecule Shielding Layer for Actualizing Long‐Term Zinc‐Ion Batteries. Adv. Energy Mater.2024,DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202403662

20.Z. BieZ. JiaoX. CaiZ. WangX. ZhangY. LiW. SongPomegranate-Inspired Cathodes Mitigate the Mismatch Between Carrier Transport and High Loading for Aqueous Zinc-Ion BatteriesAdv. Energy Mater. 202414, 2401002. https://doi.org/10.1002/aenm.202401002

19.Y. LiM. ZhangH. LuX. CaiZ. JiaoS. LiW. SongBoosting High-Performance Aqueous Zinc-Ion Hybrid Capacitors via Organic Redox Species on Laser-Induced Graphene NetworkAdv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 2400663. https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202400663

18、Jiao, Z. Y.; Cai, X. X.; Wang, X, X.; Li, Y, R.; Bie, Z.; Song, W.X.* ;Trace Amount of Nitrilotriacetate Induced Electrolyte Evolution and Textured Surface for Stable Zn Anode. Adv. Energy Mater. 2023. DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202302676

17、Cai, X. X.; Wang, X, X.; Bie, Z.; Jiao, Z. Y.; Li, Y, R.; Yan, W.; Fan, H. J.*;Song, W.X.* ; A Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembled Biomacromolecule Film for Stable Zinc Anode. Adv. Mater. 2023. DOI10.1002/adma.202306734

16、Zhu, J. B.; Tao, J, C.; Yan, W.; Song, W.X.* ; Pathways toward wearable and high-performance sensors based on hydrogels: toughening networks and conductive networks. Natl Sci Rev, 2023. DOI10.1093/nsr/nwad180

15、Yan, W.; Ma, C. B.; Cai, X. X.; Sun, Y. Y.; Zhang, G. L.*; Song, W.X.*, Self-powered and wireless physiological monitoring system with integrated power supply and sensors. Nano Energy. 2023, 108203. DOI10.1016/j.nanoen.2023.108203

14、Zhu, J. B.; Bie, Z.; Cai, X. X.; Jiao, Z. Y.; Wang, Z. T.; Tao, J. C.; Song, W. X.*; Fan, H. J.*, Molecular sieve electrolyte membrane enables separator-free zinc batteries with ultralong cycle life. Adv. Mater. 2022, 34, 2207209. DOI10.1002/adma.202207209

13、Bie, Z.; Yang, Q.; Cai, X. X.; Chen, Z.; Jiao, Z. Y.; Zhu, J. B.; Li, Z. F.; Liu, J. Z.; Song, W. X.*; Zhi, C. Y.*, One-Step Construction of a Polyporous and Zincophilic Interface for Stable Zinc Metal Anodes. Adv. Energy Mater. 2022, 12, 2202683. DOI10.1002/aenm.202202683

12、Song, W. X.*; Bie, Z.; Yan, W.; Zhu, J. B.; Ma, W. T., Interfacial engineering of nanostructured photoanode in fiber dye-sensitized solar cells for self-charging power systems. EcoMat. 2022, 4, e12177. DOI10.1002/eom2.12177

11、Ma, W. T.; Zhang, M. Q. ; Yan, W.; Zhu, J. B. ; Liu, J. Z.; Song, W. X.*, Ultralight self-charging triboelectric power paper with enhanced on-chip energy storage. Nano Energy. 2022, 101, 107601. DOI:10.1016/j.nanoen.2022.107601

10、Zhu, J.; Huang, X.; Song, W. X.*, Physical and Chemical Sensors on the Basis of Laser-Induced Graphene: Mechanisms, Applications, and Perspectives. ACS Nano. 2021, 15,18708. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.1c05806

9、Wang, Z.; Zhang, M.; Ma, W.; Zhu, J.; Song, W. X.*, Application of Carbon Materials in Aqueous Zinc Ion Energy Storage Devices. Small. 2021, 17, 2100219.(Review)DOI: 10.1002/smll.202100219

8、Song, W. X.; Cao, G. Z.*, Surface-defect passivation through complexation with organic molecules leads to enhanced power conversion efficiency and long term stability of perovskite photovoltaics. Sci. China-Mater. 2020, 63, 479.DOI: 10.1007/s40843-020-1249-3

7、Ma, W.; Zhu, J.; Wang, Z.; Song, W. X.*; Cao, G. Z.*, Recent advances in preparation and application of laser-induced graphene in energy storage devices. Mater. Today Energy. 2020, 18, 100569.DOI: 10.1016/j.mtener.2020.100569

6、Ma, W. T.; Li, X. Y.; Lu, H. B.; Zhang, M. Q. ; Yang, X. F.; Zhang, T. T.; Wu, L. F.; Cao, G. Z.; Song, W. X.*, A flexible self-charged power panel for harvesting and storing solar and mechanical energy. Nano Energy. 2019, 65, 104082.DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2019.104082

5、Song, W. X.; Yin, X.; Liu, D.; Ma, W.; Zhang, M.; Li, X.; Cheng, P.; Zhang, C.; Wang, J.*; Wang, Z. L.*, A highly elastic self-charging power system for simultaneously harvesting solar and mechanical energy. Nano Energy. 2019, 65, 103997.DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2019.103997

4、Zhu, J. X.*; Guo, X. Y.; Meng, D. H.; Cho, M.; Park, I.; Huang, R.*; Song, W. X.*, A flexible comb electrode triboelectric–electret nanogenerator with separated microfibers for a self-powered position, motion direction and acceleration tracking sensor. J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, 6, 16548.DOI: 10.1039/c8ta04443k

3、Song, W. X.; Zhu, J. X.; Gan, B. H.; Zhao, S. Y.; Wang, H.; Li, C. J.*; Wang, J.*, Flexible, Stretchable, and Transparent Planar Microsupercapacitors Based on 3D Porous Laser-Induced Graphene. Small. 2017, 14, 1702249.DOI: 10.1002/smll.201702249

2、Pu, X.; Song, W. X.(共一); Liu, M. M.; Sun, C. W.; Du, C. H.; Jiang, C. Y.; Huang, X.; Zou, D. C.*; Hu, W. G.*; Wang, Z. L.*, Wearable Power-Textiles by Integrating Fabric Triboelectric Nanogenerators and Fiber-Shaped Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 6, 1601048.DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201601048

1、Song, W. X.; Gan, B. H.; Jiang, T.; Zhang, Y.; Yu, A. F.; Yuan, H. T.; Chen, N.; Sun, C. W.*; Wang, Z. L.*, Nanopillar Arrayed Triboelectric Nanogenerator as a Self-Powered Sensitive Sensor for a Sleep Monitoring System. ACS Nano. 2016, 10, 8097.DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b04344