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Thanks for your interest in the Zhu Research Group. We are excited to learn more about you. To apply for a position in our lab, please see details below.          

Postdoctoral Fellows


To apply for a postdoctoral position, please send a cover letter, a resume with publication list and contact information for three references, and a research summary (less than two pages) by e-mail to Professor Zhu. In your cover letter, please include your future career goals you plan to pursue. We provide a salary around 280,000~600,000 RMB per year. Postdoc from top 100 overseas Universities will recieve a salary of more than 400,000 RMB per year.


Graduate Students


Every year, we have 2 positions for master student and 2-3 positions for Ph.D. student. To apply for a Ph.D. graduate student position, please send a cover letter, a resume with publication list and contact information for two references, and a research summary (less than two pages) by e-mail to Professor Zhu. Prospective students are encouraged to apply to our summer camp program through this link. (保送生可以从化院主页相关链接申请夏令营,对课题组感兴趣的可以直接邮件联系。南京大学博士生为申请考核制,欢迎优秀硕士生申请。)




Visiting Scholars


We have enjoyed hosting visiting researchers from all over the world and welcome those of you who wish to pursue a temporary sabbatical stay with us. Please apply to Professor Zhu. Include a brief statement of your future career goals and a resume. (欢迎联合培养学生和访问学者,提供文章、毕业和工作支持)


Our Address

State Key Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Organic Materials
Office: D513;   Labs: G527, G528
New Chemistry Building, 163 Xianlin Ave, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 210023

Office:   +86 25.5492.5126
Lab:   +86 25.5492.5127

E: shaolinzhu at nju.edu.cn