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Xiaoli Zhang, Lei Shi*, Yushen Zhang,Preparation of organic-inorganic PDI/BiO2-x photocatalyst with boosted photocatalytic performance,  Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2022, 132, 10411
Jiaowei Yan, Lei Shi* , Fangxiao Wang, Lizhu Yao, The boosted and inactivated mechanism of photocatalytic hydrogen

evolution from pure water over CoP modified phosphorus doped MnxCd1-xS, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2022, 131, 104195

Ting Liu, Lei Shi *, Zhimeng Wang, Dongmei Liu, Preparation of Ag2O/Bi12O17Cl2 p-n junction photocatalyst and its photocatalytic performance under visible and infrared light, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2022, 632,127811

Yangyang Liu , Ying Zhang , Lei Shi *, One-step synthesis of S-doped and nitrogen-defects co-modifiedmesoporous g-C3N4 with excellent photocatalytic hydrogen production efficiency and degradation ability, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2022, 641, 128577