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澳门材料科学与工程研究院SEECAT课题组诚招博士研究生(催化材料)/Doctoral Student Recruitment


The Wu Group actively seek applicants from a diverse backgrounds to conduct their Ph.D study and research with SEECAT. We have openings in the filed of (a) photo(electro)catalytic overall water splitting, (b) photocatalytic methane oxidation, (c) artificial photosynthesis of ammonia, and (d) photoelectrochemical sensing device. We encourage any candidates interested in joining SEECAT to provide a short statement to express your interest and future career plan. The Wu Group supports the joint academic training for our doctoral students with the School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong. We also sponsor doctoral students to attend international conferences. SEECAT laboratory will do its best to provide students with an international learning and research environment, and pursue the diversity of students in the process of doctoral admissions. Students who are determined to start technological entrepreneurship and scientific research technology transformation are welcome to apply, the group and research institute will provide relevant platforms. Prospective applicants are welcome to contact Dr. Hao WU directly.

博士生(PhD Student: 具有本科或研究生及以上学历,具有SCI文章者优先考虑;此外,研究生院要求提供英语能力证明:四级480分以上,或六级450分以上,或雅思6.0以上,或托福79分以上;语言要求详情请参考:

被录取的博士生可申请全额奖学金,比如澳科大的参与学术研究助学金 (PGS),包含学费全额资助(约9000澳门币/月)(1澳门币≈ 0.87人民币),豁免指定宿舍住宿费(约2500 澳门币/月),以及每月生活津贴4500澳门币。



澳门材料科学和工程研究院(macao institute of materials science and engineeringmimse), 由中国科学院院士,发展中国家科学院院士李述汤教授于20211月领衔组建。mimse主要面向功能材料、高效光电催化、智能显示、生物医用与大健康领域,以先进功能材料为核心,重点开展信息显示、有机光电器件、纳米催化、新能源、生物医用材料、功能表面与界面等方向的前沿交叉融合创新。
珠海澳科大科技研究院(zhuhai-m.u.s.t. science and technology research institute),统称“澳科大产学研基地”,启用于20212 ,是澳门科技大学在粤港澳大湾区内建设的产学研示范基地。目前珠海澳科大科技研究院已拥有2个国家重点实验室分部、6个大湾区联合实验室、7个创新工程领域科研院所,以及1个国家海外人才离岸创新创业基地。

有意者请将个人简历+应聘岗位+代表性发表文章(如有)+ 计划到岗时间等发送至吴教授邮箱(wuhao@must.edu.mo)(邮件主题请注明:姓名+毕业学校+应聘岗位)感谢关注!