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1) Qichao Ran*, Wei Zhang, and Pengcheng Li. Study on Silicon-Containing Main Chain Type Polybenzoxazines with Both High Heat Resistance and Low Dielectric  Constant. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2023.

2) Hanwu Wang, Peng Wang, Jiamin Li, Qichao Ran*. Facile Preparation and Improved Electrochemical Performance of Oxygen-Enriched Porous Carbon Materials Based  on  Diacetal-containing Polybenzoxazine. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2023, 308:2200508

3)  Tianming Xiao, Peng Wang, Qichao Ran*. Preparation and enhanced flame retardancy of co-polybenzoxazines containing diacetal structure. Polymers for Advanced  Technologies, 2022, 33:4371-4380. 

4)  Wanghezi Xu, Hanwu Wang, Qichao Ran*. Facile preparation and properties of polybenzoxazine/graphene porous nanocomposites for electromagnetic wave absorption, Polymer Engineering & Science, 2022, 62:2580–2591. 

5)  王汉武, 贾瑞敏, 冉起超*. 生物基苯并噁嗪作为环氧树脂潜伏性固化剂的研究. 功能高分子学报, 2022,35(3),236-243.

6) Shuai Zhang, Tiange Lan, Dengxun Ren, Xiaobo Liu,* Qichao Ran*. Tuning the polymerization sequence of alkynyl-functionalized benzoxazine: application as precursor for efficient magnetic EMI shielding materials. Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56, 10691–10705. 

7)      Peng Wang, Shuai Zhang, Wanghezi Xu, Tianming Xiao, Qichao Ran*. High Heat-Resistant and Degradable Polybenzoxazines with a Diacetal Structure. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9, 7913-7921. 

8)      Shuai Zhang, Qichao Ran*, Xiaokun Zhang, Yi Gu. Polymerization mechanism of 1,3-benzoxazine catalyzed by PCl5 and rearrangement of chemical structures. European Polymer Journal, 2021, 142, 110133. 

9)      Shuai Zhang, Qichao Ran*, Xiaokun Zhang, Yi Gu. Effects of the curing atmosphere on the structures and properties of polybenzoxazine films. Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56, 2748–2762. 

10)      Xuan Xue, Tianming Xiao, Yu Liu, Qichao Ran*. Time–temperature–transformation (TTT) and TTT–viscosity diagrams of a typical benzoxazine resin. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2021, 138, e49737. 

11)      Peng Wang, Ming Liu, Qichao Ran*. The study on curing and weight-loss mechanisms of benzoxazine during thermal curing process. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2020, 179, 109279. 

12)      Junwen Ren, Qihan Li, Lei Yan, Lichuan Ji, Xiaolong Huang*, Lihua ZhaoQichao Ran*, Mingli Fu. Enhanced thermal conductivity of epoxy composites by introducing graphene@boron nitride nanosheets hybrid nanoparticles. Materials & Design, 2020, 191, 108663. 

13)      Shuai Zhang, Jiapeng Zong, Qichao Ran*, Yi Gu. Facile Preparation of Lightweight and Robust Polybenzoxazine Foams. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59, 16, 7575-7583. 

14)      Yi Xu, Pengcheng Li, Liying Li, Jie Dai, Qichao Ran*, Yi Gu. Thermal degradation mechanism of a cured acetylene/aldehyde functional benzoxazine with high thermal stability, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2020, 171, 109041.

15)   Shuai Zhang, Qiang Fu*, Qichao Ran*, Yan Wang, Yi Gu. Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Property of Polybenzoxazine/Graphene/Nickel Composites. Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2019, 139, 104324.

16)   Shuai Zhang, Qichao Ran*, Qiang Fu*, Yi Gu. Carbonized polybenzoxazine for electromagnetic interference shielding. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2019, 236, 121806. 

17)   Pengcheng Li, Jie Dai, Yi Xu, Qichao Ran*, Yi Gu. A conjugated alkyne functional bicyclic polybenzoxazine with superior heat resistance. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2019, 57, 1587-1592. 

18)   Jiapeng Zong, Qichao Ran*. Ring Opening Reaction of 3,4-Dihydro-2H-1,3-Benzoxazine with Amines at Room Temperature. ChemistrySelect, 2019, 4, 6687-6696. 

19)   Shuai Zhang, Qichao Ran*, Qiang Fu*, Yi Gu. Thermal responsiveness of hydrogen bonding and dielectric property of polybenzoxazines with different Mannich bridge structures. Polymer, 2019, 175, 302-309. 

20)   Shuai Zhang, Qichao Ran*, Qiang Fu*, Yi Gu. Controlled polymerization of 3,4-dihydro-2H-1,3-benzoxazine and its properties tailored by Lewis acids. Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2019, 139, 75-84. 

21)   Yu Liu, Qichao Ran*, Yi Gu. Preparation and properties of benzoxazine blends with intumescent flame retardancy. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2019, 163, 15-24. 

22)   Shuai Zhang, Shuya Yin, Qichao Ran*, Qiang Fu*, Yi Gu. Facile preparation of polybenzoxazine/graphene nanocomposites for electromagnetic interference shielding. Polymer, 2019, 162, 20-28. 

23)   Ka Zeng, Jiayue Huang, Junwen Ren, Qichao Ran*. Curing Reaction of Benzoxazine Under High Pressure and the Effect on Thermal Resistance of Polybenzoxazine. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2019, 220, 1800340. 

24)   Shuai Zhang, Qichao Ran*, Qiang Fu*, Yi Gu. Preparation of Transparent and Flexible Shape Memory Polybenzoxazine Film through Chemical Structure Manipulation and Hydrogen Bonding Control. Macromolecules, 2018, 51, 6561-6570. 

25)   代洁,李鹏程,朱蓉琪,冉起超*,顾宜一种高残炭新型苯并噁嗪树脂的固化及热解动力学功能高分子学报2018, (2)114-120.

26)   Yi Xu, Jie Dai, Qichao Ran*, Yi Gu*. Greatly improved thermal properties of polybenzoxazine via modification by acetylene/aldehyde groups. Polymer, 2017, 123, 232-239.

27)   Yiqing Xia, Yifeng Lin, Qichao Ran,* Rongqi Zhu and Yi Gu*. Modification of benzoxazine with aryl-ether-etherketone diphenol: preparation and characterization, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 1617-1625. 

28)   李亚龙,何思敏,文友谊,李彩林,冉起超*,顾宜. RTM用双马树脂的化学流变性与固化动力学热固性树脂, 2017, 3, 13-18.

29)   李亚龙,何思敏,文友谊,罗辑,冉起超*,顾宜一种低粘度双马树脂及其复合材料的性能研究玻璃钢/复合材料, 2017, 3, 81-85.

30)   张琪,敬茂,冉起超*,顾宜*. 一种适用于热熔法制备预浸料的阻燃型苯并噁嗪树脂的研究, 玻璃钢/复合材料, 2016, 2, 63-66.

31)   Yi Xu, Qichao Ran*, Chao Li, Rongqi Zhu, Yi Gu*, Study on the catalytic prepolymerization of an acetylene-functional benzoxazine and the thermal degradation of its cured product, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 82429-82437. 

32)   Chao Li, Qichao Ran*, Rongqi Zhu, Yi Gu*, Study on thermal degradation mechanism of a cured aldehyde-functional benzoxazine, Rsc Advances, 2015, 5, 22593-22600. 

33)   Huachuan Zhang, Min Li, Yuyuan Deng, Chengxi Zhang, Qichao Ran*, Yi Gu*. A novel polybenzoxazine containing styrylpyridine structure via the Knoevenagel reaction. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014, 131, 40823. 

34)   Zhi Wang, Qichao Ran*, Rongqi Zhu, Yi Gu*. Curing behaviors and thermal properties of benzoxazine and N, N′-(2, 2, 4-trimethylhexane-1, 6-diyl) dimaleimide blend. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 129, 1124–1130.

35)   Zhi Wang, Jiacheng Zhao, Qichao Ran*, Rongqi Zhu, Yi Gu*. Research on curing mechanism and thermal property of bis-allyl benzoxazine and N,N0-(2,2,4-trimethylhexane-1,6-diyl) dimaleimide blend. Reactive & Functional Polymers, 2013, 73, 668–673. 

36)   Pei Zhao, Qian Zhou, Xin Liu, Rongqi Zhu, Qichao Ran*, Yi Gu*. Phase separation in benzoxazine/epoxy resin blending systems. Polymer Journal, 2013, 45, 637–644. 

37)   Pei Zhao, Xiaomin Liang, Jie Chen, Qichao Ran*, Yi Gu*. Poly(ether imide)-Modified Benzoxazine Blends: Influences of Phase Separation and Hydrogen Bonding Interactions on the Curing Reaction. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 128, 2865–2874.

38)   Hongyuan Wang, Pei Zhao, Hong Ling, Qichao Ran*, Yi Gu*. The Effect of Curing Cycles on Curing Reactions and Properties of a Ternary System Based on Benzoxazine, Epoxy Resin, and Imidazole. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 127, 2169-2175.

39)   Xiaodan Li*, Xiaoyong Luo, Ming Liu, Qichao Ran*, Yi Gu*. The catalytic mechanism of benzoxazine to the polymerization of cyanate ester. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2014, 148, 328-334.

40)   陆德鹏,朱蓉琪,冉起超*,顾宜咪唑盐离子液催化苯并噁嗪固化反应的研究热固性树脂, 2014, 5, 10-13.

41)   刘明李超,张娜,冉起超*,顾宜*. 双酚A/苯胺型苯并噁嗪热开环聚合过程中的质量损失及机理研究热固性树脂, 2013, 5, 15-20.

42)   Qichao Ran, Dongxia Zhang, Rongqi Zhu, Yi Gu*. The structural transformation during polymerization of benzoxazine/FeCl3 and the effect on the thermal stability. Polymer, 2012, 53, 4119-4127. 

43)   Qichao Ran, Yi Gu*. Concerted Reactions of Aldehyde Groups during Polymerization of an Aldehyde-Functional Benzoxazine. Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2011, 49, 1671-1677.

44)   Qichao Ran, Nian Gao, Yi Gu*. Thermal stability of polybenzoxazines with lanthanum chloride and their crosslinked structures. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2011, 96, 1610-1615.

45)   冉起超,高念,李培源,朱蓉琪,盛兆碧,顾宜. 一种RTM用苯并噁嗪树脂的工艺性及其复合材料性能. 复合材料学报. 2011, 28, 15-20. (EI)

46)   张华川,冉起超*,顾宜*. 咪唑催化苯并噁嗪-环氧树脂固化反应动力学及固化工艺的研究. 四川大学学报. 2011, 43, 228-233. (EI)

47)   Qichao Ran, Qiao Tian, Cao Li, Yi Gu. Investigation of processing, thermal, and mechanical properties of a new composite matrix-benzoxazine containing aldehyde group. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2010, 21, 170-176.

48)   Qichao Ran, Peiyuan Li, Chi Zhang, Yi Gu. Chemorheology and curing kinetics of a new RTM benzoxazine resin. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2009, 46, 674-681.

49)   Qichao Ran, Qiao Tian, Yi Gu. Synthesis of 3-Phenyl-6-formyl-3, 4-dihydro- 2H-1, 3-benzoxazine. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2006, 17, 1305-1308.



1)    《聚苯并噁嗪原理性能应用》,顾宜,冉起超著,十二五国家重点出版物出版规划项目,科学出版社,2019.

2)    《高性能热固性树脂》,赵彤,周恒著,十三五国家重点出版物出版规划项目,中国铁道出版社,202012. 参编第6章。

3)      Yi Gu and Qichao Ran. “Polybenzoxazine / fiber composites,” in “Handbook of Benzoxazine Resins, chapter.28” [book] Ishida, H., Agag, T. Eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2011.7. 481-194.

4)      Qichao Ran, Hatsuo Ishida, Yi Gu. “Thermal degradation mechanism of polybenzoxazines” in “Advanced and Emerging Polybenzoxazine Science and Technologychapter.11” [book] Ishida, H. Eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2017.