94. Identifying dehydration-induced shear velocity anomaly in the Earth’s core-mantle boundary.
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93. Enhanced optical anisotropy of six-coordinated silica polymorphs via high-pressure hydrothermal treatment.
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92. PyLRO: A Python calculator for analyzing long-range structural order.
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91. A gas chromatography system for measuring carbonaceous gases released at high-pressure and high-temperature conditions.
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90. Earth's core-mantle boundary shaped by crystalizing a hydrous terrestrial magma ocean.
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89. Kinetic and thermodynamic transition pathways of silica by machine learning: Implication for meteorite impacts.
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88. Deviatoric stress-induced metallization, layer reconstruction and collapse of van der Waals bonded zirconium disulfide.
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87. 大气增氧机制:地球表层过程与深部氧化还原状态的耦合.
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85. Revealing the universal pressure-driven behavior of hybrid halide perovskites and unique optical modifiability in extremely soft 2D tin-based system.
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84. Pressure aging: An effective process to liberate the power of high-pressure materials research.
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83. Downshift of d-states and the decomposition of silver halides.
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82. Magnetic collapse and low conductivity of Fe3N in the deep interiors of Earth-like planets.
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81. Pressure-driven metallization with significant changes of structural and photoelectric properties in two-dimensional EuSbTe3
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80. Pressure-induced emission in 0D metal halide (EATMP) SbBr5 by regulating exciton–phonon coupling.
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79. Exciton engineering of 2D Ruddlesden–Popper perovskites by synergistically tuning the intra and interlayer structures.
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78. Pressure distinguishes the dual emissions in pseudohalide 2D Ruddlesden-Popper perovskite Cs2Pb(SCN)2Br2
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77. Silica-water superstructure and one-dimensional superionic conduit in Earth’s mantle
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76. Phase diagram and thermoelastic property of iron oxyhydroxide across the spin crossover under extreme conditions
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75. Mechanochemistry and the evolution of ionic bonds in dense silver iodide
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74. Pressure-modulated anomalous organic-inorganic interactions enhance structural distortion and second-harmonic generation in MHyPbBr3 perovskite
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73. Anomalous charge transfer from organic ligands to metal halides in zero-dimensional [(C6H5)4P]2SbCl5 enabled by pressure-induced lone pair-π Interaction
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72. Manipulating Peierls distortion in van der Waals NbOX2 maximizes second-harmonic generation
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71. Reconfiguring band-edge states and charge distribution of organic semiconductor–incorporated 2D perovskites via pressure gating
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70. Hydrous SiO2 in subducted oceanic crust and H2O transport to the core-mantle boundary
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69. Nested order-disorder framework containing a crystalline matrix with self-filled amorphous-like innards
Bu, K., Hu, Q., Qi, X., Wang, D., Guo, S., Luo, H., Lin, T., Guo, X., Zeng, Q., Ding, Y., Huang, F., Yang, W., Mao, H.-k. and Lü, X.*
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68. Piezochromic luminescence of dicoronylene: Key for revealing hidden Raman modes at high pressure
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67. The evolution of electrical conductivity and semiconductor to metal transition of iron oxides at extreme conditions
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66. Tracing the Anharmonicity and Superionic Phase Transition of Hydrous FeO2H
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65. Topological ordering of memory glass on extended length scales
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64. Mid-mantle water transportation implied by the electrical and seismic properties of ε-FeOOH
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63. Medium-range structure motifs of complex iron oxides
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62. High temperature melting curve of basaltic glass by laser flash heating
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61. Freeze-thaw controlled aggregation mechanism of humic acid-coated goethite: Implications for organic carbon preservation
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60. High pressure-temperature phase relations of basaltic crust up to mid-mantle conditions
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59. Pressure tuned incommensurability and guest structure transition in compressed scandium from machine learning atomic simulation
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58. 量子材料GaTa4Se8的基态研究
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57. 什么过程促发了古元古代大氧化事件?
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56. Ultrasound elasticity of diamond at gigapascal pressures
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55. Role of hydrogen and proton transportation in Earth's deep mantle
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54. Born’s valence force-field model for diamond at terapascals: Validity and implications for the primary pressure scale
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53. Phase transition mechanism and bandgap engineering of Sb2S3 at gigapascal pressures.
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52. Superionic iron oxide–hydroxide in Earth’s deep mantle
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51. Mineralogy of the deep lower mantle in the presence of H2O
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50. Evidence for oxygenation of Fe-Mg oxides at mid-mantle conditions and the rise of deep oxygen
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49. Deep mantle hydrogen in the pyrite-type FeO2-FeO2H system
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48. Unraveling the structural transition mechanism of room-temperature compressed graphite carbon
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47. Chemistry and P-V-T equation of state of FeO2Hx at the base of Earth’s lower mantle and their geophysical implications
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46. Metallization of Quantum Material GaTa4Se8 at High Pressure
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45. Enhanced photocurrent of all-inorganic two-dimensional perovskite Cs2PbI2Cl2 via pressure-regulated excitonic features
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44. Regulating off-centering distortion maximizes photoluminescence in halide perovskites
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43. The effect of nitrogen on the compressibility and conductivity of iron at high pressure
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42. Structure and stability of iron fluoride at high pressure–temperature and implication for a new reservoir of fluorine in the deep Earth
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41. Deviatoric stress induced quasi-reconstructive phase transition in ZnTe
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40. Evidence for the stability of ultrahydrous stishovite in Earth’s lower mantle
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39. Suppressed lattice disorder for large emission enhancement and structural robustness in hybrid lead iodide perovskite discovered by high‐pressure isotope effect
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38. The deep Earth engine driving major surface events.
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37. Reaching 90% photoluminescence quantum yield in one-dimensional metal halide C4N2H14PbBr4 by pressure-suppressed nonradiative loss
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36. Highly tunable properties in pressure-treated two-dimensional Dion–Jacobson perovskites
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35. Diffused morphotropic phase boundary in relaxor-PbTiO3 crystals: High piezoelectricity with improved thermal stability
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34. Potential interaction of noble gas atoms and anionic electrons in Ca2N
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33. Electronic spin transition in FeO2: Evidence for Fe(II) with peroxide O2-
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32. Experimental Evidence for Partially Dehydrogenated ε-FeOOH
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31. Global scale uniformitarianism and catastrophism dictated by crust‐to‐core volatile cycles
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30. Giant enhancements in electronic transport and photoelectric properties of bismuth oxysulfide by pressure-driven 2D-3D structural reconstruction
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29. Altered chemistry of oxygen and iron under deep Earth conditions
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28. Metal-to-semiconductor transition and electronic dimensionality reduction of Ca2N electride under pressure
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27. Structure-controlled oxygen concentration in Fe2O3 and FeO2
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26. Isothermal pressure-derived metastable states in 2D hybrid perovskites showing enduring bandgap narrowing
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25. Revealing the formation mechanism of ultrahardnanotwinned diamond from onion carbon
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24. Hydrogen-bearingiron peroxide and the origin of ultralow-velocity zones
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23. Two-regimes of bandgap redshift and partial ambient retention inpressure treated two-dimensional perovskites
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22. Hydrogen-bond symmetrization breakdown and dehydrogenation in compressed FeO2H
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21. When water meets iron at Earth’s core-mantle boundary
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20. Stability limits and transformation pathways of quartz under high pressure
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19. Dehydrogenation of goethite in Earth’s deep lower mantle
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18. Structural evolution behavior of manganese monophosphide under high pressure: experimental and theoretical study
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17. Structuralphase transitions of (Bi1-xSbx)2(Te1-ySey)3 compounds under high pressure and theinfluence of the atomic radius on the compression processes of tetradymites.
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16. Pressure‐Induced bandgap optimization in lead‐based perovskites with prolonged carrier lifetime and ambient retainability
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15. FeO2 and FeOOH under deep lower-mantle conditions and Earth’s oxygen–hydrogen cycles
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14. Diverse ruthenium nitrides stabilized under pressure: a theoretical prediction
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13. Crystal structure and transporting properties of Bi2S3 underhigh pressure: Experimental and theoretical studies
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12. Enhanced structural stabilityand photo responsiveness of CH3NH3SnI3 perovskite via pressure-induced amorphization and recrystallization.
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11. Simulataneous band-gap narrowingand carrier-lifetime prolongation of organic-inorganic trihalide perovskies
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10. Correlated structural and electronic phase transformation in transition metal chalcogenide under high pressure
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9. Polymorphic phase transition mechanism of compressed coesite
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8. Anomalous anisotropic compression behavior of superconducting CrAs under high pressure
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6. Structures and stability of novel transition metal (M=Co,Rh,Coand Ir) borides
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6. Structural phase transition in Bi2Se3 under high pressure
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5. New phase transition mechanisms in compressed silica.
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4. First-order liquid-liquid phase transition in cerium
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3. Pressure-induced amorphization in single-crystal Ta2O5 nanowires
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2. The effect of composition on pressure-induced devitrification in metallic glasses
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1. Nanoscale diffraction imaging of the high-pressure transition in Fe1−xO
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