Psychiatry Research, Cell & Bioscience, Neuroscience Letters, Cells, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Brain Research等SCI期刊特邀审稿人
Stress & Brain青年编委
W.B. Chen*, B. Luo*, N.N. Gao*, H.W. Li, H.S. Wang, L. Li, W.P. Cui, L. Zhang, D. Sun, F. Liu, Z.Q. Dong, X. Ren, H.S. Zhang, H.B. Su, W.C. Xiong and L. Mei (2021) "Neddylation stabilizes Nav1.1 to maintain interneuron excitability and prevent seizures in murine epilepsy models" J. Clin. Invest. 131:e136956. (Commentary by Stephen C. Cannon. J. Clin. Invest. 131(8):e148370, 2021.) (Editor’s Pick. JCI This Month, 2021, 5:2.)
H.S. Wang*, W.B. Chen*, Z.Q. Dong*, G.L. Xing, W.P. Cui, L.L. Yao, W.J. Zou, H. Robinson, Y.Y. Bian, Z.P. Liu, K. Zhao, B. Luo, N.N. Gao, H.S. Zhang, X. Ren, Z. Yu, J. Meixiong, W.C. Xiong and L. Mei (2022) "A novel spinal neuron connection for heat sensation" Neuron. 110:2315-2333. (Preview by Luo, Neuron 110:2206-2208, 2022)
Z.Q. Dong*, W.B. Chen*, C. Chen, H.S. Wang, W.P. Cui, Z.B. Tan, H. Robinson, N.N. Gao, B. Luo, L. Zhang, K. Zhao, W.C. Xiong and L. Mei (2020) "CUL3 deficiency causes social deficits and anxiety-like behaviors by impairing excitation-inhibition balance through the promotion of Cap-dependent translation" Neuron. 105:475-490. (Cover) (Preview by Maher, Neuron 105:398-399, 2020)
W.B. Chen*, H.Q. Pan*, Y. He, X.H. Wang, W.H. Zhang and B.X. Pan (2020) "Rap1b but not Rap1a in the forebrain is required for learned fear" Cell Biosci. 10:107.
D.Y. Ren*, B. Luo*, P. Chen, L.L. Yu, M.T. Xiong, Z.Q. Fu, T. Zhou, W.B. Chen# and E.K. Fei# (2023) "DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 2 (DGCR2), a schizophrenia risk gene, regulates dendritic spine development through cell adhesion" Cell Biosci. 13:134.
D. Lin*, L.H. Li*, W.B. Chen*, J. Chen, D.Y. Ren, Z.H. Zheng, C.Q. Zhao, Y.Z. Zhong, B. Luo, H.Y. Jing, P. Chen, S.Q. Zou, X.S. Lai, T. Zhou, N. Ding, L. Li, B.X. Pan*, E.K. Fei* (2023). LHPP, a risk factor for major depressive disorder, regulates stress-induced depression-like behaviors through its histidine phosphatase activity. Mol. Psychiatry. 28:908-918. (Image, Mol. Psychiatry., 2023, 28:517)
H.S. Wang*, W.P. Cui*, W.B. Chen*, F. Liu, Z.Q. Dong, G.L. Xing, B. Luo, N.N. Gao, W.J. Zou, K. Zhao, H.S. Zhang, X. Ren, Z. Yu, H. Robinson, Z.P. Liu, W.C. Xiong and L. Mei (2023) "The laterodorsal tegmentum-ventral tegmental area circuit controls depression-like behaviors by activating ErbB4 in DA neurons" Mol. Psychiatry. 28:1027-1045. (Cover)
W.B. Chen, J. Chen, Z.Y. Liu, B. Luo, T. Zhou and E.K. Fei (2020) "Metformin enhances excitatory synaptic transmission onto hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons" Brain Sci. 10:706.
H.S. Wang*, F. Liu*, W.B. Chen*, X.D. Sun, W.P. Cui, Z.Q. Dong, K. Zhao, H.S. Zhang, H.W. Li, G.L. Xing, E.K. Fei, B.X. Pan, B.M. Li, W.C. Xiong and L. Mei (2018) "Genetic recovery of ErbB4 in adulthood partially restores brain functions in null mice" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 115:13105-13110.
X.D. Sun*#, W.B. Chen*, D. Sun*, J. Huang, Y.Q. Li, J.X. Pan, Y.N. Wang, K. Zhao, Z.Q. Dong, H.S. Wang, L. Xiong, A.G. Xuan, S.T. Zhao, A. Pillai, W.C. Xiong# and L. Mei (2018) "Neogenin in amygdala for neuronal activity and information processing" J. Neurosci. 38:9600-9613.
S. Yao*, M.D. Xu*, Y. Wang*, S.T. Zhao*, J. Wang, G.F. Chen, W.B. Chen, J. Liu, G.B. Huang, W.J. Sun, Y.Y. Zhang, H.L., Hou, L. Li, X.D. Sun (2023) "Astrocytic lactate dehydrogenase A regulates neuronal excitability and depressive-like behaviors through lactate homeostasis in mice" Nat. Commun. 14:729.
D. Sun*, Z.B. Tan*, X.D. Sun, Z.P. Liu, W.B. Chen, L. Milibari, X. Ren, L.L. Yao, D.H. Lee, C. Shen, J.X. Pan, Z.H. Huang, L. Mei and W.C. Xiong (2021) "Hippocampal astrocytic neogenin regulating glutamate uptake, a critical pathway for preventing epileptic response" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 118:e2022921118.
B. Luo*, Z.Y. Liu*, D. Lin, W.B. Chen, D.Y. Ren, Z. Yu, M.T. Xiong, C.Q. Zhao, E.K. Fei#, and B.M. Li# (2021) "ErbB4 promotes inhibitory synapse formation by cell adhesion, independent of its kinase activity" Transl. Psychiatry. 11:361.
D. Sun, L. Milibari, J.X. Pan, X. Ren, L.L. Yao, Y. Zhao, C. Shen, W.B. Chen, F.L. Tang, D.H. Lee, J.S. Zhang, L. Mei and W.C. Xiong (2021) "Critical roles of embryonic born dorsal dentate granule neurons for activity-dependent increases in brain derived neurotrophic factor, adult hippocampal neurogenesis, and anti-anxiety-like behaviors" Biol. Psychiatry. 11:600-614.
T.K. Hui, X.S. Lai, X. Dong, H.Y. Jing, Z.Y. Liu, E.K. Fei, W.B. Chen, S.Q. Wang, D.Y. Ren, S.Q. Zou*, H.T. Wu# and B.X. Pan#(2021) "Ablation of Lrp4 in Schwann Cells Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration in Mice" Biology (Basel). 10:452.
H.S. Zhang, W.B. Chen, Z.B. Tan, L. Zhang, Z.Q. Dong, W.P. Cui, K. Zhao, H.S. Wang, H.Y. Jing, R.J. Cao, C. Kim, J.G. Safar, W.C. Xiong and L. Mei (2020) "A role of low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4 (LRP4) in astrocytic Aβ clearance" J. Neurosci. 40:5347-5361.(Commentary by Javier Cavieres-Lepe and Nicolás Stuardo, J. Neurosci. 41:3749-3751, 2021).
L. Zhang, H.Y. Jing, H.W. Li, W.B. Chen, B. Luo, H.S. Zhang, Z.Q. Dong, L. Li, H.B. Su, W.C. Xiong and L. Mei (2020) "Neddylation is critical to cortical development by regulating Wnt/β-catenin signaling" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 117:26448-26459.
J. Chen*, T. Zhou*, A.M. Guo, W.B. Chen, D. Lin, Z.Y. Liu and E.K. Fei (2020) "Metformin Ameliorates Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Depressive-Like Behaviors and Abnormal Glutamatergic Transmission" Biology (Basel). 9(11):359.
G.L. Xing*, H.Y. Jing*, L. Zhang, Y. Cao, L. Li, K. Zhao, Z.Q. Dong, W.B. Chen, H.S. Wang, R.J. Cao, W.C. Xiong and L. Mei (2019) "A mechanism in agrin signaling revealed by a prevalent Rapsyn mutation in congenital myasthenic syndrome" eLife. 8:e49180.
K. Zhao*, C.Y. Shen*#, L. Li, H.T. Wu, G.L. Xing, Z.Q. Dong, H.Y. Jing, W.B. Chen, H.S. Zhang, Z.B. Tan, J.X. Pan, L. Xiong, H.S. Wang, W.P. Cui, X.D. Sun, S.H. Li, X.P. Huang, W.C. Xiong and L. Mei# (2018) "Sarcoglycan Alpha Mitigates Neuromuscular Junction Decline in Aged Mice by Stabilizing LRP4" J. Neurosci. 38:8860-8873.
C.Y. Shen*#, L. Li*, K. Zhao*, L. Bai, A.L. Wang, X.Q. Shu, Y.T. Xiao, J.M. Zhang, K.J. Zhang, T.K. Hui, W.B. Chen, B. Zhang, W. Hsu, W.C. Xiong and L. Mei# (2018) "Motoneuron Wnts regulate neuromuscular junction development" eLife. 7:e34625.
M. Yan, Z.Y. Liu, E.K. Fei, W.B. Chen, X.S. Lai, B. Luo, P. Chen, H.Y. Jing, J.X. Pan, M.H. Rivner, W.C. Xiong and L. Mei (2018) "Induction of anti-agrin antibodies causes myasthenia gravis in mice" Neuroscience. 373:113-121.
Y.N. Wang*, D. Figueiredo*, X.D. Sun*, Z.Q. Dong, W.B. Chen, W.P. Cui, F. Liu, H.S. Wang, H.W. Li, H. Robinson, E.K. Fei, B.X. Pan, B.M. Li, W.C. Xiong and L. Mei (2018) "Controlling of glutamate release by neuregulin3 via inhibiting the assembly of the SNARE complex" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 115:2508-2513.
Z.P. Liu*, Q.H. He*, H.Q. Pan, X.B. Xu, W.B. Chen, Y. He, J. Zhou, W.H. Zhang, J.Y. Zhang, X.P. Ying, R.W. Han, B.M. Li, T.M. Gao# and B.X. Pan# (2017) "Delta Subunit-Containing Gamma-Aminobutyric acid a receptor disinhibits lateral amygdala and facilitates fear expression in mice" Biol. Psychiatry. 81:990-1002.
Z.P. Liu*, C. Song*, M. Wang, Y. He, X.B. Xu, H.Q. Pan, W.B. Chen, W.J. Peng and B.X. Pan (2014). "Chronic stress impairs GABAergic control of amygdala through suppressing the tonic GABAA receptor currents" Mol. Brain. 7:32.