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1.     Liu, M.; Zheng, X.; Grebe, V.; Pine, D. J.; Weck, M. Tunable Assembly of Hybrid Colloids Induced by Regioselective Depletion. Nat. Mater. 2020, 19, 1354-1361.当期封面)(当期热点评述

2.    Liu, M.; Fu, J.; Yang, S.; Wang, Y.; Jin, L.; Nah, S.; Gao, Y.; Ning, Y.; Murray, C.B.; Yang, S. Janus Microdroplets with Tunable Self-recoverable and Switchable Reflective Structural Colors. Adv. Mater.202335, 202207985.

3.    Liu, M.; Jin, L.; Yang, S.; Wang, Y.; Murray, C.B.; Yang, S. Shape Morphing Directed by Spatially Encoded, Dually Responsive Liquid Crystalline Elastomer Micro-actuators. Adv. Mater. 202335, 202208613.

4.    Liu, M.; Han, X.; Nah, S. H.; Wu, T.; Wang, Y.; Feng, L.; Wu, L.; Yang, S. Switching chirality in arrays of shape-reconfigurable spindle microparticles. Adv. Mater. 2023, 2303009. 入选Hot Topic: Liquid Crystals.

5.  Liu, M.; Dong, F.; Jackson, N.; Ward, M. D.; Weck, M. Customized Chiral Colloids. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2020142, 16528-16532. 当期热点文章

6.    Liu, M.; Zheng, X.; Grebe, V.; He, M.; Pine, D. J.; Weck, M. Two-Dimensional (2D) or Quasi-2D Colloidal Superstructures Assembled from DNA-Coated Di-Patch Particles. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.2021, 60, 5744-5748.

7.     Liu, M.; Fu, J.; Yang, S. Synthesis of microparticles with diverse thermally responsive shapes originated from the same Janus liquid crystalline microdroplets. Small. 2023, 202303106. 入选Hot Topic: Liquid Crystals.

8.    Liu, M.; Zheng, X.; Dong, F.; Ward, M. D.; Weck, M. Reversible Morphology Switching of Colloidal Particles. Chem. Mater. 201830, 6903–6907.

9.    Zheng, X.; Liu, M.; He, M.; Pine, D. J.; Weck, M. Shape-Shifting Patchy Particles. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 201756, 5507−5511. 当期热点文章

10. Elacqua, E.; Zheng, X.; Shillingford, C.; Liu, M.; Weck, M. Molecular Recognition in the Colloidal World. Acc. Chem. Res. 201750, 2756–2766.

11.  Zhong, X.; Shtukenberg, G. A.; Liu, M.; Olson, A. I.; Weck, M.; Ward, M. D.; Kahr, B. Dislocation Generation by Microparticle Inclusions. Cryst. Growth Des. 201919, 6649-6655.

12.  Dong, F.; Liu, M.; Grebe, V.; Ward, M. D.; Weck, M. Assembly of Shape-tunable Colloidal Dimers in a Dielectrophoretic Field. Chem. Mater. 2020, 32, 6898-6905.

13.  Grebe, V.; Liu, M.; Weck, M. Quantifying Patterns in Optical Micrographs of One- and Two-dimensional Ellipsoidal Particle Assemblies. Soft Matter 2020, 16, 10900-10909.

14.  Grebe, V.; Liu, M.; Weck, M. Tools for the quantification of the dynamic assembly of colloidal chains of ellipsoidal particles. Colloids Interface Sci. Commun. 202250, 100661. 

15.  Wang, Y.; Yin, R.; Jin, L.; Liu, M.; Gao, Y.; Raney, J.; Yang, S. 3D-Printed Photoresponsive Liquid Crystal Elastomer Composites for Free-form Actuation. Adv. Func. Mater. 202333, 2210614.

16.   Liu, M.;S. Yang, Exploiting Molecular Orders at the Interface of Microdroplets for Intelligent Materials. Acc. Chem. Res., 2024, 57, 739-750. (补充封面)

17.  Liu, M.*; Jin, B.; Liu, M.* Integrating the Stimuli-Responsiveness of Microparticles via Matrix Embedding for Smart Soft Materials with Customized Switchable Properties. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 202404803.

18. Zhao, F.; Liu, M.; Guo, H.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; He, M.; Cai, Z.* Stimuli-responsive hydrogels based on protein/peptide and their sensing applications. Prog. Mater. Sci. 2024, 101355. DOI:10.1016/j.pmatsci.2024.101355


  1. August 23, 2018, Engineering the shape of non-crosslinked poly(styrene) particles, oral,  256th National ACS Meeting, Boston, MA
  2. June 19, 2019, Switchable regioselective assemble of triblock microparticles based on surface material recognition, oral, 93rd ACS Colloid & Surface Science Symposium, Atlanta, GA
  3. August 27, 2019, Switchable regioselective assemble of triblock microparticles based on surface material recognition, oral, 258th National ACS Meeting, San Diego, CA
  4. March 20, 2022, Programming shapes of soft elastomer by embedded micro-actuators, oral, ACS Spring 2022 Meeting, San Diego, CA
  5. March 20, 2022, Transformable microarrays of shape reconfigurable microparticles, oral, ACS Spring 2022 Meeting, San Diego, CA
  6. 20235月口头报告,北航柏彦交叉论坛,北京,报告题目 具有可调结构色的液晶微液滴的设计和应用开发
  7. 202312月,口头报告+海报, Cell Symposium: Bio-Inspired and Bio-Integrated Materials for Emerging Technologies 苏州,报告题目Bioinspired Color Displays Based on Janus Microdroplets with Tunable Self-Recoverable and Switchable Reflective Structural Colors
  8. 2024年5月16日,口头报告,北京化工大学软物质科学与工程高精尖创新中心,北京,报告题目多尺度协同设计仿生智能软物质
  9. 2024年6月,口头报告,第34届中国化学会年,广东广州,报告题目 微液滴界面诱导液晶分子取向制备仿生智能材料
  10. 2024年6月21日,口头报告,四川大学高分子科学与工程学院,四川成都,报告题目多尺度协同设计仿生智能软物质
  11. 2024年7月23日,口头报告,国际液晶学会年会(2024ILCC,20240721-20240726),巴西里约热内卢,报告题目:Harnessing Molecular Orders Induced by Interfacial Interactions of Microdroplets for Bio-inspired Intelligent Materials


2024年  国际液晶学会(ILCS)青年科学家奖Michi Nakata Prize (每两年选1人)
2023年  Best Poster Presentation, Cell Symposium: Bio-Inspired and Bio-Integrated Materials for Emerging Technologies
2021年      北京航空航天大学第11届唯实论坛最佳报告奖
2020年  国家优秀自费留学生奖学金
2015-2017年   纽约大学MacCracken 奖学金
2015 年  中国科学技术大学优秀毕业生
2014 年       国家励志奖学金, 中科大优秀本科生奖学金金奖 (专业排名前 10%)
2014 年       第九届化学实验邀请赛二等奖(有机组,兰州大学)
2013 年       中科大国家励志奖学金
2012 年       中科大优秀本科生奖学金银奖,优秀团员