[1] Qing-shu Dong, ‡a Ning Wang, ‡a David James Young, b Fei-Long Hu,*a Yan Mi, Bulkiness effect dependent photosalient behavious of photoactive cadmium coordination polymers, Dalton Tansaction.
[2] Bin Huang, ab Wei Liu, bc Kun Chao, bd Dongran Wang, be Pengxiang Wang, be Tengfeng Xie, f Fangming Han, *be Yan Mi, *a Haibin Tang *be and Guowen Meng be , Surface catalytic effect of Ag nanoparticles and influence of dissolved oxygen on photocatalytic reduction of nitrate, RSC Adv., 2025, 15, 8657–8662.
[1] Zhen Qin, Yun-Qiong Gu, David James Young, Fei-Long Hu*, Zhi-Rong Luo*, Stereoselective Solid-state Synthesis of Biologically Active Cylobutane and Dicyclobutane Isomers via Conformation Blocking and Transference , Molecules, 2024, 29, 2909.
[2] RuiPeng Yan, Xifei Zou, Yuehua Liang, Yuchuan Liu*, Feilong Hu, Yan Mi*, Electron and Surface Engineering of Ni2P/MnP4 Heterojunction as High Performance Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for Amperage-Level Overall Water Splittin, Journal of Colloid And Interface Science, 2024, 669, 349-357.
[3] Shuang Zhao, Ning Wang, David James Young, Yan Mi*, Feilong Hu*, Coordination Site Selective Occupation Strategy for Tuning the Photosalient Effects of Photoactive Cd Coordination Polymers, Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2024, e202400559.
[4] Xifei Zou, Ning Wang, David James Young, Yan Mi*, Feilong Hu*, 原位聚合植酸提升Mn-CoP纳米线阵列的电催化稳定性, 分析测试学报,Accepted.
[5] Ning Wang1, Qing-Shu Dong1, David James Young3, Fei-long Hu1*, Yan Mi1*, Photoactivity discrepancy-induced selective hetero- and homo- photodimerization within a Cd-MOF, Sci China Chem,submmited.
[6] Jia-Wei Wu, ‡a Zhen Qin, ‡a Qing-Shu Dong,a David James Young, b Fei-Long Hu,*a Yan Mi*a, Photomechanical Responses of Coordination Polymers Regulated by Precise Organization of the Photoactive Centers, Chem Commun, 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D4CC03471F.
[1] Yun Hu, Yu Bei, Caiying Bo, Fei-long Hu, Lihong Hu, Yonghong Zhou, and Puyou Jia* , Biodegradable Plasticizer from Cardanol via Acid-Free Catalysis of Quaternary Ammonium Phosphotungstate, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023, 11, 5, 1690-1700.
[2] Shucong Zhang, Chunhui Tan, Ruipeng Yan, Xifei Zou, Fei-Long Hu, Yan Mi* , Cheng Yan* , Shenlong Zhao*, Constructing Built-in Electric Field in Heterogeneous Nanowire Arrays for Efficient Overall Water Electrolysis, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, 62, e202302795.
[3] Jing Li, Shu-Li Chen, Yan Mi, Fei-Long Hu* , David James Young* , ltrathin 2D MOF nanosheets for selective Folic Acid detection, Chinese Journa of Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 51, 6, 100251.
[1] Yufeng Ma, Yu Bei, Meng Zhang, Fei Song, Feilong Hu, Zhimin Kou, Lihong Hu, Yonghong Zhou, PuyouJia*, Synthesis of woody oil-based plasticizer via solvent-free Diels-Alder reaction and its biodegradability, Industrial Crops and Products, 2022, 188, 115646.
[2] Yun Hu, Yufeng Ma, Jing Zhou, Yu Bei, Feilong Hu, Zhimin Kou, Yonghong Zhou, PuyouJia*, Branched plasticizers derived from eugenol via green polymerization for lown/non-migration and externally/internally plasticized polyvinyl chloride materials, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 104331.
[3] Ning Wang, Rui-Peng Yan, Yu-Si Xiong, Yan Mi, Yu Ge, Fei-Long Hu*, David James Young, Jian-Ping Lang*, MOF-mediated molecular surgery for precise interconversion of dicyclobutane compounds, Inorganic Chemistry, 2022, 61, 51, 21016–21023.
[4] Yunjing Wang, Hongchen He, Yunjiang Wang, Meili Xie, Feng Jing, Xianhong Yin, Feilong Hu*, Yan Mi*, Surface defect and lattice engineering of Bi5O7Br ultrathin nanosheets for efficient photocataocatalysis, Nano Res., 2023, 16, 248–255.
[5] Shu-Li Chen, Yan Mi, Fei-Long Hu*, David James Young & Jian-Ping Lang*, Pore-Directed Solid-State Selective Photo-Induced E-Z Isomerization and Dimerization within MOFs,CCS Chem. 2023, 5, 1225–1232.
[6] Meng-Fan Wang, Yan Mi, Fei-Long Hu*, Hajime Hirao*, Zheng Niu*, Pierre Braunstein4 Jian-Ping Lang*, Controllable multiple-step configuration transformations in a thermal/photoinduce reaction, Nat Commun, 2022, 13:2847.
[7] Jia-Wei Wu*, a Bing-Fan Long, Meng-Fan Wang, David James Young*, Fei-Long Hu*,Yan Mi*,Jian-Ping Lang*. Tunable photosalient effects within coordination polymers via functional molecular prearrangements, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 2674-2677.
[8] Shu-Li Chena, Yan Mia, Ling-Jie Zhanga, Qing-Qing Lua, Fei-Long Hua,b,*, David James Youngc*, New polycatenated coordination polymers for the selective detection of folic acid, Material Chemistry and Physics, 2022, 290, 126536.
[1] 胡飞龙, 王梦凡, 高渝康, 米艳, 黄钦, 尹显洪,1,2-二(吡啶基)-3,4-二(4-吡啶乙烯基-3-氟苯)环丁烷及其制备方法, ZL201910105469.4
[2] 胡飞龙, 王勇, 米艳, 尹显洪, 黄钦, 覃志欢, 梁秋蓉,含氮双环丁烷衍生物及其制备方法和抗肿瘤活性, ZL202010995243.9
[3] 米艳,张树聪,胡飞龙 一种核壳结构CoP-Ni2P纳米棒的制备方法, ZL 201910104915. X
[4] Ning Wang, Bing-Fan Long, Xian-Hong Yin, Zhong-Jing Huang, Yan Mi* , Fei-Long Hu* , David James Young* , New Structurally Diverse Photoactive Cadmium Coordination Polymers, Dalton Trans. , 2021, 50, 18194-18201.
[5] Zhen Qin, Shu-Li Chen, Young, David*, Hu, Fei-long*, Stereoselective Synthesis of Biologically Active Cyclobutane Isomers via Conformation Blocking and Transference within Coordination Polymers, Chemistry– AnAsianJournal, 2021, submitted.
[6] Fei Fu, Minggui Shen, Dan Wang*, He Liu, Shibin Shang*, Feilong Hu, Zhanqian Song*, Jie Song, A Rosin-based dielectric polymer with intrinsic low dielectric constant and comprehensively excellent properties, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021,9, 13144-13156
[7] 米艳,张树聪,胡飞龙,何淑清,李跃, 一种表面氧空位超薄氯氧化铋纳米片及其制备方法, ZL201810075428.0.
[8] Yong, Wang, Wang, Meng-Fan, Young, David,Hu, Fei-long*, Mi, Yan,Zhen, Qin, Chen, Shu,Lang Jian-Ping*, Tuning the configuration of the flexible metal-alkene-framework affords pure cycloisomers in solid state photodimerization. Chem. Commun, 2021, 57, 1129--1132.
[9] Liu, Lei-Lei* ; Chen, Jing; Zhang, Yan; Yu, Cai-Xia; Du, Wei; Sun, Xueqin; Zhang, Jiang-Lou; Hu, Fei-long; Mi* , Yan; Ma, Lufang* , Fabrication of ultrathin single-layer 2D metal-organic framework nanosheets with excellent adsorption performance via a facile exfoliation approach. J.Mater. Chem. A, 2021,9, 546-555.
[10] Yan Tan, Yijun Yin , Xianhong Yin , Chenghao Lan , Yu Wang , Feilong Hu , Qin Huang* , Yan Mi*,
A superaerophobic”Se-doped CoS2 porous nanowires array for cost-saving hydrogen evolution, Catalysts, 2021, 11(2), 169.
[11] 邱子言; 王怀; 李鹏飞; 罗诗兰; 胡飞龙*; 黄钦; 宋湛谦, 松香基两亲分子调控分级NiO纳米微球结构及其吸附刚果红研究, 生物质化学工程., 2021,55 (1): 39-48.
[12] YongWang, Fei-Long Hu, YanMi*, ChengYan*, ShenlongZhao*,
Single-metal-atom catalysts: An emerging platform for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction, Chemical Engineering Journal., 2021,406, 127135.
[13] 胡飞龙; 杨树枫; 米艳; 黄钦; 王飒飒; 罗伟强*, 燃烧热的测定"实验的地区性绿色化设计及实践-以广西高校为例,化学教育, 2021, 42(10), 55-57.
[14] Yijun Yin, Yan Tan, Qiuyuan Wei, Shucong Zhang, Siqi Wu, Qin Huang, Fei-Long Hu,* Mi Yan*,
Nanovilli electrode boosts hydrogen evolution: a surface with superaerophobicity and superhydrophilicity, Nano research., 2021, 14, 961–968.
[15] XinYang, QianjuanGuo, JinhuaYang, ShuliChen, FeilongHu* YangjianHu, HongweiLin*, Synergistic effects of layer-by-layer films for highly selective and sensitive electrochemical detection of trans-resveratrol, Food Chemistry., 2021, 338, 127851.
[1] Fei-Long Hu,* Xin Yang*, Plos one., 2020, 0237583.
[2] Fei-Long Hu,* Zhen Qin, Meng-Fan Wang, Xue Wan Kang, Yong-Li Qin, Yong Wang, Shu-Li Chen,David James Young,* Yan Mi,
Modulating the regioselectivity of solid-state photodimerization in coordination polymer crystals, Dalton Trans., 2020,49, 10858-10865.
[3] QianjuanGuo, FeilongHu*, XinYang*, JinhuaYang, ShufengYang, XiongwenChen, FengWua,Shelley D.Minteerd*, In-situ and controllable synthesis of graphene-gold nanoparticles/molecularly imprinted polymers composite modifed electrode for sensitive and selective rutin detection, Microchemical Journal., 2020, 158, 105254.
[4] Shucong Zhang, Wenbin Wang, Feilong Hu, Yan Mi *, Shuzhe Wang, Youwen Liu*, Xiaomeng Ai, Jiakun Fang, Huiqiao Li, Tianyou Zhai*, 2D CoOOH Sheet Encapsulated Ni2P into Tubular Arrays Realizing 1000 mA cm−2 Level Current Density Hydrogen Evolution Over 100 h in Neutral Water, Nano-Micro Lett., 2020, 12: 140. (影响因子:12.2)
[5] Yan-Fang Jing*, David James Young , Qin Huang, Yan Mi, Shu-Cong Zhang, Fei-Long Hu*, Amino Group Decorated Coordination Polymers for Enhanced Detection of Folic Acid, Spectrochimica,Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 2020,238, 118443.
[6] YanniLuo, XuecaiTan*, David J.Young, QuanyouChen, YuehuiHuang, DefenFeng,ChenhaoAi, YanMi*
A Photoelectrochemical Aptasensor for the Sensitive Detection of Streptomycin Based on a TiO2/BiOI/BiOBr Heterostructur, Analytica Chimica Acta., 2020, 11158,33-40.
[7] Cai-XiaYu, Fei-LongHu, Jian-GuoSong, Jiang-Lou Zhang, Shan-Shan Liu, Bing-XinWang, HuanMeng, Lei-LeiLiu*, Lu-Fang Ma* Ultrathin two-dimensional metal-organic framework nanosheets decorated with tetra-pyridyl calix[4]arene: design, synthesis and application in pesticide detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical., 2020, 310, 127819.
[8] Meng-Fan Wang, Yan Mi, Fei-Long Hu*, Zheng Niu*, Xian-Hong Yin, Qin Huang, Hui-Fang Wang, Jian-Ping Lang* Coordination-Driven Stereopecific Control Strategy for Pure Cycloisomers in Solid-State Diolefin Photocycloaddition, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020, 142, 700-704.
[9] Li-li Yang, Jian Zhou, Hua-Hong Zou, Feilong Hu, Jun-Wei Zhao*, Inorganica Chimica Acta., 2020, 499, 119201.
[1] Yun-Qiong Gu*, Wen-Ying Shen*, Yan Mi, Yan-Fang Jing, Jing-Mei Yuan,Peng Yu,Xiao-Min Zhu and Fei-Long Hu* Dual-response detection of Ni2+ and Cu2+ ions by a pyrazolopyrimidine-based fluorescent sensor and the application of this sensor in bioimaging RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 35671.
[2] Ting Xiong, Zi Yu Tan, Yan Mi*, Yan Tan, Qin Huang, Xian Hong Yin* and Fei Long Hu*, On-site generated metal organic framework deriving core/shell ZnCo2O4/ZnO nanoarray for better water oxidation Nanotechnology,2019, 10.1088/1361- 6528/ab3e1d.
[3] Yanni Luo, Yan Mi*, Xuecai Tan*, Quanyou Chen, Defen Feng and Chenhao Ai, Anal. Methods, 11, 375-380(2019)
[4] Bing-Fan Long, Meng-Fan Wang, Qin Huang, Xian-Hong Yin, David James Young, Fei-Long Hu* and Yan Mi* A pillar-layer strategy to construct 2D polycatenated coordination polymers for luminescence detection of Cr2O72−and CrO42−in aqueous solution CrystEngComm, 2019,21, 4943-4950 (2019)
[5] Bing‑Fan Long ,Gui‑Fang Qin, Qin Huang,Ting Xiong,Yan Mi,Fei‑Long Hu *,Xian‑Hong Yin*, Homocoupling of arylboronic acids catalyzed by dinuclear copper(I) complexes under mild condition, Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13738-019-01728-w (2019)
[6] Yan-FangJing,Bing-FanLong,Qin Huang*,YanMi,Yu-KangGao,Fei-LongHu* Ln-incorporated coordination complexes as fluorescence sensor for selective detection nitroaromatic compounds, Materials Chemistry and Physics,232,152–159 (2019).
[7] Bing-Fan Long, Qin Huang, Shu-Long Wang, Yan Mi, Meng-Fan Wang, Ting Xiong, Shu-Cong Zhang,Xian-Hong Yin* & Fei-Long Hu*, J Coord Chem, 72, 645-663 (2019).
[8] Shucong Zhang, Ting Xiong, Xiaofan Tang, Qiuyi Ma, Feilong Hu*, Yan Mi* Engineering inner-porous cobalt phosphidenanowire based on controllable phosphating for efficient hydrogen evolution in both acidic and alkaline conditions, Appl Surf Sci, 481, 1524-1531 (2019).
[9] Ting Xiong, Guofang Li, David J. Young, Ziyu Tan, Xian-Hong Yin, Yan Mi*, Feilong Hu*,In-situ surface-derivation of Ni-Mo bimetal sulfides nanosheets on Co3O4 nanoarrays as an advanced overall water splitting electrocatalyst in alkaline solution, J Alloy Compd, 791, 328-335 (2019).
[1] F. L. Hu, Y. Mi, C. Zhu, B. F. Abrahams, P. Braunstein and J. P. Lang*, Stereoselective Solid-State Synthesis of Substituted Cyclobutanes Assisted by Pseudorotaxane-like MOFs, Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 2018, 57, 12696-12701 (2018).
[2] Yun-Qiong Gu, Wen-Ying Shen, Yan Zhou, Shan-Feng Chen, Yan Mi, Bing-FanLong, David J.Young*, Fei-LongHu*, A pyrazolopyrimidine based fluorescent probe for the detection of Cu2+ and Ni2+ and its application in living cells, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and BiomolecularSpectroscopy. 209, 141-149 (2019).
[3] Xiao H., Zhou J*., Hu F*. Two new oxyiodoplumbates: the unique 3-D hybrid oxyiodoplumbate based on neutral 2-D [Pb2I4]n layers. Dalton Trans. 47, 8442-8447(2018).
[4] Qin Qi-Pin, Zou Bi-Qun, Hu Fei-long, Huang Guobao, Wang Shulong, Gu Yun-Qiong, Tan Mingxiong*. Platinum(II) complexes with rutaecarpine and tryptanthrin derivatives induce apoptosis by inhibiting telomerase activity and disrupting mitochondrial function. MedChemComm.(2018).
Before 2017
[1] Lee Sze-Ling, Hu Fei-Long, Shang Xiu-Juan, Shi Yi-Xiang, Tan Ai Ling, Mizera Jens, Clegg Jack K.,Zhang Wen-Hua, Young David J., Lang Jian-Ping*. Efficient ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of ε-caprolactone catalysed by isomeric pyridyl β-diketonate iron(iii) complexes. New J Chem. 41, 14457-14465(2017).
[2] Zhou Jian*, Tan Xiao-Feng, Hu Fei-long, Zou Hua-Hong, Fu Lianshe, Zhao Rongqing. An uncommon 3-D topological net based on weak metallophilic (Cu•••Cu) interactions. Dalton Trans.(2016).
[3] Hu Fei-long, Wang Hui-Fang, Guo Dong, Zhang Hui, Lang Jian-Ping*, Beves Jonathan*. Controlled formation of chiral networks and their reversible chiroptical switching behaviour by UV/microwave irradiation. Chem Commun. 52, 7990-7993(2016).
[4] Wang Shu-Long#, Hu Fei-Long#, Zhou Ju-Ying, Zhou Yan, Huang Qin, Lang Jian-Ping*. Rigidity versus flexibility of ligands in the assembly of entangled coordination polymers based on bi- and tetra carboxylates and n-donor ligands. Cryst Growth Des. 15, 4087-4097(2015). (# contribution equally)
[5] Shi Yi-Xiang, Hu Fei-Long, Zhang Wen-Hua, Lang Jian-Ping*. A unique Zn(II)-based MOF fluorescent probe for the dual detection of nitroaromatics and ketones in water. CrystEngComm. 17, 9404-9412(2015).
[6] Long L*., Wu Y., Wang L., Gong A., Hu F., Zhang C. A fluorescent probe for hypochlorite based on the modulation of the unique rotation of the N-N single bond in acetohydrazide. Chem Commun. 51, 10435-10438(2015).
[7] Hu Fei-Long, Wang Shu-Long, Abrahams Brendan F., Lang Jian-Ping*. Observance of a large conformational change associated with the rotation of the naphthyl groups during the photodimerization of criss-cross aligned C=C bonds within a 2D coordination polymer. CrystEngComm. 17, 4903-4911(2015).
[8] Hu F. L., Shi Y. X., Chen H. H., Lang J. P*. A Zn(II) coordination polymer and its photocycloaddition product: syntheses, structures, selective luminescence sensing of iron(III) ions and selective absorption of dyes. Dalton Trans. 44, 18795-18803 (2015). (入选全球高被引1%)
[9] Zhou Li-Kuan, Liu Quan, Wu Bing, Yu Hong, Hu Fei-Long, Zhao Xin, Liu Shu-Chen, Lang Jian-Ping*. Reactions of Tp∗-coordinated thiomolybdate and thiotungstate complexes with different silver salts. Polyhedron. 83, 60-67(2014).
[10] Zhou L. K., Liu Q., Zhao X., Hu F. L., Liu S. C., Ren Z. G., Sun Z. R., Lang J. P*. Six [Tp*WS3Cu2]-based clusters derived from [Et4N][Tp*WS3], Cu(I) salts and phosphine ligands: syntheses, structures and enhanced third-order NLO properties. Dalton Trans. 43, 4734-4744(2014).
[11] Hu Fei-Long, Wang Shu-Long, Wu Bing, Yu Hong, Wang Fan, Lang Jian-Ping*. Ligand geometry-directed assembly of seven entangled coordination polymers. CrystEngComm. 16, 6354(2014).
[12] Hu Fei-Long, Wang Shu-Long, Li Hong-Xi, Wu Bing, Lang Jian-Ping*. Assembly of one 2D layer and two 3D pillared-layer structures derived from metal ions and 5-(pyridin-4-yl)isophthalic acid with or without pillars. Inorg Chem Commun. 47, 75-79(2014).
[13] Hu F. L., Wang S. L., Lang J. P*.,Abrahams B. F*., Abrahams B. F. In-situ X-ray diffraction snapshotting: determination of the kinetics of a photodimerization within a single crystal. Sci Rep. 4, 6815(2014).
[14] Zhou Jian*, Liu Xing, Liang Guoming, Liang Weijiang, Hu Feilong, Zhu Ligang. [Ni(dien)2]3[Ge3Sb8S21]·0.5H2O: A new 2-D layered thiogermanate–thioantimonate with metal complexes as template ions. Inorg Chem Commun. 27, 92-96(2013).
[15] Zhou J*., Liu X., Li R., An L., Hu F., Chen R., Wei Y. The syntheses, structures and properties of three new lanthanoid thioarsenates: the only example of thioarsenate acting as a ligand to a lanthanide complex. Dalton Trans. 42, 11155-11162(2013).
[16] Zhou Jian*, Liu Xing, Hu Feilong, Chen Rong, Zou Huahong, Fu Wensheng, Liang Guoming, Chen Yi. A novel 3-D chiral polyoxovanadate architecture based on breaking high symmetry of spherical [V15O36Cl]8− cluster. CrystEngComm. 15, 4593(2013).
[17] Zhou Jian*, Liu Xing, Chen Rong, Xiao Hong-Ping, Hu Feilong, Zou Huahong, Zhou Yun, Liu Chun, Zhu Ligang. New 3-D polyoxovanadoborate architectures based on [V12B18O60]16− clusters. CrystEngComm. 15, 5057(2013).
[18] Zhou J*., Liu X., Chen R., Hu F., Zou H., Wei M.
A 3-D chiral organic-inorganic hybrid zinc vanadate assembled from helical units. Dalton Trans. 42, 5603-5606(2013).
[19] Zhou J*., Liu X., An L., Hu F., Kan Y., Li R., Shen Z. Solvothermal synthesis and characterization of thioindate-thioantimonates with transition-metal complexes: the first examples of the incorporation of transition metal ions into In-S-Sb frameworks. Dalton Trans. 42, 1735-1742(2013).
[20] Zhou J*., Li R., Ling X., Chen R., Hu F., Zeng Y. The first examples of thiogermanate anion [GeS3(SH)](3-) as a bridging ligand to a lanthanide complex. Dalton Trans. 42, 1961-1964(2013).
[21] Liu Xing, Zhou Jian*, An Litao, Chen Rong, Hu Feilong, Tang Qiuling. Hydrothermal syntheses, crystal structures and characterization of new vanadoborates: The novel decorated cage cluster [V6B22O44(OH)10]. J Solid State Chem. 201, 79-84(2013).
[22] Hu Fei-Long, Wu Wei, Liang Peng, Gu Yun-Qiong, Zhu Li-Gang, Wei Han, Lang Jian-Ping*. Construction of entangled coordination polymers based on M2+ ions, 4,4′-{[1,2-phenylenebis(methylene)]bis(oxy)}dibenzoate and different n-donor ligands. Cryst Growth Des. 13, 5050-5061(2013).
[23] Hu Fei-Long, Mi Yan, Gu Yun-Qiong, Zhu Li-Gang, Yang Sheng-Lan, Wei Han, Lang Jian-Ping*. Structure diversities of ten entangled coordination polymers assembled from reactions of Co(II) or Ni(II) salts with 5-(pyridin-4-yl)isophthalic acid in the absence or presence of auxiliary N-donor ligands. CrystEngComm. 15, 9553(2013).
[24] Hu Feilong*, Zou Huahong, Zhao Xuebo, Mi Yan, Luo Caili, Wang Yunxiao. Second ligands-assisted structural variation of entangled coordination polymers with polycatenated or polythreaded features. CrystEngComm. 15, 1068-1076(2013).
[25] Hu Feilong, Zhou Jian*, Liu Xing, Chen Rong, Fu Wensheng, Wei Yuanchun. A novel 1-D telluridoindate based on rare tetramer [In4Te10]4−unit with photocatalytic properties. CrystEngComm. 15, 1194-1198(2013).
[26] Chen Rong, Zhou Jian*, Liu Xing, Hu Feilong, An Litao, Kan Yuhe, Xue Chen-jian. A new polymorph telluridoindate [In(en)3][In5Te9(en)2] with photocatalytic properties. Inorg Chem Commun. 28, 55-59(2013).
[27] Zhou Jian*, Liu Xing, Hu Feilong, Zou Huahong, Li Xiaojuan. A new 1-D extended vanadoborate containing triply bridged metal complex units. Inorg Chem Commun. 25, 51-54(2012).
[28] Zhou Jian*, Liu Xing, Hu Feilong, Zou Huahong, Li Rong, Li Xiaojuan. One novel 3-D vanadoborate with unusual 3-D Na–O–Na network. RSC Adv. 2, 10937(2012).
[29] Zhou Jian*., Liu Xing., An Litao., Hu Feilong., Yan Wenbin., Zhang Yunyan. Solvothermal synthesis and characterization of a series of lanthanide thiostannates(IV): the first examples of inorganic-organic hybrid cationic lanthanide thiostannates(IV). Inorg Chem. 51, 2283-2290(2012).
[30] Zhou Jian*., Hu Feilong., An Litao., Liu Xing., Meng Chang. Yu. Novel lanthanoid thioantimonates: the first coexistence of different types of thioantimonate anions in the same framework. Dalton Trans. 41, 11760-11764(2012).
[31] Zhou Jian*., An Litao., Liu Xing., Zou Huahong., Hu Feilong., Liu Chaomin. One unprecedented 1-D europium thioindate-thioantimonate based on heterometallic mixed nitro-thioclusters with photoluminescent properties. Chem Commun. 48, 2537-2539(2012).
[32] Zhou Jian*, An Litao, Hu Feilong, Liu Xing, Zhao Rongqing, Lin Jianwu. A series of new lanthanoid thioantimonates: a rare example of organic-decorated cationic lanthanoid thioantimonate chains based on asymmetric dinuclear lanthanide complexes. CrystEngComm. 14, 5544(2012).
[33] Wang Dai-yin, Zou Hua-hong, Hu Fei-long*, Li Yong-jun. Solvent induced assembly of Co(II) coordination polymers with unprecedented water morphologies. Inorg Chem Commun. 26, 1-6(2012).
[34] Liu Xing, Hu Feilong, Zhou Jian*, An Litao, Liang Dawen, Lin Jianwu. Solvothermal synthesis, crystal structures and properties of three new thiogermanates: the only example of the thiogermanate anion [Ge2S6]4− as a bridging ligand to a lanthanide complex ion. CrystEngComm. 14, 3464(2012).
[35] Hu Fei-Long*, Yang Xin, Li Yong-Jun. Supramolecular assembly of [Cu(2,2′-bpy)2(ppac)](H2O)7(1) and [Cu2(2,2′-bpy)4(ppac)]2(H2O)16(2) with unprecedented water morphologies. J Coord Chem. 65, 4245-4254(2012).
[36] Hu Fei-Long*, Shen Zhen-ming. Solvothermal synthesis and characterizations of three coordination polymers based on multicarboxylate ligand. Inorg Chem Commun. 21, 155-159(2012).
[36] Mi Yan, Huang Zaiyin*, Hu Feilong, Jiang Junying, Li Yanfen. Controlled synthesis and growth mechanism of alpha nickel molybate microhombohedron. Mater Lett. 64, 695-697(2010).
[37] Hu Fei. Long., Zhuang Ji. Chang., Yin Xian. Hong*., Wu Qiao. Lan., Zhang Shan. Shan., Zhang Feng. Study on synthesis and fluorescence characterization of europium and terbium complexes of 1-(5-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-3-methyl-4,5-dihydropyrazol-1-yl) ethanone. Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi. 30, 1872-1875(2010).
[38] Hu Fei. Long., Yin Xian. Hong*., Mi Yan., Zhang Shan. Shan., Luo Wei. Qiang. Synthesis, characterization and luminescence properties of Eu(III) and Tb(III) complexes with novel pyrazole derivatives and 1,10-phenanthroline. Spectrochim. Acta A. Mol Biomol. Spectrosc. 75, 825-829(2010).
[39] Hu Feilong, Yin Xianhong*, Mi Yan, Zhang Shanshan, Luo Weiqiang, Zhuang Yue. Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes with 2-(4-isopropyl-4-methyl-5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-2-yl)nicotinic acid ligand. Inorg Chem Commun. 13, 33-36(2010).
[40] Hu Feilong, Yin Xianhong*, Mi Yan, Li Wanshu, Tang Xinping, Ma Zhen. Synthesis, structure and properties of a new copper (II) complex, [Cu2(4,4′-bpy)5(H2O)4](ClO4)4(4,4′-bpy)(DMF)2(H2O)2. Inorg Chem Commun. 13, 720-723(2010).
[41] Hu Feilong, Yin Xianhong*, Lu Jie, Mi Yan, Zhuang Jichang, Luo Weiqiang. Crystal structure, bioactivities, and electrochemistry properties of four diverse complexes with a new pyrazole ligand. J Coord Chem. 63, 263-272(2010).
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