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刘宇川 讲师    


2021.03-至今 广西民族大学化学化工学院

2017.09-2020.12 福州大学化学学院 硕博连读 理学博士

2019.05-2019.08 新加坡南洋理工大学 博士生交换

2015.09-2017.07 福州大学化学学院 硕士研究生

2011.09-2015.07 广西民族大学 理学学士




2024年 广西自然科学基金青年项目 8

2023年 广西科学基地与人才专项项目 8

2022年 广西中青年教师能力提升项目 2

2021年 广西民族大学人才引起项目 8


[1] Y. C. Liu, H.T. Huang, X.D. Ding, B. B. Huang and Z. L. Xie*, Boosting the HER electrocatalytic activity over RuCu-supported carbon nanosheets as efficient pH-independent catalysts, FlatChem, 2021, 30, 100302.

[2] Y. C. Liu, B. B. Huang, Q. H. Wei*, and Z. L. Xie*, One-step synthesis of N, P-codoped carbon nanosheets encapsulated CoP particles for highly efficient oxygen evolution reaction, Front. Chem. 2020, 7:805.

[3] Y. C. Liu, B. Huang, X. Huang* and Z. L. Xie*, In-situ fabrication of nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets containing highly dispersed single iron atoms for oxygen reduction reaction. J. Power Source, 2019, 412, 125-133.

[4] Y. C. Liu, X. Hu, B. B. Huang, and Z. L. Xie*,Surface engineering of Rh catalysts with N/S co-doped carbon nanosheets towards high performance hydrogen evolution from seawater, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2019, 23, 18835-18843.

[5] Y. C. Liu, B. Huang, and Z. L. Xie*, Surfactant-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of nitrogen doped Mo2C@C composites as highly efficient electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44, 3702-3710.

[6] Y. C. Liu, B. B. Huang and Z. L. Xie*, Hydrothermal Synthesis of Core-Shell MoO2/α-Mo2C Heterojunction as High Performance Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2018, 427, 693-701.

[7] Y. C. Liu, B. B. Huang, X. X. Lin and Z. L. Xie*, Biomass-Derived Hierarchical Porous Carbons: Boosting the Energy Density of Supercapacitors via an Ionothermal Approach. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 13009-13018.

[8] B. B.Huang, Y. C. Liu, and Z. L. Xie*, Two dimensional nanocarbons from biomass and biological molecules: synthetic strategies and energy related applications, J. Energy Chem., 2021, 54, 795-814.

[9] X. Hu, Y. C. Liu, H. T. Huang, G. L. Chai and Z. L. Xie*, Template-free Synthesis of Graphene-like Carbons as Efficient Carbocatalysts for Selective Oxidation of Alkanes, Green Chem. 2020,22, 1291-1300.

[10] B. B. Huang, Y. C. Liu, M. Xia, J. G. Qiu, and Z. L. Xie*, Building microspheres-nanosheets structure in N-doped carbon to improve their performance in oxygen reduction reaction and vanadium redox flow battery, Sustain. Energy & Fuel, 2020, 4, 559 - 570.

[11] B. B. Huang, Y. C. Liu, Q. G, Y. X. F, M. M. Titirici, X. C. Wang and Z. L. Xie*, Porous carbon nanosheets from biological nucleobase precursor as efficient pH-independent oxygen reduction electrocatalyst, Carbon, 2020, 156, 179-186.

[12] B. B. Huang, Y. C. Liu, Q. H. Wei and Z. L. Xie*,Three-dimensional mesoporous graphene-like carbons derived from a biomolecule exhibiting high-performance oxygen reduction activity, Sustain. Sustain. Energy & Fuel, 2019, 3, 2809-2818.

[13] B. B. Huang, Y. C. Liu, X. Huang* and Z. L. Xie*, Multiple heteroatom-doped few-layer carbons for the electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 22277-22286.

[14] D. Wu, Y. C. Liu, Y. Wu, B. Tan, Z. L. Xie*, Microporous carbons derived from organosilica-containing carbon dots with outstanding supercapacitance. Dalton Trans., 2018, 17, 5961-5967.

[15] B.B. Huang, Y. C. Liu, and Z. L. Xie*, Biomass derived 2D carbons via hydrothermal carbonization method as efficient bifunctional ORR/HER electrocatalysts. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 23481-23488.

[16] J. G. Qiu, B. B. Huang, Y. C. Liu, D. Chen* and Z. L. Xie*, Glucose-derived hydrothermal carbons as energy storage booster for vanadium redox flow batteries, J. Energy Chem., 2020, 45, 31-39.

[17] B. Huang, X. Hu, Y. C. Liu, W. Qi and Z. L. Xie*, Biomolecule-derived N/S co-doped CNT-graphene hybrids exhibiting excellent electrochemical activities. J. Power Source, 2019, 413, 408-417.

[18] X. Hu, Y. Chen, B. Huang, Y. C. Liu, H. Huang and Z. L. Xie*, Pd supported N/S co-doped graphene-like carbons boost quinoline hydrogenation activity, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 11369-11376.

[19] B. B. Huang, L. Peng, F. F. Yang, Y. C. Liu, and Z. -L. Xie*, Improving ORR Activity of Carbon Nanotubes by Hydrothermal Carbon Deposition Method. J. Energy. Chem. 2017, 26, 712-718.