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1. Yan J.#, Zhang Xinxu#, Shi X., Wu J., Zhou Z., Tang Y., Bao Z., Luo N., Zhang Demin*, Chen J., Zhang Huajun*. Metagenomic insights into the rapid recovery mechanisms of prokaryotic community and spread of antibiotic resistance genes after seawater disinfection. Water Res., 2025, 271:122887. (#Co-first author).

2. Huang Y.#, Zhang Xinxu#, Xin Y., Tian J., Li Meng*. Distinct microbial nitrogen cycling processes in the deepest part of the ocean. mSystems, 2024, 9:e00243-24. (#Co-first author).

3. Zhang Xinxu, Zhang C., Liu Y., Zhang R., Li Meng*. Non-negligible roles of archaea in coastal carbon biogeochemical cycling. Trends Microbiol., 2023, 31:586-600.

4. Zhang Xinxu, Huang Y., Liu Y., Xu W., Pan J., Zheng X., Du H., Zhang C., Lu Z., Zou D., Liu Z., Cai M., Xiong J., Zhu Y., Dong Z., Jiang H., Dong H., Jiang J., Luo Z., Huang L., Li Meng*. An ancient respiratory system in the widespread sedimentary archaea Thermoprofundales. Mol. Biol. Evol., 2022, 39:msac213.

5. Zhang Xinxu#, Liu Z.#, Xu W., Pan J., Huang Y., Cai M., Luo Z., Li Meng*. Genomic insights into versatile lifestyle of three new bacterial candidate phyla. Sci. China Life Sci., 2022, 65: 1547-1562. (#Co-first author)

6. Zhang M.#, Zhang Xinxu#, Tran N., Sun Z., Zhang X., Ye H., Zhang Y., Ma H., Aweya J., Li Shengkang*. Molting alters the microbiome, immune response, and digestive enzyme activity in mud crab (Scylla paramamosain). mSystems, 2021, 6:e00917-21. (#Co-first author).

7. Lu J.#, Zhang Xinxu#, Wang C., Li M., Chen J., Xiong Jinbo*. Responses of sediment resistome, virulence factors and potential pathogens to decades of antibiotics pollution in a shrimp aquafarm. Sci. Total Environ., 2021, 794:148760. (#Co-first author).

8. 张新旭, 李猛*. 海洋沉积物中几类常见古菌类群的分布与代谢特征. 微生物学报, 2020, 60:1907-21.

9. Zhang Xinxu#, Zhang M.#, Zheng H., Ye H., Zhang X., Li Shengkang*. Source of hemolymph microbiota and their roles in the immune system of mud crab. Dev. Comp. Immunol., 2020, 102:103470. (#Co-first author).

10. Zhang Xinxu#, Xu W.#, Liu Y., Cai M., Luo Zhuhua*, Li Meng*. Metagenomics reveals microbial diversity and metabolic potentials of seawater and surface sediment from a hadal biosphere at the Yap Trench. Front. Microbiol., 2018, 9:2402. (#Co-first author)

11. Zhang Xinxu, Sun Z., Zhang X., Zhang M., Li Shengkang*. Hemolymph microbiomes of three aquatic invertebrates as revealed by a new cell extraction method. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 2018, 84:e02824-17.

12. Wei X.#, Wang L.#, Sun W., Zhang M., Ma H., Zhang Y., Zhang Xinxu*, Li Shengkang*. C-type lectin B (SpCTL-B) regulates the expression of antimicrobial peptides and promotes phagocytosis in mud crab Scylla paramamosain. Dev. Comp. Immunol., 2018, 84:213-229. (*Co-corresponding author).

13. Zhang Xinxu, Wu H., Li Z., Li Y., Wang S., Zhu D., Wen X., Li Shengkang*. Effects of dietary supplementation of Ulva pertusa and non-starch polysaccharide enzymes on gut microbiota of Siganus canaliculatus. J. Oceanol. Limnol., 2017, 36:438-49.

14. Zhang Xinxu, Feng X., Wang Fengping*. Diversity and metabolic potentials of subsurface crustal microorganisms from the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Front. Microbiol., 2016, 7:363.

15. Zhang Xinxu, Fang J., Bach W., Edwards K., Orcutt B., Wang Fengping*. Nitrogen stimulates the growth of subsurface basalt-associated microorganisms at the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Front. Microbiol., 2016, 7:633.

16. Natarajan V. P.#, Zhang Xinxu#, Morono Y., Inagaki F., Wang Fengping*. A modified SDS-based DNA extraction method for high quality environmental DNA from seafloor environments. Front. Microbiol., 2016, 7:986. (#Co-first author).

17. Sha H., Song T., Zhan P., Zhang Xinxu, Chen, J., Xiong Jinbo*. Sarafloxacin hydrochloride exposure disrupts gut microbiota and increases shrimp susceptibility to Vibrio anguillarum infection. Aquaculture, 2024, 586:740810.

18. Pan J., Zhang Xinxu, Xu W., Liu Y., Liu L., Luo Z., Li Meng*. Wood-Ljungdahl pathway found in novel marine Korarchaeota groups illuminates their evolutionary history. mSystems, 2023, 8: e00305-23.

19. Cai M.#, Duan C.#, Zhang Xinxu, Pan J., Liu Y., Zhang C., Li Meng*. Genomic and transcriptomic dissection of Theionarchaea in marine ecosystem. Sci. China Life Sci., 2022, 65:1222-34.

20. Liu Y.#, Makarova K.#, Huang W.#, Wolf Y., Nikolskaya A., Zhang Xinxu, Cai M., Zhang C., Xu W., Luo Z., Cheng Lei*, Koonin Eugene*, Li Meng*. Expanded diversity of Asgard archaea and their relationships with eukaryotes. Nature, 2021, 593:553-57.

21. Huang W.#, Liu Y.#, Zhang Xinxu, Zhang C., Zou D., Zheng S., Xu W., Luo Z., Liu F., Li Meng*. Comparative genomic analysis reveals metabolic flexibility of Woesearchaeota. Nat. Commun., 2021, 12:5281.

22. Qin Wei#,*, Zheng Y.#, Zhao Feng*, Wang Y., Urakawa, H., Martens-Habbena, W., Liu H., Huang X., Zhang Xinxu, Nakagawa T., Mende D., Bollmann A., Wang B., Zhang Y., Amin S., Nielsen J., Mori K., Takahashi R., Virginia Armbrust E.W., Winkler Mari-K.H., DeLong E., Li M., Lee P., Zhou J., Zhang C., Zhang T., Stahl, D., Ingalls Anitra*. Alternative strategies of nutrient acquisition and energy conservation map to the biogeography of marine ammonia-oxidizing archaea. ISME J., 2020, 14:2595-2609.

23. Liu H., Zhang C., Zhang Xinxu, Tan K., Zhang H., Cheng D.,Ye T., Li S., Ma H., Zheng Huaiping*. A novel carotenoids-producing marine bacterium from noble scallop Chlamys nobilis and antioxidant activities of its carotenoid compositions. Food Chem., 2020, 320:126629.

24. Cheng D., Zhang H., Liu H., Zhang Xinxu, Tan K., Li S., Ma H., Zheng Huaiping*. Identification and molecular characterization of peroxiredoxin 6 from noble scallop Chlamys nobilis revealing its potent immune response and antioxidant property. Fish Shellfish Immunol., 2020, 100:368-377.

25. Liu H., Tan K., Zhang Xinxu, Zhang H., Cheng D., Ye T., Li S., Ma H., Zheng Huaiping*. Comparison of gut microbiota between golden and brown noble scallop Chlamys nobilis and its association with carotenoids. Front. Microbiol., 2020, 11:36.

26. Gao Y., Du X., Xu W., Fan R., Zhang Xinxu, Yang S., Chen X., Lv J., Luo Zhuhua*. Fungal diversity in deep sea sediments from east Yap Trench and their denitrification potential. Geomicrobiol. J., 2020, 37:848-58.

27. Wang Y., Zhang Xinxu, Wang J., Xiao X., Wang Fengping*. Genomic analysis of Marinobacter sp. NP-4 and NP-6 isolated from the deep-sea oceanic crust on the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Mar. Genom., 2020, 50:100693.

28. Li Z., Zhang Xinxu, Aweya J., Wang S., Hu Z., Li Shengkang*, Wen X. Formulated diet alters gut microbiota compositions in marine fish Nibea coibor and Nibea diacanthus. Aquac. Res., 2019, 50:126-138.

29. Reese Brandi*, Zinke L., Sobol M., LaRowe D., Orcutt B., Zhang Xinxu, Jaekel U., Wang F., Dittmar T., Defforey D., Tully B., Paytan A., Sylvan J., Amend J., Edwards K., Girguis P. Nitrogen cycling of active bacteria within oligotrophic sediment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge flank. Geomicrobiol. J., 2018, 35:468-83.

30. Sun W., Zhang Xinxu, Wan W., Wang S., Wen X., Zheng H., Zhang Y., Li Shengkang*. Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6) participates in anti-lipopolysaccharide factors (ALFs) gene expression in mud crab. Dev. Comp. Immunol., 2017, 67:361-376.

31. Wang Fengping*,#, Zhang Y.#, Chen Y., He Y., Qi J., Hinrichs K., Zhang Xinxu, Xiao Xiang*, Boon N. Methanotrophic archaea possessing diverging methane-oxidizing and electron-transporting pathways. ISME J., 2014, 8:1069-78.

32. 王风平, 周悦恒, 张新旭, 肖湘*. 深海微生物多样性. 生物多样性, 2013, 21:445-455.


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