当前位置: 首页   >  课题组新闻   >  MaPSAiD张森锋、付春亭、谢青容等Journal of Structural Biology论文上线!2022-12-01
MaPSAiD张森锋、付春亭、谢青容等Journal of Structural Biology论文上线!2022-12-01

2022年12月1日,MaPSAiD研究组张森锋、付春亭、谢青容为共同第一作者的研究论文“Cryo-EM structure of a eukaryotic zinc transporter at a low pH suggests its Zn2+-releasing mechanism”在Journal of Structural Biology正式上线。这是MaPSAiD研究组第一篇电镜结构的研究论文。该论文与四川大学苏昭铭课题组合作发表。热烈祝贺!



预印本(bioRxiv)链接: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.06.29.497979

MaPSAiD's research article entitled "Cryo-EM structure of a eukaryotic zinc transporter at a low pH suggests its Zn2+-releasing mechanism" is online today in Journal of Structural Biology. The first cryo-EM paper of MaPSAiD! In collaboration with the Su group at Sichuan University. Congrats!

Article link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsb.2022.107926.

Elsevier Share link full-text free access (valid through Jan 25, 2023): https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1gCb2_NqqR7-QW.

Preprint (bioRxiv) link: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.06.29.497979.