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We are Looking for High-Performance PhD candidates

We are looking for high-level candidates of postdoctoral fellowship to join our leading research group on functional metabolomics for the interdisciplinary innovations of life and health sciences, e.g. therapeutic discovery of pancreatic cancer (PC), ulcer colitis (UC), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), environmental toxicology and health, molecular exploration of drug-resistant bacterials and biofilm formation, small molecule drug discovery......

PhD scientists have extensive research experience on artificial intelligence, machine learning, bioinformatics, molecular pharmacology, life omics, cancer biology, biological mass spectrometry and biosynthetic chemistry, who are highly welcome to join us  

If you want to discuss the possibility of postdoctoral fellowships at our group, Please send your up-to-date CV to Professor Haitao Lyu at haitaolyu@hkbu.edu.hk, we will reply to your inqury ASAP.