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A. 二维材料的新奇电子性质

    二维材料如石墨烯,过渡金属硫族化合物等展现出新奇的电子性质,如相对论性狄拉克电子激发,应变下生成赝磁场导致零场朗 道量子化。扭转的多层材料大幅调节电子能带结构,产生一系列新奇的物理,如平带,超导,(分数)量子反常霍尔效应等。



4. Qixing Wang, Yu Li Huang, Qi Zhang, Jiayu Ma, Xin Luo*, and Yun-Mei Li*, Self-energy corrections to zone-edge acoustic phonons in monolayer and bilayer WS2, Phys. Rev. B 109, L121202 (2024).

3. Qing-Hai Tan#, Yun-Mei Li#, Jia-Min Lai, Yu-Jia Sun, Zhe Zhang, Feilong Song, Cedric Robert, Xavier Marie, Weibo Gao, Ping-Heng Tan, and Jun Zhang, Quantum interference between dark-excitons and zone-edged acoustic phonons in few-layer WS2Nature Communications 14, 88 (2023).

2. Yun-Mei Li, Xiaoying Zhou, Yan-Yang Zhang, Dong Zhang and Kai Chang, Dirac Fermions and Pseudo-magnetic Fields in Two-dimensional Electron Gases with Triangular Antidot Lattices, Physical Review B 96, 035406 (2017).

1. Yun-Mei Li, Jian Li, Li-Kun Shi, Dong Zhang, Wen Yang, and Kai Chang, Light-Induced Exciton Spin Hall Effect in van der Waals  HeterostructuresPhysical Review Letters 115, 166804 (2015).

B. 拓扑物态的研究



6. Yun-Mei Li, Bin Wei, and Kai Chang, Comment on “Topological Phase Transitions of Dirac Magnons in Honeycomb Ferromagnets”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 219601 (2024).

5.  Shasha Ke, Wen-Kai Lou*, Yun-Mei Li*, and Kai Chang*,Topological antichiral edge states and one-waybulk states in patterned ferromagnetic thin films, Applied Physics Letters  123, 242404 (2023).

4. Yun-Mei Li*, Antihelical edge magnons in patterned antiferromagnetic thin films, Physical Review Research 5, 033026 (2023).

3. Yun-Mei Li,* Xi-Wang Luo, and Kai Chang, Temperature-induced magnonic Chern insulator in collinear antiferromagnets, Physical Review B 107, 214417 (2023).

2. Yun-Mei Li*, Ya-Jie Wu, Xi-Wang Luo, Yongwei Huang, and Kai Chang, Higher-order topological phases of magnons protected by magnetic crystalline symmetries, Physical Review B 106, 054403 (2022).

1. Yun-Mei Li, Jiang Xiao and Kai Chang, Topological Magnon Modes in Patterned Ferrimagnetic Insulator Thin Films, Nano Letters 18, 3032 (2018).

C. 磁性系统中的物理研究



1. Shasha Ke, Yun-Mei Li*, Wen-Kai Lou* and Kai Chang*,  Pure magnon valley currents in a patterned ferromagnetic thin filmPhysical Review B 107, 104426 (2023).