当前位置: 首页   >  课题组新闻   >  祝贺WangLab和YuanLab在Nat Comm期刊上发表新型大Stokes Shift和高光稳定性探针 Congrat! new probes with long Stokes shift and high photostability were reported on Nat Comm!
祝贺WangLab和YuanLab在Nat Comm期刊上发表新型大Stokes Shift和高光稳定性探针 Congrat! new probes with long Stokes shift and high photostability were reported on Nat Comm!

祝贺王璐实验室和袁林实验室!通过结合振动结构和抑制TICT效应,可将传统探针进化为具有高亮度、高光稳定性以及大Stokes Shift的新型探针,可用于活细胞超分辨荧光成像。https://assets.researchsquare.com/files/rs-885436/v1/b47895c2-2d2f-4424-8bfa-68ace6cad016.pdf?c=1632410647

Congratulation to Wang Lab and Yuan Lab! They report a synergistic strategy to simultaneously improve such properties of regular fluorophores. Introduction of quinoxaline motif with fine-tuned electron density to conventional rhodamines generates new dyes with vibronic structure and inhibited twisted-intramolecular-charge-transfer (TICT) formation synchronously, thus increasing the brightness and photostability as well as Stokes shift. Such new probes show excellent performance in superresolution imaging.
