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热烈欢迎包亦凡和任明亮同学加入WangLab! Welcom Yifan and Mingliang!

热烈欢迎包亦凡和任明亮同学加入WangLab! 包亦凡同学是2022年直博生,研究工作聚焦在开发新技术实现单个蛋白的高信噪比、长时程追踪。恭喜任明亮同学在李聪教授指导下获得卓博计划,他将进入WangLab并聚焦在活细胞内重要细胞因子可视化研究。期待二位优秀学子的突破性成果!!

We are very happy to have Yifan Bao and Mingliang Ren in the lab this month.  Yifan joined us this year for her Ph.D. program and tries to develop a new method to long-term track a single protein with ultrahigh contrast. Big Congratulations to Mingliang for the outstanding Ph.D. program under the supervision of Prof Cong Li.  Mingliang will also join our lab and focus on the development of new probes for imaging cytokines insides cells. Welcome and looking forward to their breakthrough work!