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Ø周胜鹏, 刘爱华,探索亚原子世界的利器——阿秒光脉冲现代物理知识杂志,2019 Vol. 31 (3): 50-55 PDF下载


Ø L. G. Jiao*, Y. Y. He, A. Liu*, Y. Z. Zhang, Y. K. Ho, Development of the kinetically and atomically balanced generalized pseudospectral method, Physical Review A 104, 022801(2021).

Ø X. H. Ji, Y. Y. He, L. G. Jiao∗, A. Liu,∗, Y. K. Ho, Probability density of the Yukawa particle at the origin: Numerical calculation and analytical solution, Physics Letters B, 823, 136718(2021).

Ø F. Zhu, X. Liu, Y. Guo, N. Wang, L. Jiao*, and A. Liu*Chirp-dependent ionization of hydrogen atoms in the presence of super-intense laser pulses , Chin. Phys.B 9, 094209,(2021).

Ø H. H. Xie, L.G. Jiao*, A. Liu, Y. K. Ho, High-precision calculation of relativistic corrections for hydrogen-like atoms with screened Coulomb potentials, Int J Quantum Chem. e26653(2021).

Ø Y. Y. He, L. G. Jiao*, A. Liu*, Y. Z. Zhang, and Y. K. Ho, Multipole polarizabilities for hydrogen-like atoms in Hulth´en potential with and without spherical confinement, Eur. Phys. J. D 75, 126 (2021).

Ø L. G. Jiao∗ , H. H. Xie, A. Liu∗ , H. E. Montgomery Jr, and Y. K. Ho,  Critical screening parameters and critical behaviors of one-electron systems with screened Coulomb potentials, J. Phys. B 54, 175002 (2021) .

Ø Y. Z. Zhang, L. G. Jiao*, F. Liu, A. H. Liu, Y. K. Ho, Energy levels of ground and singly excited states of two-electron atoms in dense quantum plasmas, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 140, 101420 (2021) .

Ø W. Li, Y. Lei, X. Li, T. Yang, M. Du, Y. Jiang, J. Li, S. Luo, A.Liu, L. He, P. Ma, D. Zhang*, and D. Ding, Multiphoton Ionization of Potassium Atoms in Femtosecond Laser Fields, Chin. Phys. Lett. 38,  053202(2021).

Ø F. Zhu; G. Li, A. Liu*,Intensity Effect of Laser-assisted Double Ionization of Helium Atoms by Ultrashort XUV Pulses, Chin. Phys.B  29, 073202 (2020).

Ø W. Hu, X. Li, H. Zhao, W. Li, Y. Lei, X. Kong, A. Liu, S. Luo and D. Ding,Sub-optical-cycle electron dynamics of NO molecules: the effect of strong laser field and Coulomb field, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 084002 (2020).

ØJ. Wang;  A. Liu; K-J Yuan, High-order harmonic generation in aligned molecules by combination of weak XUV and intense IR laser pulses, Opt. Comm. 460, 125216 (2020)

ØJ. Han; J. Wang; Y. Qiao; A. Liu; F. Guo; Y. Yang, Significantly enhanced conversion efficiency of high-order harmonic generation by inducing chirped laser pulse into scheme of spatially inhomogeneous field, Opt. Express 27, 8768 (2019)

ØN. Wang, A. Liu, Interference effect of photoionization of hydrogen atoms by ultra-short and ultra-fast high-frequency chirped pulses,Chin. Phys. B 28,083403 (2019)

ØN. Wang, L. Jiao and A. LiuRelativistic electron scattering from freely movable proton/μ+ in the presence of strong laser field, Chin. Phys.B 28, 093402 (2019)

ØY. Guo, A. Liu, J. Wang, and X. Liu, Atomic even-harmonic generation due to symmetry-breaking effects induced by spatially inhomogeneous field, Chin. Phys. B, 28, 094212 (2019)

ØS. Zhou, A. Liu, F. Liu, C. Wang, D.-J. Ding, Efficient solver for time-dependent Schrödinger equation with interaction between atoms and strong laser field,Chin. Phys. B 28,083101 (2019)

ØAihua Liu and Uwe Thumm, Criterion for distinguishing sequential from nonsequential contributions to the double ionization of helium in ultrashort extreme-ultraviolet pulses, Physical Review Letters 115 183002

ØAi-hua Liu et al, Laser-assisted muon decay, Physical Review Letters 98, 251803

Ø Aihua Liu and Uwe Thumm, Laser-assisted XUV double ionization of helium: Energy-sharing dependence of joint angular distributions, Physical Review A 91, 043416

Ø Ai-Hua Liu and Shu-Min Li, Relativistic electron scattering from a freely movable proton in a strong laser field, Physical Review A, 90,055403

Ø Aihua Liu and Uwe Thumm , Laser-assisted XUV few-photon double ionization of helium: Joint angular distributions, Physical Review A 89, 063423

Ø Sizuo Luo et al., Multiorbital effects in strong-field ionization and dissociation of aligned polar molecules CH3I and CH3Br, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 96, 063415

Ø Aihua Liu et al., A novel graphics processing units (GPU) implementation of discrete wavelet transformation, Medical Physics 43 3329