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(1)    Liu, H., Soares-Filho, B., Leite-Filho, A., Zhang, S., Du, J.Z., Yi, Y*. 2023. How to balance land demand conflicts to guarantee sustainable land development. iScience. 26: 106641.

(2)    Liu, H., Zhang, M., Du, J., Zhou, Y., Yi, Y*. 2022. Exploring zonation strategy in land management of urban agglomeration. Ecological Indicators. 145: 109664.

(3)    Liu, H., Du, J., Yi, Y*. 2022. Reconceptualising flood risk assessment by incorporating sediment supply. Catena. 217: 106503.

(4)    Liu, H., Yi, Y. *, Jin, Z. 2022. Sensitivity analysis of flash flood hazard on sediment load characteristics. Frontiers in Earth Science. 9: 683453.

(5)    Liu, H., Mao, Z. *, Wang, Y., Kim, J.H., Bourrier, Franck., Mohamed, A., Stokes, A. 2021. Slow recovery from soil disturbance increases susceptibility of high elevation forests to landslides, Forest Ecology and Management. 485:118891.

(6)    Liu, H., Yi, Y. *, Yue, Y., Cui, B. 2020. Reducing the likelihood of carbon loss from wetlands by improving the spatial connections between high carbon patches. Journal of Cleaner Production, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121819 . IF 7.32.

(7)    Liu, H., Yi, Y. *, Blagodatsky, S., Cadisch, G. 2020. Impact of forest cover and conservation agriculture on sediment export: a case study in a montane reserve, south-western China. Science of the Total Environment, 702(1): 134802.

(8)    Liu, H., Yang, X., Blagodatsky, S. *, Marohn, C., Liu, F., Xu, J., Cadisch, G., 2019. Modelling weed management strategies to control erosion in rubber plantations. Catena, 172: 345-355.

(9)    Liu, H., Blagodatsky, S. *, Giese, M, Liu, F., Xu, J., Cadisch, G. 2016. Impact of herbicide application on soil erosion and induced carbon loss in a rubber plantation of Southwest China, Catena, 145: 180-192.

(10) Liu, H., Blagodatsky, S. *, Liu, F., Xu, J., Cadisch, G. 2018. Impact of rubber plantation age on erosive potential studied with USLE model. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, DOI: 10.1080/23249676.2018.1452647.

(11) 刘泓汐, 郭超, 元媛, 金中武, 易雨君*. 2022. 基于泥沙-径流的山洪灾害动态风险评估与预警. 防汛抗旱. 32(8): 20-26.

(12) 易雨君,郭玉明,刘泓汐*. 2022. 不同典型年“引江济巢”工程对巢湖水质的影响. 湖泊科学. 34(6): 1901-1911.

(13) Du, J., Xu, X., Liu, H., Cui, B. 2023. Deriving a high-quality daily dataset of large-pan evaporation over China using a hybrid model. Water Research. 238(1): 120005.

(14) Chen, Y., Liu, H., Yi, Y. 2023. Constructing ecological corridors in response to extensive rural sprawl in a highly developed urban agglomeration. Urban Ecosystems.

(15) Du, J., Jiang, S., Cui, B.*, Wu, G., Liu H. 2022. Observation-based evaluation of local climate effect of terrestrial vegetation in temperate zones. JGR Atmospheres. 127, e2021JD036313.

(16) 易雨君*,徐雯钦,刘泓汐. 2022. 雄安新区洪涝灾害等级序列重建及防洪标准分析. 中国科学. 52.

(17) 耿植, 杜际增, 刘泓汐, 曹波, 李馨宇, 张勇*, 崔保山. 2022. 基于水动力过程的城市小微湿地生态补水量与补水路径评估——以北京汉石桥湿地为例. 环境工程.

(18) Zhou, Y., Yi, Y.*, Liu, H., Song, J., Jia, W., Zhang, S. 2021. Altitudinal trends in climate change result in radial growth variation of Pinus yunnanensis at an arid-hot valley of southwest China. Dendrochronologia. 71(11): 125914.

(19) 张笑欣,易雨君*刘泓汐,杨志峰. 2021. 城市化背景下白洋淀入湖营养盐复合模拟研究. 生态学报. 41(10): 7521-7529.

(20) Zhang, X., Yi, Y.*, Yang, Y., Liu, H., Yang, Z. 2021. Modelling phosphorus loading to the largest shallow lake in northern China in different shared socioeconomic pathways. Journal of Cleaner Production. 297(7): 126537.

(21) Cao, T., Yi, Y.*, Liu, H., Xu Q., Yang, Z., 2021. The relationship between ecosystem service supply and demand in plain areas undergoing urbanization: A case study of China. Journal of Environmental Management, 289:112492.

(22) Rajendran V., Yi, Y.*, Song, J., Liu, H., Zhou, Y., Li C. 2021. The changes in physicochemical and stable isotope compositions in the lower Yellow River of China due to artificial flooding. Journal of Environmental Management, 276: 111205.

(23) Cao, T., Yi, Y.*, Liu, H., Yang, Z. 2019. Integrated ecosystem services-based calculation of ecological water demand for a macrophyte-dominated shallow lake. Global Ecology and Conservation, 21: e00858

(24) Yang, X., Blagodatsky, S.*, Marohn, C., Liu, H., Golbon, R., Xu, J., Cadisch, G. 2019. Climbing the mountain fast but smart: Modelling rubber tree growth and latex yield under climate change. Forest Ecology and Management, 439: 55-69

(25) Thellmann, K., Blagodatsky, S.*, I., Hauser, Liu, H., Wang, J., Asch, F., Cadisch, G., Cotter, M. Assessing ecosystem services in rubber dominated landscapes in South-East Asia: a challenge for biophysical modeling and transdisciplinary valuation. Forests, 8(12).

(26) 董文福, 刘泓汐, 王秀琴, 劳月娥, 殷培红. 2011. 美国温室气体强制报告制度综述. 中国环境监测, 27(2): 18-22.