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1. Liao, Junyun, et al., (2023). “I Love It” Versus “I Recommend It”: The Impact of Implicit and Explicit Endorsement Styles on Electronic Word-of-Mouth Persuasiveness. Journal of Travel Research, Online. doi.org/10.1177/00472875231175083 (SSCI , ABS 四星).

2. Dong, X., Liu, H., Xi, N., Liao, J., & Yang, Z. (2023). Short video marketing: what, when and how short-branded videos facilitate consumer engagement. Internet Research. Online. (SSCI ,Corresponding Author)

3. Liao, Junyun, et al., (2023). “More gain, more give? The impact of brand community value on users’ value co-creation” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, (SSCI)

4. Liao, Junyun, Guo, R., et al., (2023). Avoidance or trash talk: the differential impact of brand identification and brand disidentification on oppositional brand loyalty. Journal of Product & Brand Management  (SSCI).

5. Liao, Junyun, et al. (2023). “Fanning the flames: Transmitting negative word of mouth of rival brands” Journal of Business Research, Online.(SSCI , ABS三星).

6. Xuebing Dong, Yaping Chang, Liao, Junyun, et al. (2023). “The impact of virtual interaction on consumers' pro-environmental behaviors: the mediating role of platform intimacy and love for nature” Information Technology & People, (SSCI , ABS三星, Corresponding Author).

7. Liao, Junyun, et al. (2023). “Understanding local consumers' reactions to perceived unfair product recalls of foreign brands: a relative deprivation perspective” Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Online.(SSCI ).

8. Veloutsou C., Liao, Junyun, et al. (2022). “Mapping brand community research from 2001 to 2021: Assessing the field's stage of development and a research agenda” Psychology & Marketing. (SSCI , ABS三星, Corresponding Author).

9. Liao, Junyun, et al. (2022). “Social free sampling: engaging consumer through product trial reports” Information Technology & People, (SSCI , ABS三星).

10. Liao, Junyun, et al.(2022). “Impact of brand community supportive climates on consumer-to-consumer helping behavior, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, (SSCI).

11. Shiyong Zheng, Jiada Chen & Liao, Junyun (2022). “What motivates users' viewing and purchasing behavior motivations in live streaming: A stream-streamer-viewer perspective” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, (SSCI, Corresponding Author)

12. Jiada Chen & Liao, Junyun (2022). “The impact of oppositional loyalty on brand identification in online brand communities: the moderating role of self-expression” Current Psychology, (SSCI). (Corresponding Author)

13. Liao, Junyun, Chunyu Li, and Raffaele Filieri (2022). “The Role of Humor in Management Response to Positive Consumer Reviews” Journal of Interactive Marketing, (SSCI , ABS三星).

14. Zheng, S., Wu, M., & Liao, Junyun. (2022). The impact of destination live streaming on viewers’ travel intention. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-15. (SSCI). (Corresponding Author)

15. Dong X., Liao, Junyun et al. Consumer responses to online advertising and online reviews: the mediating role of cognitive responses and affective responses.Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 23 (4) (SSCI, Corresponding Author)

16. Liao, Junyun, et al. (2022). “Creating immersive and parasocial live shopping experience for viewers: the role of streamers' interactional communication style” Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, (SSCI).

17. Ying Jiang, Liao, Junyun# et al (2022). Motivation for users’ knowledge sharing behavior in virtual brand communities: A psychological ownership perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. Available online, SSCI. (Contribute equally)

18. Liao, Junyun, Jiawen Chen, and Jian Mou (2021). " Examining the antecedents of idea contribution in online innovation communities: A perspective of creative self-efficacy." Technology in Society, Available online,SSCI Q1.

19. Liao, Junyun, Jiawen Chen, and Xuebing Dong (2021).. "Understanding the antecedents and outcomes of brand community-swinging in a poly-social-media context: a perspective of channel complementarity theory." Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, SSCI.

20. Liao, Junyun, et al. Antecedents of smartphone brand switching: a push–pull–mooring framework. [J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (2021) , Available online, SSCI.

21. Liao, Junyun, Dong, Xuebing, Luo, Ziwei, Guo, Rui. Oppositional loyalty as a brand identity-driven outcome: a conceptual framework and empirical evidence [J].Journal of Product & Brand Management. 2020, Available online, SSCI.

22. Liao, Junyun, and Wang, Dianwen. When does an online brand community backfire? An empirical study [J]. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing ,2020, 14(4):413-430 (SSCI)

23. Liao, Junyun, Xuebing Dong, and Yulang Guo. Examining knowledge contribution in firm-versus consumer-hosted virtual brand community[J].Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (2020): 100963.(Available online,SSCI) (Q1)

24. Liao, Junyun, et al. The group matters: examining the effect of group characteristics in online brand communities [J].Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics(2020). (Available online,SSCI)

25. Liao, Junyun, et al. The bright side and dark side of group heterogeneity within online brand community[J].Journal of Product & Brand Management. 2020, 29(1):69–80 (SSCI)

26. 廖俊云,林晓欣,卫海英.虚拟品牌社区价值如何影响消费者持续参与?品牌知识的调节作用[J].南开管理评论, 2019, 22(6): 16-26.

27. Minxue Huang, Rizwan Ali, Liao, Junyun *. The Effect of User Experience in Online Games on Word of Mouth: A Perspective of PAD Model. [J] Computers in Human Behavior, 2017, 75: 329-338. (Corresponding Author) (SSCI)(ABS 三星)

28. 廖俊云,黄敏学,彭捷. 企业虚拟品牌社区参与对消费者社区承诺的影响研究. [J]管理评论2017, 29(10): 73-83.

29. Junyun Liao, Minxue Huang, Bangming Xiao. Promoting Continual Member Participation in Firm-Hosted Online Brand Communities: An Organizational Socialization Approach. [J]Journal of Business Research, 2017, 71(2): 92-101.

30. 廖俊云,黄敏学,彭捷. 虚拟品牌社区中的成员社会化策略及其影响. [J]南开管理评论, 2016,19(5):171-181. (被人大书报资料中心全文载于<市场营销(下半月·理论版)2017年第4).

31. 黄敏学,廖俊云(导师第一),周南.社区体验能提升消费者的品牌忠诚吗——不同体验成分的作用与影响机制研究[J]. 南开管理评论, 2015, 18(3): 151-160.(被人大书报资料中心全文载于<市场营销(下半月·理论版)2015年第10) 

32. 廖俊云,黄敏学.在线产品评论、品牌与产品销量:基于酒店销售的实证研究[J].管理学报,2016, 13(1) :122-130.

33. 黄敏学,王艺婷,廖俊云,刘茂红.评论不一致性对消费者的双面影响:产品属性与调节定向的调节.[J]心理学报, 2017, 49(3): 370-382.

34. 黄敏学,潘海利,廖俊云.社会化媒体时代的品牌沟通——品牌社区认同研究综述[J]经济管理, 2017,39(2):195-208.

35. 肖邦明, 黄敏学, 廖俊云. 交易型社区的网络闭包机制研究[J]. 管理科学, 2015(5):129-144.

36. 黄敏学,王贝贝,廖俊云. 消费者评论中偏好差异性对销量的影响机制研究[J].营销科学学报, 2015, 11(3): 1-17.


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  7. 2019-    主持广东省暨南大学企业发展研究所项目社会化媒体背景下的免费试用营销模式研究(编号:2019GBAZD06)已结题,良好。

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