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The Hunan University Geonanotechnology Research Lab, GRL, is a dedicated interdisciplinary team of researchers working on geotechnics, soil science, materials engineering, and education since 2017. The GRL investigates the nanochemomechanics and biomineralization processes of geomaterials, designs and explores advanced functional geomaterials with unprecedented properties and extraordinary functions for improving infrastructure resilience. At the core of the lab’s expertise are: (1) bottom-up based multiscale modeling techniques, starting at the atomic level, to understand how the nano-micro structures and properties that will affect the macroscale material behaviors; (2) in situ nano characterization techniques that permit resolving in time and space hydration, fracture, self-healing and carbonation processes by observing nanoscale structural changes induced by loading and chemical reactions in highly heterogeneous environments. The ultimate goal of GRL is to develop breakthroughs and translate the fundamental knowledge gained in the lab into engineering design tools for a sustainable development of materials for construction, energy, and the environment. 

• 特殊土与环境岩土工程

• 微生物岩土技术

• 岩土材料多尺度模拟与微观测试
