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1.      Shang, Z., Qiao, L.Q., Liu, S., Niu, X.M., Qiao, Z., Sun, Y., Zhang, Y., Fan, L.Y., Guan, X.*, Cao, C.X. *, Xiao, H.* Graphene Oxide Facilitated Comprehensive Analysis of Cellular Nucleic Acid Binding Proteins for Lung Cancer. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10(21):17756-17770.

2.      Sun, Y., Huo, C.H., Qiao, Z., Shang, Z., Uzzaman, A., Liu, S., Jiang, X.T., Fan, L.Y., Ji, L.Y., Guan, X.*, Cao, C.X.*, and Xiao, H.* Comparative proteomic analysis of exosomes and microvesicles in human saliva for lung cancer, J. Proteome Res., 2018, 17(3):1101-1107.

3.      Uzzaman, A., Shang, Z., Qiao, Z., Cao, C.X.*, and Xiao, H.* Graphene and graphene oxide serve as solid matrix for extraction of membrane and membrane-associated proteins, Microchim. Acta, 2018, 185: 123.

4.      Cao, X.Y., Kong, F.Z., Zhang, Q., Liu, W.W., Liu, X.P., Li, G.Q., Zhong, R., Fan, L.Y. *, Xiao, H.*, Cao, C.X. * iPhone-imaged and cell-powered electrophoresis titration chip for the alkaline phosphatase assay in serum by the moving reaction boundary. Lab Chip. 2018, 18(12):1758-1766.

5.      Xia, Z.J., Liu, Z., Kong, F.Z., Fan, L.Y., Xiao, H.*, Cao, C.X.*, Comparison of antimicrobial peptide purification via free-flow electrophoresis and gel filtration chromatography. Electrophoresis. 2017, 38(24):3147-3154.

6.      Sun, Y., Liu, S., Qiao, Z., Shang, Z., Xia, Z.J., Niu, X.M., Qian, L.Q., Zhang, Y., Fan, L.Y., Cao, C.X.*, Xiao, H.*, Systematic comparison of exosomal proteomes from human saliva and serum for the detection of lung cancer, Anal. Chim. Acta 2017, 982:84-95.

7.      He, Y.C., Kong, F.Z., Fan, L.Y., Wu, J.Y., Liu, X.P., Li, J., Sun, Y., Zhang, Q., Yang, Y., Wu, X.J., Xiao, H.*, Cao, C.X.*, Preparation of intact mitochondria using free-flow isoelectric focusing with post-pH gradient sample injection for morphological, functional and proteomics studies, Anal. Chim. Acta 2017, 982:200-208.

8.      Liu, Z., Xia, Z.J., Fan, L.Y., Xiao, H.*, Cao, C.X.*, An Ionic Coordination Hybrid Hydrogel for Bioseparation. Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, 5842-5845

9.      Zhang, Q., Fan, L.Y., Li, W.L., Cong, F.S., Zhong, R., Chen, J.J., He, Y.C., Xiao, H.*, Cao, C.X.*, A stable and convenient protein electrophoresis titration device with bubble removing system. Electrophoresis. 2017, 38(13-14):1706-1712.

10.   Pratush, A., Zhang, Q., Cao, Y.R., Zhang, L.X., Li, G.Q., Liu X.P., Li, J., Jahan, S., Cong, F.S., Xiao, H.*, Fan, L.Y., Cao, C.X.*, A simple, openable and electroosmotic flow-free PMMA chip for electrophoretic titration of moving reaction boundary. Microchem. J. 2017, 132:20-27.

11.   Jahan, S., Zhang, Q., Pratush, A., Xie, H.Y., Xiao, H.*, Fan, L.Y., Cao, C.X.*. In-Vial Temperature Gradient Headspace Single Drop Microextraction Designed by Multiphysics Simulation. Anal. Chem. 2016, 88:10490-10498.

12.   Zhong, R., Xie, H.Y., Kong, F.Z., Zhang, Q., Jahan, S., Xiao, H.*, Fan, L.Y., Cao, C.X.*, Enzyme catalysis–electrophoresis titration for multiplex enzymatic assay via moving reaction boundary chip. Lab Chip, 2016, 16:3538-47.

13.   Sun, Y., Xia, Z.J., Shang, Z., Sun, K.B., Niu, X.M., Qian, L.Q., Fan, L.Y., Cao, C.X.*, Xiao, H.*, Facile preparation of salivary extracellular vesicles for cancer proteomics. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6:24669.

14.   Xiao, H.*, Zhang, Y., Kim, Y., Kim, S., Kim, J. J., Kim, K. M., Yoshizawa, J., Fan, L.-Y., Cao, C.-X., Wong, D.T.W.*, Differential proteomic analysis of human saliva using tandem mass tags quantification for gastric cancer detection. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6:22165.

15.   Liu, Z., Fan, L.-Y., Xiao, H.*, Cao, C.-X.*, A multiple covalent crosslinked soft hydrogel for bioseparation. Chem. Commun. 2016, 52:3247-3250.

16.   Xiao, H.*,, Langerman, A., Zhang, Y., Khalid, O., Hu, S., Cheng-Xi Cao, Lingen, M.W., Wong, D.T.W.* Quantitative proteomic analysis of microdissected oral epithelium for cancer biomarker discovery. Oral Oncol. 2015, 51: 1011-1019.

17.   Guo, C.G., Shang, Z., Yan, J., Li, S., Li, G.Q., Liu, R.Z., Qing, Y., Fan, L.Y., Xiao, H.*, and Cao, C.X.*. A tunable isoelectric focusing via moving reaction boundary for two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and proteomics. Talanta. 2015, 137:197-203.

18.   Shen, Q.Y., Guo, C.G., Yan, J., Zhang, Q., Xie, H.Y., Jahan, S., Fan, L.Y., Xiao, H.*, and Cao, C.X.* Target Protein Separation and Preparation by Free-Flow flow Electrophoresis coupling with Charge-to-mass Ratio Analysis. J. Chromatogr. A. 2015, 1397:73-80.

19.   Xiao, H.*, Zhang, L., Zhou, H., Lee, J.M., Garon, E.B., Wong, D.T.W.* Proteomic analysis of human saliva from lung cancer patients using two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2012, 11:M111.012112.

20.   Xiao, H.*, Wong, D.T.W.* Proteomic analysis of microvesicles in human saliva by gel electrophoresis with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta 2012, 723, 61-67.

21.   Xiao, H.*, Wong, D.T.W.* Method Development for Proteome Stabilization in Human Saliva. Anal. Chim. Acta 2012, 722, 63-69.

22.   Zhang, L., Xiao, H.*,, Zhou, H., Santiago, S., Lee, J., Garon, E., Yang, J.P., Brinkmann, O., Yan, X.M., Akin, D., Chia, D., Elashoff, D., Park, N.H., Wong, D.T.W.* Development of Transcriptomic Biomarker Signature in Human Saliva to Detect Lung Cancer. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 2012, 69, 3341-3350.