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1. Y. Zhang*, K. Wu, Z. Guang, B. Guo*, D. Qiao, Z. Wei*, H. Yang, Q. Wang, K. Li, N. Copner and X. Li, Advances and challenges of ultrafast fiber lasers in 2-4 μm mid-infrared spectral regionsLaser & Photon. Rev., 18(3): 2300786 (2024). 封面论文

2. X. He, Q. Hao, H. Wang, S. Yu, Y. Zhou, B. Guo* and L. J. Li*, 2D materials-based pulsed solid-state laser: status and prospectLaser & Photon. Rev., 18(10): 2300588 (2024). 中科院物理/光学1区

3. B. GuoQ. Xiao, S. Wang and H. Zhang, 2D layered materials: synthesis, nonlinear optical properties and device applicationsLaser & Photon. Rev., 13(12): 1800327 (2019). ESI热点论文/高被引论文,Google Scholar引用477次

4. B. GuoX. Guo, R. Zhou, Z. Ren, Q. Chen, R. Xu and W. Luo, Multi-pulse bound soliton fiber laser based on MoTe2 saturable absorberNanomaterials, Special issue on Advanced fiber laser, 13(1): 177 (2023). IF=5.7

5. Z. Lei and B. Guo*, 2D material-based optical biosensor: status and prospectAdv. Sci., 9(4): 2102924 (2022). ESI高被引论文

6. H. N. Zhang, S. Sun, X. Shang, B. Guo, X. H. Li, X. Chen, S. Jiang, H. Zhang, H. Agren, W. Zhang, G. Wang, C. Lu and S. Fu, Ultrafast photonics applications of emerging 2D-Xenes beyond grapheneNanophotonics 11(7): 1261-1284 (2022). ESI高被引论文

7. R. Zhou, H. Hu, B. Guo, Q. Li, H. Y. Fu and K. Nakkeeran, Self-starting switchable multifunctional solitons fiber laserAdv. Photon. Res., 3(5): 2100348 (2022). IF=3.7

8. B. GuoX. Guo, L. Tang, W. Yang, Q. Chen and Z. Ren, Ultra-long period grating-based multiwavelength ultrafast fiber laser [Invited], Chin. Opt. Lett., 19(7): 071405 (2021). 特邀论文;封面论文;2021 Outstanding Paper Award

9. B. Guo2D noncarbon materials-based nonlinear optical devices for ultrafast photonics [Invited], Chin. Opt. Lett., 16(2): 020004 (2018). 2018年度主编奖论文特邀论文;ESI高被引论文;中国知网高影响力论文

10. B. Guo, Recent advances in multiwavelength ultrafast lasers based on nonlinear effects of 2D materials [Invited], Infrar. Laser Eng., 48(1): 0103002 (2019). 2019年度最受关注特邀论文(中国光学工程学会)

11. B. Guo, S. Wang, Z. Wu, Z. Wang, D. Wang, H. Huang, F. Zhang, Y. Ge and H. Zhang, Sub-200 fs soliton mode-locked fiber laser based on bismuthene saturable absorberOpt. Express, 26(18): 22750-22760 (2018). ESI热点论文/高被引论文,Google Scholar引用322次

12. Y. Yuan, Y. Yao, M. Yi, B. Guo and J. TianMultiwavelength fiber laser employing a nonlinear Brillouin optical loop mirror: experimental and numerical studies, Opt. Express, 22(13): 15352-15363 (2014). IF=3.8

13. B. Guo, Y. Yao, J. Xiao, R. Wang and J. Zhang, Topological insulator-assisted dual-wavelength fiber laser delivering versatile pulse patternsIEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. Electron.Special issue on Optical waveguide technology and applications, 22(2): 090010-8 (2016). IF=4.9

14. B. Guo, Y. Yao, Y. Yang, Y. Yuan, L. Jin, B. Yan and J. Zhang, Dual-wavelength rectangular pulse erbium-doped fiber laser based on topological insulator saturable absorberPhoton. Res., 3(3): 94-99 (2015). 中科院光学1,Google Scholar引用100次

15. C. Guo, J. Wei, P. Yan, R. Luo, S. Ruan, J. Wang, B. Guo, P. Hua and Q. LueMode-locked fiber laser at 2.8 μm using a chemical-vapor-deposited WSe2 saturable absorber, Appl. Phys. Express, 13(1), 012013 (2020). IF=2.6

16. B. Guo, S. Li, Y. Fan and P. Wang, Versatile soliton emission from a WS2 mode-locked fiber laserOpt. Commun., 406: 66-71 (2018).  IF=2.4

17. B. Guo, Q. Lyu, Y. Yao and P. Wang, Direct generation of dip-type sidebands from WS2 mode-locked fiber laserOpt. Mater. Express, 6(8): 24752486 (2016). IF=2.9

18. Q. Wu, Y. Gu, Y. Yao, Y. Yang, H. Lei, Y. Tian, J. Tian and B. Guo*, Convertible dark pulse and bright pulse fiber ring laser by adjusting the polarization, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 30(14):1285-1288 (2018). IF=2.6

19. B. Guo, Y. Yao, P. Yan, K. Xu, J. Liu, S. Wang and Y. Li, Dual-wavelength soliton mode-locked fiber laser with a WS2-based fiber taper, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 28(3):323-326 (2016). Google Scholar引用102次

20. B. Guo, Y. Yao, J. Tian, Y. Zhao, S. Liu, M. Liu and M. Quan, Observation of bright-dark soliton pair in a mode-locked fiber laser with topological insulator, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 27(7):701-704 (2015).

21. B. Guo, Q. Ouyang, S. Li, Z. Fang and P. Wang, Dual-wavelength soliton laser based on graphene ternary compositeChin. J. Laser, 44(7): 0703012 (2017). IF=1.7

22. B. Guo and Y. Yao, Tunable triple-wavelength mode-locked fiber laser with topological insulator Bi2Se3 solutionOpt. Eng., 55(8): 081315 (2016). IF=1.3

23. B. Guo, Y. Yao, Y. Yang, Y. Yuan, R. Wang, S. Wang and B. Yan, Topological insulator: Bi2Se3/polyvinyl alcohol film-assisted multi-wavelength ultrafast erbium-doped fiber laserJ. Appl. Phys., 117(6): 063108 (2015). IF=3.2

24. Y. Yuan, Y. Yao, M. Yi, B. Guo and J. Tian, Experimental and numerical evaluation of freely spacing-tunable multi-wavelength fiber laser based on two seeding light signalsJ. Appl. Phys.,117(12): 123104 (2015).

25. 姜泽辉,郭波,张峰,王福力,摩擦力对非弹性蹦球倍周期运动的影响物理学报,59(12): 8444-8450(2010).

26. 姜泽辉,张峰,郭波,郑瑞华,赵海发,受振颗粒毛细系统中的对流与有序化物理学报,59(8): 5581-5588(2010).