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1. 柔性可穿戴锌空气电池研究,教育部直属高校基础科研基金青年基金,2019-2021, 8万元 主持

2. 石墨烯导电织物的中试生产,校企合作项目,2019-2023, 50万元 主持

3. 多功能康健“智”帽的技术开发,校企合作项目,2021-2023, 30万元 主持

4. 纳米尺度改性xxxx用麻纤维的研究,校企合作项目,2021-2023,9万元 主持

5. 航天预成型体用麻纤维复合材料研究,江西省科技厅“揭榜挂帅”项目,2022-2024,总经费600万元  主持 

6. 高性能特种用途“智”帽的关键技术开发与集成,宿迁市关键技术攻关项目,2022-2023,(企业牵头)总经费300万元 技术总师 

7. 电磁屏蔽(防辐射)面料的技术开发,江苏省产学研项目,2022-2025, 30万元 主持

8. 口气传感智能穿戴口罩的技术开发,校企合作项目,2025-2027, 60万元 主持

8. XX-XX-XX工艺集成及智能化制备技术,“XX行动”成果转化应用项目,2023-2024,200万元 参与

9. 原位液相电化学扫描探针显微镜揭示二维过渡金属氢氧化物电催化析氧活性位点,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019-2022,65万元,参与

10. 石墨烯修饰聚氨酯电诱导纤维温敏变色精确调控及机理,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020-2023,65万元,参与

11. 光诱导调控地临界溶解温度超亲水超疏水纤维温敏自己水输运表面构筑及机理,江苏省自然科学基金面上项目, 2020-2022,10万元,参与


1. 2019 中国商业联合会科学技术奖三等奖,“纺织品清洁化生产用液状染料开发及其产业化”

2. 2020 江苏泗阳经济开发区科技创新创业大赛企业组第一名,“多功能康健智帽”项目负责人

3. 2021“汇川杯”纺织智能学生设计大奖赛一等奖,“HITP基导电MOF复合织物传感器”指导老师

4. 2021 江苏省企业(研发机构)创新大赛第三赛区三等奖,“校企孕育多功能智帽----新形势下的帽业发展与创新”负责人

5. 2022 中国纺织工业联合会科技成果优秀奖,“智能服装服饰产品标准创新研究与应用”

6. 2023 “金三发·当盛”杯全国大学生非织造材料开发与应用双创大赛三等奖,“缝编法制备非织时空分辨传感器用于口腔气体监测”指导教师

7. 2023  《基于碳纳米管纤维及纱线的人体传感器》2022年度江苏纺织学术论文二等奖, 江苏省纺织工程学会 获奖文章通讯作者



1. 2020 中国纺织联合会团体标准《纺织服装用电加热片》编号202002-CNTAC003


1. 柔性脑电织物传感器的控制与读取软件V1.0  软件著作权   登记号2021SR1273657

2. 柔性脑电织物传感器的信号分析诊断软件V1.0 软件著作权 登记号2021SR1277258

3. 柔性心电织物传感器的控制与读取软件V1.0 软件著作权     登记号2021SR1273288

4. 柔性心电织物传感器的信号分析诊断软件V1.0 软件著作权  登记号2021SR1278666

5. “智”慧帽生物脑电信号管理里软件V1.0 软件著作权      登记号2022SR1075877

6. “智”慧帽信号捕捉监测软件V1.0 软件著作权      登记号2022SR1297155

7. 光固化脆性纤维涂层牵引控制管理软件V1.0 软件著作权      登记号2022SR1297142

8. 基于电控调节的电磁屏蔽型号测试控制软件V1.0 软件著作权      登记号2022SR1213923

9. 基于光固化脆性纤维涂层的智慧光源控制软件V1.0 软件著作权      登记号2022SR1297153

10.  立体编织纤维前处理光固化涂层控制软件V1.0 软件著作权      登记号2022SR1296431

11.  麻纤维复合水性聚氨酯涂层光固化控制管理软件V1.0 软件著作权      登记号2022SR1117341

12.  麻纤维复合水性聚氨酯涂层喷涂一体化控制软件V1.0 软件著作权      登记号2022SR1335233


1. 一种利用CO2连续制备碳纳米管纤维的方法  授权发明专利   202211151723530

2.一种用于连续氧化锆纤维编织的水凝胶涂层及其制备方法 发明专利(实审)2024108699304

3. 一种基于相变微胶囊和碳纳米管纤维的柔性热电织物及其制备方法  发明专利(实审)2024103365044

4. 一种光增益柔性热电离子凝胶的制备方法及应用   发明专利(提交申请)2024113604215

5. 一种具有离子凝胶涂层的连续氧化锆纤维及其制备方法 发明专利(提交申请) 2024113820820


31.  Challenges and Strategies for Zinc Anode in Rechargeable Zinc-air Batteries,2024, in preparation 

30.  Advances in the fabrication of thermoelectric fibres and their encapsulation, 2024, in preparation

29.  Carbon Nanotube Fibers: A Review of Preparation, Properties, Applications and Mass Production,2024, in preparation 

28.  In-situ growth of platinum particles inside carbon nanotube yarns for the fabrication of flexible stretchable strain sensors capable of monitoring human activity,2024,submited 

27.  In-situ growth of self-reduction MXene/AuNPs decorated CNTYs for 1D textile heaters with exceptional electrothermal performance,2025, ACS Applied Electronic Materials , accepted

26.  Phase-transition promoted thermoelectric textiles based on surface twin-modified CNT fibers,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2024, 16, 14, 18030–18039  link

25.  基于CNT的柔性自支撑锌空气电池正极研究进展,《中国科学·技术科学》2024,547  Research progress in flexible zinc-air battery cathode based on carbon nanotube materials,SCIENTIA SINICA Technologica, 2024,54, doi: 10.1360/SST-2023-0178 link

24.  Mass production of carbon nanotube fibers and hybrid yarns for high-performance helical auxetic yarn strain sensors, Physica Scripta 2023, 98,125011 link

23.  导电纤维在新型纺织品中的应用进展,《现代纺织技术》,2023  Development of conductive fibers in the application of next generation textile products,Advanced Textile Technology,2023, 31,6,241-254  link

22.  Bio-inspired Color-Changing and Self-Healing Hybrid Hydrogel for Wearable Sensors and Adaptive Camouflage,Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2023,11, 285-298 link

21.  Self-Healing and Antibacterial Essential Oils Loaded Mesoporous Silica/ Polyacrylate Hybrid Hydrogel for High-Performance Wearable Body-Strain Sensing,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,  2022, 14, 18, 21509–21520 link

20.  Constructing β-FeOOH scaffold for enhancing conductance and capacitances of coaxial polypyrrole/nylon fibers,Electrochimica Acta 2020, 349,136407 link

19.  A stretchable and hydrophobic polypyrrole/knitted cotton fabric electrode for all-solid-state supercapacitor with excellent strain capacitance, Electrochimica Acta 2019, 297, 794 - 804 link

18.  Plasmon-Promoted Electrochemical Oxygen Evolution Catalysis from Gold Decorated MnO2 Nanosheets under Green Light,Advanced Functional Materials  2018, 28, 1801573 link

17.  Hierarchically nanostructured transition metal oxides for supercapacitors, Science China Materials 2018, 61, 185–209 link

16.  Comparative analysis of the toxicity of gold nanoparticles in zebrafish,  Journal of Applied Toxicology  2018, 38, 1153-1161 link

15.  Ultrathin Nanosheet Assembled Sn0.91Co0.19S2 Nanocages with Exposed (100) Facets for High‐Performance Lithium‐Ion Batteries, Small 2018, 5 1702184 link

14.  Rechargeable zinc–air batteries: a promising way to green energy,Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5, 7651-7666 link

13.  Electrocatalysis of Rechargeable Non-Lithium Metal–Air Batteries,Advanced Materials Interfaces  2017, 1700589 link

12.  Transition metal oxides with one-dimensional/one-dimensional-analogue nanostructures for advanced supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017,5, 8155-8186 link

11.  A glassy carbon electrode modified with ordered nanoporous Co3O4 for non-enzymatic sensing of glucose, Microchimica Acta 2017, 184, 943 - 949 link

10.  Cube-like CoSn(OH)6 nanostructure for sensitive electrochemical detection of H2O2 in human serum sample, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical  2017, 241,  528 - 533 link

09.  High‐Performance Flexible Solid‐State Asymmetric Supercapacitors based on Ordered Mesoporous Cobalt Oxide, Energy Technology 2017, 5, 544 - 548 link

08.  Ultrathin Nickel–Cobalt Phosphate 2D Nanosheets for Electrochemical Energy Storage under Aqueous/Solid‐State Electrolyte, Advanced Functional Materials 2017,  27, 1605784 link

07.  Facile synthesis of an accordion-like Ni-MOF superstructure for high-performance flexible supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016, 4, 19078-19085 link

06.  Yb,Er-doped CeO2 nanotubes as an assistant layer for photoconversion-enhanced dye-sensitized solar cells, Journal of Power Sources 2016, 331, 527 - 534. link

05.  Copper‐Based Nanomaterials for High‐Performance Lithium‐Ion Batteries, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 2016, 33, 784 - 810. link

04.  Hairpin DNA-functionalized gold nanorods for mRNA detection in homogenous solution, Journal of Biomedical Optics 2016, 21 (6), 097001.  link

03.  High performance of electrochemical lithium storage batteries: ZnO-based nanomaterials for lithium-ion and lithium–sulfur batteries, Nanoscale  2016,8, 18578-18595 link

02.  Dye-doped polystyrene-coated gold nanorods: towards wavelength tuneable SPASER, Methods and Applications in Fluorescence  2014, 2 , 024004. link

01.  Measuring the exciton diffusion length of C60 in organic planar heterojunction solar cells, Physica Status Solidi A 2011, 208, 8 , 1967-1971. link