Bigyan Sharma博士为尼泊尔人,2012年博士毕业于日本Saga University, 2018年3月加入中山大学药学院(深圳),由邓文斌教授和高理钱老师联合
Publications (After joining SYSU) (# Equal contribution, * Corresponding author)
1. B. Sharma#, L. Xie#, F. Yang#, W. Wang#, Q. Zhou, M. Xiang, S. Zhou, W. Lv, Y. Jia, L. Pokhrel, J. Shen, Q. Xiao*, L. Gao*, W. Deng*, “Recent advance on PTP1B inhibitors and their biomedical applications”, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2020), 199:112376, doi:10.1016/j.ejmech.2020.112376.
2. M. Xiang#, Q. Zhou#, Z. Shi, X. Wang, M. Li, Y. Jia, S. Li, F. Yang, W. Wang, B. Sharma, Y. Nie, Q. Xiao*, L. Gao*, “A review of light sources and
enhanced targeting for photodynamic therapy”, Current Medicinal Chemistry (2020), accepted.