1. Jie Yang*, et al. Dual-Stage Surficial Micro-Structure to Enhance the Sensitivity of MXene Pressure Sensor for Human Physiological Signals Acquisition. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2024, 16(1), 1096-1106 (SCI, IF=10.38)
2. Jie Yang*, et al. Polycation-Intercalated MXene Membrane with Enhanced Permselective and Anti-Microbial Properties. Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 2885. (SCI, IF=5.72)
3. Jie Yang*, et al. Recent Advances of MXene Physical Sensor to Wearable Electronics. Material Today Communications 2023. 35, 106014. (SCI, IF=3.66)
4. Jie Yang, et al. Ultrastrentchable, Multilhealble, and Highly Sensitive Strain Sensor Based on a Double Cross-Linked MXene Hydrogel. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023. 15, 17163. (SCI, IF=10.38)
5. Jie Yang*, et al. Nanocellulose-induced Assembly of Ti3C2TX MXene Composite Membrane for Antibiotics Separation, Separation and Purification Technology 2023, 12, 2103. (SCI, IF=9.13)
6. Jie Yang, et al. Water-tolerant MXene Epidermal Sensor with High Sensitivity and Reliability for Healthcare Monitoring, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022, 14, 21253. (SCI, IF=10.38)
7. Jie Yang*, et al. A Review of Advancing Two-Dimensional Material Membranes for Ultrafast and Highly Selective Liquid Separation, Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 2103. (SCI, IF=5.72)
8. Jie Yang*, et al. Enhanced removal efficiency of heavy metal ions by assembling phytic acid on polyamide nanofiltration membrane, Journal of Membrane Science 2021, 636, 119591. (SCI, IF=10.53)
9. Jie Yang, et al. Nanocellulose Intercalation to Boost the Performance of MXene Pressure Sensor for Human Interactive Monitoring, Journal of Materials Science 2021, 56, 13859. (SCI, IF=4.68)
10. Jie Yang, et al. Single Janus Iodine-doped rGO/rGO Film with Multi-responsive Actuation and High Capacitance for Smart Integrated Electronics, Nano Energy 2018, 53, 916. (SCI, IF=19.06)
11. Jie Yang, et al. Fiber-Shaped Hydrovoltaic Nanogenerators with High Energy Conversion Efficiency for Self-powered Integrated Electronics, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2020, 1, 100175. (SCI, IF=7.82)
12. Jie Yang, et al. Fiber-shaped Supercapacitor: Advanced Strategies toward High-Performances and Mutil-Functions, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2020, 38, 403. (SCI, IF=3.81)
13. Jie Yang, et al. Fabrication of pH-Responsive System Based on Cationic Gemini Surfactant/Sodium Octanedioate and its Application on Controlled Release of Paclitaxel. Colloids and Surfaces A 2018, 539, 101. (SCI, IF=5.52)
14. Hui Li, Jie Yang, et al. Flexible Aqueous Ammonium-Ion Full Cell with High Rate Capability and Long Cycle Life. Nano Energy, 2019, 68, 104369. (SCI, IF=19.06)
15. Qun Guan, Yongpeng Li, Xuanxuan Bi, Jie Yang, et al. Dendrite-Free Flexible Fiber-Shaped Zn Battery with Long Cycle Life in Water and Air. Advanced Energy Materials, 2019, 9, 1901434. (SCI, IF=29.37)