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  • Zhang, X H., Wang, Y H., Zhang, D F*. et al. Water retention behaviours of intact and recompacted loess exposed to multiple wetting-drying cycles[J]. J. Cent. South Univ. 2023, 30, 3145–3161.

  • Zhang D, Wang J *, Zhang Y, et al. Initiation and movement of a rock avalanche in the Tibetan Plateau, China: insights from field observations and numerical simulations [J]. Landslides, 2022, 19, 2569-2591.

  • Wang J, Zhang D*, Zhang Y, et al. Variations in hydraulic properties of collapsible loess exposed to wetting and shearing[J]. Acta Geotechnica, 2022, 17, 2995–3015.

  • Dong H, Wang J*, Zhang D*, et al. Microscopic mechanism angle of repose in friable loess and its relationship with slope angle[J]. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022, 9: 1381.

  • Zhenxiao Li, Jiading Wang*, Dengfei Zhang. Creep behavior of intact loess followed unloading paths [J]. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2021, 20(9): 744864.

  • 戚利荣,王家鼎,张登飞,等. 冻融循环作用下花岗岩损伤的宏微观尺度研究[J]. 水文地质工程地质, 2021,48(5): 65-73.

  • 张林, 张登飞, 陈存礼,等. 考虑竖向附加应力作用的一维垂直土柱仪研制与应用[J]. 水文地质工程地质, 2020, 47(02):116-123.

  • 张登飞,王家鼎,张文博,陈存礼. 非饱和原状黄土的湿剪破坏特性[J]. 岩土工程学报,2021,43(S1):87-92.

  • 张登飞,陈存礼,舒迎涛,庞腾腾. 原状黄土的结构性与渗气特性的关联性初探[J]. 岩土工程学报,2021,43(7): 1345-1351.

  • 王家鼎, 许元珺, 张登飞, 谷天峰. 2021. 黄土振动促渗效应研究. 中国科学: 地球科学, 51(5): 763-782.

  • Wang J, Xu Y, Zhang D, Gu T. 2021. Vibration-induced acceleration of infiltration in loess. Science China Earth Sciences, 64(4): 611-630. 

  • Dengfei Zhang, Jiading Wang*, Cunli Chen. Gas and liquid permeability in the variably saturated compacted loess used as an earthen final cover material in landfills[J]. Waste Management, 2020, Volume 105, 49-60. 

  • Jiading Wang, Dengfei Zhang*, Cunli Chen, Songhe Wang. Measurement and modelling of stress-dependent water permeability of collapsible loess in China [J]. Engineering Geology, 2020, Volume 266, 105393. 

  • Cun-Li Chen, Le Zhang, Dengfei Zhang, Hui Chen. Experimental Study on Gas Permeability of Intact Loess Under Applied Load with Constant Stress Ratio Paths: Proceedings of the 5th GeoChina International Conference 2018 – Civil Infrastructures Confronting Severe Weathers and Climate Changes: From Failure to Sustainability, held on July 23 to 25, 2018 in HangZhou, China.  

  •  张林,张登飞,陈存礼,游子龙,孙佩娜. 竖向压力作用下重塑黄土土柱压缩湿陷及渗水试验研究[J]. 水利学报, 2019, 50, 1214-1221. 

  • 张林, 陈存礼, 张登飞, 等. 饱和重塑黄土在部分排水条件下的力学特性研究[J]. 水力发电学报, 2019, 38(12): 112-120. 8(12): 112-120. 

  • Dengfei Zhang, Jiading Wang, Cunli Chen, Songhe Wang. The compression and collapse behaviour of intact loess in suction monitored triaxial apparatus[J]. Acta Geotechnica, 2020, 15(2): 529–548. 

  • Jiading Wang, Dengfei Zhang, Nianqin Wang, Tianfeng Gu. Mechanisms of wetting-induced loess slope failures, Landslides, 2019, 16, 937-953. 

  • 张登飞,陈存礼,于佃博. 非饱和原状黄土的变形及屈服特性试验研究[J]. 地下空间与工程学,2019, 15(4): 358-364.

  • 张登飞,陈存礼,陈 惠,刘 科. 三轴应力条件下原状黄土的吸湿渗水特性[J].岩土工程学报,2018, 40(S1): 45-50. 

  • 张登飞,陈存礼,陈 惠,刘 科. 三轴应力条件下原状黄土的渗气特性[J].岩土工程学报,2018, 40(S1): 93-99.  

  • 张登飞,陈存礼,张 洁,刘 科,等. 等向压缩应力条件下原状黄土的吸湿持水特性[J].岩土工程学报,2018, 40(7): 1344-1349.

  • 张登飞,陈存礼,张 洁,贾亚军. 等向应力条件下非饱和原状黄土增湿渗水特性试验研究[J].岩土工程学报,2018, 40(3): 431-440. 

  • Cunli Chen, Dengfei Zhang, Jie Zhang. Influence of stress and water content on air permeability of intact loess[J]. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2017, 54(9): 1221-1230. 

  • 陈存礼,张登飞,张 洁,陈 惠,等. 等向应力条件下原状Q3 黄土的渗气特性研究[J].岩土工程学报,2017, 39(2): 287-294. 

  • 陈存礼,贾亚军,金 娟,张登飞,等. 含水率及应力对原状黄土静止侧压力系数的影响[J]岩石力学与工程学报, 2017, 36(S1): 3535–3542.  

  • 陈存礼, 张登飞, 张洁, 等. 等向应力下原状黄土的压缩及增湿变形特性研究[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2017, 36(7): 1736–1747. 

  • 张登飞,陈存礼,杨 炯,王俊甫,等. 侧限条件下增湿时湿陷性黄土的变形及持水特性[J]岩石力学与工程学报, 2016, 35(3): 604-612. 

  • Zhang Deng-fei, Chen Cun-li, Yu Dian-bo, elt. Deformation and yielding for intact Q3 loess under various stress paths [C] AP-UNSAT2015, 2016, 205-210. 

  • 张登飞,陈存礼,李文文,于佃博. Q3原状非饱和黄土的水量变化和临界状态特性[J]岩土工程学报, 2015, 37(s1): 197-201. 

  • 陈存礼, 张登飞, 董玉柱,等. 常含水率三轴条件下非饱和原状黄土的吸力和力学特性[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(7):1195-1202.