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胡凌峰 2022级博士生     进组时间: 2019






1. 林业局948项目:基于废水利用的节水灌溉技术引进(2014-4-64;宋曰钦教授主持)



2. 安徽省林业厅:皖南花榈木种质资源收集及繁育技术研究(AHLYCX-2018-12;宋曰钦教授主持)   


3. 中科院科创计划:黄山及其附近口蘑科真菌的物种多样性研究 


4. 大学生三创项目:掌上盆景的制作(201510375045) 


5. 大学生三创项目:无土栽培植物微盆的制作(AH201610375013)  



1. 杂交鹅掌楸花色形成代谢机理研究(学位论文)

2. 鹅掌楸生长素输出蛋白PIN、赤霉素氧化酶GAOX和氨基酸/生长素透性酶AAAP基因家族鉴定分析

3. 鹅掌楸 FT 基因克隆与功能分析 (江苏省科研创新项目)

4. GABA增强杂交鹅掌楸的铝胁迫耐受性(参与)

5. 北美鹅掌楸花瓣着色的转录和代谢基础(参与)

6. 多季节连续开花鹅掌楸开花行为变异机制(参与)



1. Hu Lingfeng, Wang Penkai, Hao Zhaodong, et al. Gibberellin Oxidase Gene Family in L. chinense: Genome-Wide Identification and Gene Expression Analysis[J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021, 22, 1-19. 

2. Hu Lingfeng, Wang Penkai, Long Xiaofei, et al. The PIN gene family in relic plant L. chinense: Genome-wide identification and gene expression profiling in different organizations and abiotic stress responses[J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2021, 162, 634-646.

3. Hu Lingfeng, Fan Ruifang, Wang Pengkai, et al. Identification, phylogenetic and expression analyses of the AAAP gene family in Liriodendron chinense reveal their putative functions in response to organ and multiple abiotic stresses[J]. international Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23, 1-19.

4. Sheng Yu, Hao Zhaodong, Peng Yan, Liu Siqing, Hu Lingfeng, et al. Morphological, phenological, and transcriptional analyses provide insight into the diverse flowering traits of a mutant of the relic woody plant Liriodendron chinense[J]. Horticulture Research. 2021, 8. 

5. Wang Penkai, Dong Yini, Zhu Liming, Hao Zhaodong, Hu Lingfeng, et al. The role of gamma-aminobutyric acid in aluminum stress tolerance in a woody plant, Liriodendron chinense x tulipifera[J]. Horticulture Research. 2021, 8. 

6. Hao Zhaodong, Liu Siqing, Hu Lingfeng, et al. Transcriptome analysis and metabolic profiling reveal the key role of carotenoids in the petal coloration of Liriodendron tulipifera[J]. Horticulture Research. 2020, 7. 

7. Fengqing Li, Jiabao Yao, Lingfeng Hu, et al. Multiple methods synergistically promote the synchronization of somatic embryogenesis through suspension culture in the new hybrid between Pinus elliottii and Pinus caribaea[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022. 

8. Rui Li, Yan Pan., Lingfeng Hu, et al. PIN3 from Liriodendron May Function in Inflorescence Development and Root Elongation[J]. forests. 2022, 568(13),1-14.






