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[1].Gang Chen, Yu Lu and Rong Su, Interpretable Fault Diagnosis with Shapelet Temporal  Logic: Theory and Application, Automatica,  2022.  [影响因子5.9, SCI Q1]

[2].Gang Chen, Timed Failure Propagation Graph Construction with Supremal Language Guided Tree-LSTM and Its Application to Interpretable Fault Diagnosis, Applied Intelligence,2022. [影响因子5.1, SCI Q2]

[3].Gang Chen, Peng Wei, and Mei Liu, Temporal Logic Inference for Fault Detection of Switched Systems With Gaussian Process Dynamics, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering , DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2021.3074548, 2021. [影响因子5.1, SCI Q2]

[4].Gang Chen, Peng Wei, Huiming Jiang, and Mei Liu, Formal Language Generation for Fault Diagnosis with Spectral Logic via Adversarial Training, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics , Vol.18, No.1, pp.119-129, 2022. [影响因子10.2, SCI Q1]

[5].Gang Chen, Mei Liu, and Jin Chen, Frequency-temporal-logic-based bearing fault diagnosis and fault interpretation using Bayesian optimization with Bayesian neural networks, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2020.106951, 2020. [影响因子6.8, SCI Q1]

[6].Gang Chen, Mei Liu, and Zhaodan Kong, Temporal-logic-based semantic fault diagnosis with time-series data from industrial internet of things, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.68, No.5, pp.4393-403, 2021.[影响因子8.2, SCI Q1]

[7].Gang Chen, Jin Chen, A novel wrapper method for feature selection and its applications, Neurocomputing, vol.159, pp.219-226, 2015.[影响因子5.7, SCI Q1]

[8].Gang Chen, Bo Zhang, Pinkuan Liu and Han Ding, An adaptive analog circuit for LVDT’s nanometer measurement without losing sensitivity and rang, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.15, no.4, pp. 2248–2254,2015.[影响因子3.3, SCI Q2]

[9].Gang Chen, Jin Chen, G.M. Dong, and H.M. Jiang, An adaptive non-parametric short-time Fourier transform: application to echolocation, Applied Acoustics, vol. 87, pp. 131-141, 2015.[影响因子2.6, SCI Q2]

[10].Gang Chen, Jin Chen, and G.M. Dong, Chirplet Wigner–Ville distribution for time–frequency representation and its application, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 41, pp. 1-13, 2013.[影响因子6.8, SCI Q1]