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张葵 副研究员,硕士生导师    

17.  Song, L.*; Lv, Z.; Li, Y.; Zhang, K.; Van der Eycken, E. V.*; Cai, L.* "Construction of Peptide-Isoquinolone Conjugates via Rh(III)-Catalyzed C-H Activation/Annulation", Org. Lett. 2023, 25, 2996.  


16. Liu, J.; Jin, J.; Zhang, K.*; Cai, L. "Alkoxy Radical Induced Transformations from N-Alkoxyphthalimides Under the Photoredox Catalysis", Asian J. Org. Chem. 2023

15. Zhang, K.*Cai, L.* "Enantioselective Hydroamination of Arylalkenes with Secondary Amines Via Cobalt Catalysis", Chem Catalysis 2023, 3, 100553. (Invited Paper) 

14. Zhang, K.; Chen, Y.; Song, L.; Cai, L.*"Progress of Catalytic Mitsunobu Reaction in the Two Decades", Asian J. Org. Chem. 2023, 12, e20200707. 


13.  Zhang, K.; Wei, C.; Li, Y.; Yao, Y.(本科生); Song, L.; Jin, J.; Cai, L.* "Cu(OAc)2-Catalyzed Hydrazination of Cyclopropanols and Later-Stage Transformation to 4,5-Dihydropyrazoles", New J. Chem. 2023, 47, 3653. 


12. Gao, Y.; Liu, J.; Wei, C.; Li, Y.; Zhang, K.; Song, L.; Cai, L."Photoinduced β-fragmentation of aliphatic alcohol derivatives for forging C–C bonds", Nat. Commun. 2022, 13, 7450.


11.  Song, L.*; Lv, Z.; Zhang, K.; Wu, Y.; Van der Eycken, E.; Cai, L.* " Recent Advances in the Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Camptothecin", Asian J. Org. Chem. 2022, 11e202200515.


10.  Zhang, K.; Cai, L.; Hong, S.; Kwon, O. “Phosphine-Catalyzed a-Umpolung-Aldol Reaction for the Synthesis of Benzo[b]azapin-3-ones”, Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 5143. 


9.   Zhang, K.; Ahmed, I. A.; Kratochvil, H. T.; DeGrado, W. F.; Gai, F.; Jo, H. “Synthesis and Application of the Blue Fluorescent Amino Acid L-4-Cyanotryptophan to Access Peptide-Membrane Interactions”, Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 5095.   https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2019/cc/c9cc01152h       

8.  Cai, L.; Zhang, K.; Chen, S.; Lepage, R. J.; Houk, K. N.; Krenske, E. H.; Kwon, O. Catalytic Asymmetric Staudinger-aza-Wittig reaction for the synthesis of heterocyclic amines”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 9537. 


7.  Zhang, K.; Cai, L.; Yang, Z.; Houk, K. N.; Kwon, O. “Bridged [2.2.1] Bicyclic Phosphine Oxide Facilitates Catalytic γ-Umpolung Addition–Wittig Olefination”, Chem. Sci. 20189, 1867. 


6.  Zhang, K.; Kwon, O. “2-[(4-Methylphenyl)sulfonyl]-5-phenyl-2-aza-5- Phosphabicyclo[2.2.1.]heptane” e-EROS Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis2017, 1–3.


5.  Zhou, Q.; Zhang, K.; Cai, L., Kwon, O. “Phosphine-Catalyzed Intramolecular Cyclizations of α-Nitroethylallenoates Forming (Z)-Furanone OximesOrg. Lett. 2016, 18, 2954. 


4.   Cai, L.; Zhang, K.; Kwon, O. “Catalytic Asymmetric Total Synthesis of (–)-Actinophyllic Acid” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 3298. 


3.  Zhang, K.; Cai, L.; Jiang, X.; Garcia-Garibay, M. A.; Kwon, O. “Phosphine-Mediated Iterative Arene Homologation Using Allenes” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015137, 11258. 


2.   Zhou, Q.; Zhang, K.; Kwon, O. “Stereoselective syntheses of a,β-unsaturated g-amino esters through phosphine-catalyzed g-umpolung additions of sulfonamides to g-substituted allenoates” Tetrahedron Lett. 2015, 56, 3273. 


1.  Zhang, K.; Huang, Y.; Chen, R. “A novel efficient method for synthesis of propargylamines via three-component coupling of aryl azide, aldehyde, and alkyne promoted by iron–iodine–copper(I) bromide” Tetradehron Lett. 2010, 51, 5463. 

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