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The 2018 masters of the BML passed the defense and successfully graduated

At 7:00 pm on March 16, 2021, Liang Huan and Wang Xueting of BML conducted their master's graduation defense at the Tencent conference line. Professor Junling Shi served as the chair of the defense. The members of the defense committee were Professor Lu Tingli and Professor Cao Huiling, and Associate Professor Ye Yajing served as the defense secretary. The teachers who participated in the defense were Professor Yin Dachuan, Associate Professor Deng Xudong, and Teacher Guo Weihong.

The defense strictly implements the postgraduate thesis defense procedures. First, the two master students who participated in the defense will report on their thesis within the specified time. After that, the defense judges will ask questions about the student's thesis, and the graduate students will answer carefully and carefully record the comments made by the judges. valuable opinion. After the defense, the judges convened an internal meeting to discuss the results of the defense. After the resumption of the meeting, the defense chairman seriously announced the defense resolutions of the two students, and unanimously agreed that the two students met the graduation requirements for master's degree students and were granted a master's degree in engineering. The entire defense process is standardized and reasonable, the video is free of lag, the whole process covers all the screenshots, video recording and recording.

The remaining master and doctoral students in this group listened to the defense and expressed that they have gained new understanding and thinking about the dissertation through the auditing, and will be more proactive in professional learning and thesis writing in the future.