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张金勇 副教授    


男,副教授,201410月毕业于法国巴黎第六大学(Université Pierre et Marie CURIE),获工学博士学位。现任职于中国矿业大学材料与物理学院。曾入选江苏省双创人才计划、江苏省科技副总、江苏省苏北发展特聘专家、中国矿业大学青年教师启航计划培养对象。主持国家自然科学青年基金空中客车(北京)合作项目,中国博士后科学基金,江苏省双创人才计划项目,江苏省产学研项目,北科大重点实验室开放课题重点项目,西交大重点实验室开放课题,华中科大重点实验室开放课题,西工大重点实验室开放课题和中央高校基本业务费等科研项目,以及中国矿业大学研究生教改和本科生教改等教学项目。指导大学生创新项目及国家级竞赛多项;曾获得中国矿业大学科研育人先进个人优秀本科生指导教师全国大学生热处理创新创业大赛优秀指导教师等荣誉。目前在金属材料领域期刊Acta MaterialiaMaterials Research LettersScripta MaterialiaChemical CommunicationsJournal of Alloys and CompoundsMaterials Science and Engineering: AMaterials Characterization金属学报等期刊发表论文30余篇。论文他引800余次,单篇论文最高引用240次,授权专利8项。


* 钛合金等轻质金属材料的设计、力学性能与微观机理;

* 先进工程材料服役性能与寿命评价;

* 高性能多尺度材料的设计及力学性能;

* 新能源材料与器件如锂(钠、钾)离子电池,锂硫电池等(与深圳大学合作培养研究生)http://opto.szu.edu.cn/index6c3b.html?s=/home/article/detail/id/1140.html



1.        Jinyong Zhang, Yijin Wu, Congcong Zhao, Zheng Chen, Baolong Shen. 不同铸造工艺条件下B含量对Fe0.25Co0.25Ni0.25Cr0.125Mn0.125高熵合金组织及性能的影响, 稀有金属材料与工程(accepted

2.        Jinyong Zhang,Yangyang Fu, Yijin Wu, Bingnan Qian, Zheng Chen, Akihisa Inoue, Yuan Wu, Yang Yang, Fan Sun, Ju Li and Frédéric Prima. Hierarchical {332}<113> twinning in a metastable β Ti-alloy showing tolerance to strain localization. Materials Research Letters, 8(7) (2020)247-253 (SCI 一区IF=7.44,被选为editor’s choise它引6)

3.        Jinyong Zhang, Bingnan Qian, Yijin Wu, Yu Wang, Zheng Chen, Jun Cheng, Jinshan Li, Fan Sun, Frédéric Prima. A kink-bands reinforced titanium alloy showing 1.3 GPa compressive yield strength: towards extra high-strength/strain-transformable Ti alloys. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 74 (2021) 21-26SCIIF=6.155

4.        Bingnan Qian, Jinyong Zhang, Yangyang Fu, Fan Sun, Yuan Wu, Jun Cheng, Philippe Vermaut, Frédéric Prima, In-situ microstructural investigations of the TRIP-to-TWIP evolution in Ti-Mo-Zr alloys as a function of Zr concentration. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 65 (2021) 228-237 (共同第一作者,SCIIF=6.155)

5.        Zhang, J. Y., G.F. Chen, Y.Y. Fu, Y. Fan, Z. Chen, J. Xu, H. Chang, Z.H. Zhang, J. Zhou, Z. Sun, B.L. Shen, F. Sun, Strengthening strain-transformable β Ti-alloy via multi-phase nanostructuration, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 799 (2019) 389-397. SCI 一区IF=4.175它引7次)

6.        J.Y. Zhang, F. Sun, Z. Chen, Y. Yang, B.L Shen, J. Li, and F. Prima. Strong and ductile beta Ti-18Zr-13Mo alloy with multimodal twinning, Materials Research Letters, 7(6) (2019) 251-257 (SCI 一区IF=7.44,它引23).

7.        J.Y. Zhang, J.S. Li, G.F. Chen, L. Liu, Z. Chen, Q.K. Meng, B.L. Shen, F. Sun, F. Prima, Fabrication and characterization of a novel β metastable Ti-Mo-Zr alloy with large ductility and improved yield strength, Materials Characterization, 139 (2018) 421-427.IF=3.22,它引24次)

8.        J.Y. Zhang, J.S. Li, Z. Chen, Q.K. Meng, P. Zhang, F. Sun, Shen BL. The development of new beta titanium alloys combined high strength, large ductility and improved strain-hardening behavior due to TRIP/TWIP effects (具有高强高塑性和良好加工硬化行为的新型亚稳β钛合金设计及发展). Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,(2018)47:2787-2792

9.        Zhang JY, Li JS, Chen Z, Meng QK, Sun F, Shen BL. Microstructural evolution of a ductile metastable β titanium alloy with combined TRIP/TWIP effects. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2017;699:775-82. SCI 一区IF=4.175,它引40次)

10.    Zhang, J. Y., F. Sun, Y. L. Hao, N. Gozdecki, E. Lebrun, P. Vermaut, R. Portier, T. Gloriant, P. Laheurte & F. Prima. Influence of equiatomic Zr/Nb substitution on superelastic behavior of Ti–Nb–Zr alloy. Materials Science And Engineering: A, (2013) 563, 78-85. IF=4.081,它引78次)

11.    Zhang J.Y., Chen G.F., Zhang S., Zhao C.C., Chen Z., Shen B.L.The progress in study of metastable β titanium alloy with transformation-induced plasticity and twinning-induced plasticity (亚稳βTRIP/TWIP钛合金研究进展). Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2020,49(1) :370-376

12.    Shuai Zhang, Danyun Xu, Wei Tang, Jinyong Zhang*, Bingbing Tian*, Hermetically encapsulating sulfur by FePS3 flakes for high-performance lithium sulfur batteries, Chemical Communications,56 (2020) 810-813通讯作者SCI 一区 IF=6.29它引3次)

13.    W. Yu*, S. Hou, Z. Yang, J. Zhang*, S. Lang, Characterization and Modeling of Room-Temperature Compressive Creep Behavior of a Near α TA31 Titanium Alloy, Metals 10(9) (2020).

14.    L.C. Feng, Z. Chen*, Y. Fan, J.Y. Zhang*, X.Q. Yang, B.L. Shen, Relation between undercooled solidification and solid-state grain growth accompanying dynamic segregation, Vacuum 161 (2019) 71-80. IF=2.515通讯作者

15.    Chen G.F., Zhang J.Y.*, Zhang S., Fu Y.Y., Chen Z., Shen B.L. Study on stain-hardening behaviour of a ductile beta Ti-alloy with transformation-induced plasticity and twinning-induced plasticity (相变/孪晶诱发塑性的β钛合金加工硬化行为研究). Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2020,49(1) :297-303(通讯作者)

16.    Sun F, Zhang JY, Vermaut P, Choudhuri D, Alam T, Mantri SA, et al. Strengthening strategy for a ductile metastable β-titanium alloy using low-temperature aging. Materials Research Letters, (2017) 5,547-553SCI 一区 IF=7.44,它引44次)

17.    Sun, F. , J. Y. Zhang, M. Marteleur, C. Brozek, E. F. Rauch, M. Veron, P. Vermaut, P. J. Jacques & F. Prima. A new titanium alloy with a combination of high strength, high strain hardening and improved ductility. Scripta Materialia, (2015) 94, 17-20. SCI 一区 IF=4.539,它引138次)

18.    F. Sun, J.Y. Zhang, C. Brozek, M. Marteleur, P. Vermaut, C. Curfs, P. J. Jacques, F. Prima. The Role of Stress Induced Martensite In Ductile Metastable Beta Ti-alloys Showing Combined TRIP/TWIP Effects. Materials today: proceedings, (2015) 2, 505–510 (它引 9次)

19.    Sun, F. , J.Y. Zhang, M. Marteleur, T. Gloriant, P. Vermaut, D. Laillé, P. Castany, C. Curfs, P. J. Jacques & F. Prima. Investigation of early stage deformation mechanisms in a metastable β titanium alloy showing combined twinning-induced plasticity and transformation-induced plasticity effects. Acta Materialia, (2013) 61, 6406-6417. SCI 一区IF=7.293,它引231次)

20.     F. Sun, Y.L. Hao, J.Y. Zhang, F. Prima, Contribution of nano-sized lamellar microstructure on recoverable strain of Ti–24Nb–4Zr–7.9Sn titanium alloy, Mater Sci Eng A-struct 528(25-26) (2011) 7811-7815. IF=4.081,它引23次)

21.     F. Wang, A. Inoue, F.L. Kong, C.C. Zhao, J.Y. Zhang, S.L. Zhu, W.J. Botta, C.S. Kiminami, Y.P. Ivanov, A.L. Greer, Formation, thermal stability and mechanical properties of high-entropy (Fe0.25Co0.25Ni0.25Cr0.125Mo0.0625Nb0.0625)100‒Bx (x = 7–14) amorphous alloys, J Alloy Comp 825 (2020), 153858-153869

22.     C.C. Zhao, A. Inoue, F.L. Kong, J.Y. Zhang, C.J. Chen, B.L. Shen, F. Al-Marzouki and A.L. Greer. Novel phase decomposition, good soft-magnetic and mechanical properties for high-entropy (Fe0.25Co0.25Ni0.25Cr0.125Mn0.125)100-xBx (x = 9-13) amorphous alloys, J Alloy Comp 843 (2020), 155917

23.     J. Cheng, J. Li, S. Yu, Z. Du, F. Dong, J. Zhang, X. Zhang, Corrosion Behavior of As-Cast Ti–10Mo–6Zr–4Sn–3Nb and Ti–6Al–4V in Hank’s Solution: A Comparison Investigation, Metals 11(1) (2021).



