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1.   Mengru Yang, Qin Peng, Guangmei Cao, Xinyu Tao, Yulong Chang, Xia Jiang*. Feasibility analysis and environmental impact evaluation of biochar derived from mango pit for blast furnace injection. Chem. Eng. J. 2024, 487, 150451.

2.  Zhenghao Yang, Xia Jiang, Tong Zhang, Xianggang Zhang, Lingling Xie, Jianping Li, Liang Ma, Hualin Wang, Yulong Chang*. Research on the coupling principle of revolution and self-rotation of catalysts in a bio-oil hydrodeoxidation ebullated bed reactor. Fuel 2024360, 130489.

7.  杨梦茹, 彭琴, 常玉龙, 邱淑兴, 张溅波, 江霞. 生物炭替代煤粉/焦炭高炉炼铁碳减排技术研究进展[J]. 化工进展, 202443, 490.


1. Zheng-hao Yang, Zhen He, Xiang-gang Zhang, Xia Jiang, Zi-heng Jin, Jian-ping Li, Liang Ma, Hua-lin Wang, Yu-long Chang*. In-situ gas flow separation between biochar and the heat carrier in a circulating fluidized bed reactor for biomass pyrolysis. Chem. Eng. J. 2023, 472, 145099.

2. Lingling Xie, Ziheng Jin*, Zhongde Dai, Tongxiao Zhou, Xianggang Zhang, Yulong Chang, Xia Jiang*. Fabricating self-templated and N-doped hierarchical porous carbon spheres via microfluidic strategy for enhanced CO2 capture. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2023, 322, 124267. 

3. Jiehuizi Wen, Bangda Wang, Zhongde Dai, Xiaoshuang Shi, Ziheng Jin, Hualin Wang, Xia Jiang*. New insights into the green cement composites with low carbon footprint: The role of biochar as cement additive/alternative. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 2023, 197, 107081.

4. Tongxiao Zhou, Lu Liu, Bangda Wang*, Shenggui Ma, Zhongde Dai, Wenju Jiang, Xia Jiang. Insights into the enhanced activity and SO2 resistance of air oxidation treated Mn-Fe doped biochar catalyst in the low-temperature catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3. Fuel 2023, 357, 129989.

5. Lin Chen, Xia Jiang*, Shenggui Ma, Wenhua Chen, Bo Xu, Zhongde Dai, Wenju Jiang, Yue Peng, Junhua Li. Towards highly exposed active sites via Edge-N-rich carbon nanosheet @ porous biochar for efficient H2S catalytic oxidation. Chem. Eng. J. 2023, 475, 146115.

6.  杨峥豪, 何臻, 常玉龙, 靳紫恒, 江霞. 生物质快速热解下行式流化床反应器研究进展[J]. 化工学报, 2023, 74, 2249.


1. He, J., Jin, Z., Gan, F., Xie, L., Guo, J., Zhang, S., Jia, C. Q., Ma, D., Dai, Z. & Jiang, X. *, Liquefiable Biomass-Derived Porous Carbons and their Applications in CO2 Capture and Conversion. Green Chem. 2022, 24, 3376-3415.

Graphical abstract: Liquefiable biomass-derived porous carbons and their applications in CO2 capture and conversion

2. Zhou, Z., Lu, C., Tan, Q., Shang, Y., Deng, Y., Liu, H., Song, D., Zhou, X., Zhang, X., Jiang, X. *, Impacts of applying ethanol blended gasoline and evaporation emission control to motor vehicles in a megacity in southwest China. Atmos. Pollut. Res. 2022, 13 (5), 101378.

3.  Wu, J.; Chen,W.; Chen, L.; Jiang, X.*, Super-high N-doping promoted formation of sulfur radicals for continuous catalytic oxidation of H2S over biomass derived activated carbon. J. Hazard. Mater. 2022, 424, 127648.

4. 甘凤丽,江霞,常玉龙,靳紫恒,汪华林,师敬伟.石化行业碳中和技术路径探索[J].化工进展, 2022, 41(03). 1364-1375.


1.  Wang, B., Gan, F., Dai, Z., Ma, S., Chen, W., Jiang, X.*, Air oxidation coupling NH3 treatment of biomass derived hierarchical porous biochar for enhanced toluene removal. JHazardMater2021, 403, 123995.

2. Tian, B., Ma, S.,* Zhan, Y., Jiang, X.*, Gao, T., Stability and catalytic activity to NOx and NH3 of single-atom manganese catalyst with graphene-based substrate: A DFT study. Appl. Surf. Sci2021, 541, 148460.

3. Ma, Y., Guo, H., Selyanchyn, R., Wang, B., Deng, L., Dai, Z.*, Jiang, X. *, Hydrogen sulfide removal from natural gas using membrane technology: a review. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9(36), 20211-20240.

4. Zhou, Z., Tan, Q., Deng, Y., Lu, C., Song, D., Zhou, X., Zhang, X., Jiang, X. *, Source profiles and reactivity of volatile organic compounds from anthropogenic sources of a megacity in southwest China. Sci. Total Environ. 2021, 790, 148149.

5. Gong, Z., Wang, B.*, Chen, W., Ma, S., Jiang, W., Jiang, X. *, Waste straw derived Mn-doped carbon/mesoporous silica catalyst for enhanced low-temperature SCR of NO. Waste Manag. 2021, 136, 28-35.

6. Gan F., Wang B., Jin Z., Xie L., Dai Z., Zhou T., Jiang X. *, From typical silicon-rich biomass to porous carbon-zeolite composite: A sustainable approach for efficient adsorption of CO2.  SciTotal Environ2021, 768, 144529.

7.  Chen, L., Yuan, J., Li, T., Jiang X. *, Ma, S., Cen, W., Jiang, W., A regenerable N-rich hierarchical porous carbon synthesized from waste biomass for H2S removal at room temperature.  SciTotal Environ2021, 768, 144452. 

8.  Ma, Q., Chen, W., Jin, Z., Chen, L., Zhou, Q., Jiang X. *, One-step synthesis of microporous nitrogen-doped biochar for efficient removal of CO2 and H2S. Fuel 2021, 289, 119932. 

9. Ma, S., Ye, X., Jiang, X.*, Cen, W.; Jiang, W., Wang, H., First principles calculation of mechanical, dynamical and thermodynamic properties of MnO2 with four crystal phases.  J. Alloys Compd. 2021, 852, 157007.

10. Liu, L., Wang, B., Yao, X., Yang, L., Jiang, W., Jiang, X.*, Highly efficient MnOx/biochar catalysts obtained by air oxidation for low-temperature NH3-SCR of NO. Fuel, 2021, 283, 119336. 


1. Jiang X.*, Wu J., Jin Z., Yang S., Shen L. Enhancing the removal of H2S from biogas through refluxing of outlet gas in biological bubble-column. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 299, 122621. 

2. Chen, L., Jiang, X.*, Xie, R., Zhang, Y., Jin, Y., Jiang, W., A novel porous biochar-supported Fe-Mn composite as a persulfate activator for the removal of acid red 88. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 250, 117232. 

3. Jin, Z., Wang, B., Ma, L., Fu, P., Xie, L., Jiang, X.*, Jiang, W., Air pre-oxidation induced high yield N-doped porous biochar for improving toluene adsorption. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 385, 123843. 

4. Zhang, L., Guo, Y., Xie, R., Chen, L., Jiang, W., Jiang, X.*, An efficient catalytic composite material of mesoporous carbon loaded Nano zero-valent iron as an activator for the degradation of sulfadiazine. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2020, 231 (7), 375. 

5. Chen, W.; Zhang, G.; Li, D.; Ma, S.; Jiang X.*, Preparation of Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon from Waste Polyurethane Foam by Hydrothermal Carbonization for H2S Adsorption. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2020, 59, 7447-7456.

6. Jin, Z., Jiang, X.*, Dai, Z., Xie, L., Wang, W., Shen, L., Continuous synthesis of nanodroplet-templated, N-doped microporous carbon spheres in microfluidic system for CO2 capture. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12 (47), 52571.

7. Xie, L., Jin, Z., Dai, Z., Chang, Y., Jiang, X.*, Wang, H., Porous carbons synthesized by templating approach from fluid precursors and their applications in environment and energy storage: A review. Carbon, 2020, 170, 100.

8. Li, D., Chen, W.*, Wu, J., Jia, C. Q., Jiang, X.*, The preparation of waste biomass-derived N-doped carbons and their application in acid gas removal: Focus on N functional groups. Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for Energy and Sustainability, 2020, 8(47), 24977-24995. 

9. Chen W., Zhang G., Li D., Ma S., Wang B., Jiang X.*, Preparation of nitrogen-doped porous carbon from waste polyurethane foam by hydrothermal carbonization for H2S adsorption, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020. 59,16,7447-7456.

10. Wang D., Jin Z., Pang X., Jiang X.*, Lu Y., Shen L.*, Fabrication and functionalization of biological graphene aerogel by reusing microorganism in activated sludge and ionic dyes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 392, 124823.

11. Wu J., Jiang X.*, Jin Z., Yang S., Zhang J. The performance and microbial community in a slightly alkaline biotrickling filter for the removal of high concentration H2S from biogas. Chemosphere, 2020, 249:126127. 

12. Zhou, Q., Chen, W., Jiang, X.*, Liu, H., Ma, S., Wang, B. Preparation of a novel nitrogen containing graphitic mesoporous carbon for the removal of acid red 88. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 1353. 

13. 吴见平,靳紫恒,长英夫,张进,江霞. 污水处理厂生物除臭技术及其应用进展. 化工进展, 2020, 1-13.


1. Ye, X., Ma S., Jiang, X.*, Yang Z., Jiang W., Wang, H. The adsorption of acidic gaseous pollutants on metal and nonmetallic surface studied by first-principles calculation: A review. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2019, 30, 2123-2131. 

2. Chen, Y., Zhang, S., Wang, M., Jiang, W., Xie, R., Yao, L., Jiang, X.*. Preparation and adsorption properties of iron and manganese modified N-doping mesoporous carbon from waste biomass. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2019, 169: 209-221.

3. Liu, F., Tan Q., Jiang X.*, Yang F., Jiang W. Effects of relative humidity and PM2.5 chemical compositions on visibility impairment in Chengdu, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2019, 86: 15-23. 


1. Jiang, X., Guo, Y., Zhang, L., Jiang, W., Xie R.*, Catalytic degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride by persulfate activated with nano Fe0 immobilized mesoporous carbon. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 341, 392-401. 

2. Zhou, Q., Jiang, X.*, Guo, Y., Zhang, G., Jiang, W. Preparation of high-yield N-doped biochar from nitrogen-containing phosphate and its effective adsorption for toluene. RSC Advances, 2018, 8: 30171-30179. 

3. Zhou, Q., Jiang, X.*, Guo, Y., Zhang, G., Jiang, W. An ultra-high surface area mesoporous carbon prepared by a novel MnO-templated method for highly effective adsorption of methylene blue. Chemosphere, 2018, 201: 519-529. 

4. Yuan, J., Jiang, X.*, Chen, D., Jiang, W., Li, J. Evolution of sulfur species on titanium ore modified activated coke during flue gas desulfurization. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32 (8) : 8623-8630.

5. Yuan, J., Jiang, X.*, Zou, M., Zhang, C., Yao, L., Jiang, W. Copper ore-modified activated coke: highly efficient and regenerable catalysts for SO2 removal. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57: 15731-15739.


1. Yang, L., Huang, T., Jiang, X.*, Jiang, W. Effect of steam and CO2 activation on characteristics and desulfurization performance of pyrolusite modified activated carbon. Adsorption, 2016, 22: 1099–1107. 

2. Zhou, Q., Jiang, X.*, Li, X., Jiang, W. The control of H2S in biogas using iron ores as in situ desulfurizers during anaerobic digestion process. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology, 2016, 100: 8179-8189. 

3. Li, X., Jiang, X.*, Zhou, Q., Jiang, W. Effect of S/N ratios on the removal of hydrogen sulfide from biogas in anoxic bioreactors. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2016, 180: 930-944.

4. Zhang, C., Yang, D., Jiang, X.*, Jiang, W*. Desulphurization performance of TiO2-modified activated carbon by a one-step carbonization-activation method. Environmental Technology, 2016, 37(15): 1895-1905.

5. Liu, H., Huang, T., Jiang, X.*, Jiang, W. Preparation and desulfurization performance of pyrolusite modified activated coke. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2016, 35(6): 1679-1686.


1. Yang, L., Jiang, X.*, Yang, Z., Jiang, W. Effect of MnSO4 on the removal of SO2 by manganese-modified activated coke. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54(5), 1689−1696.

2. Yang, L., Jiang, X.*, Huang, T., Jiang, W*. Physicochemical characteristics and desulphurization activity of pyrolusite-blended activated coke. Environmental Technology, 2015, 36(22): 2847-2854. 

3. Zhou, Q., Liang, H., Yang, S., Jiang, X.* The removal of hydrogen sulfide from biogas in a microaerobic biotrickling filter using polypropylene carrier as packing material. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2015, 175(8): 3763-3777.

4. Yang, S., Tang, Y., Gou, M., Jiang, X.* Effect of sulfate addition on methane production and sulfate reduction in a mesophilic acetate-fed anaerobic reactor. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology, 2015, 99 (7): 3269-3277.

5. Zhou, Q., Wang, P., Jiang, X.* Application of SNCR denitrification technology for flue gas from cement kilns: a mini review. Recent Innovations in Chemical Engineering, 2015, 8(1): 14-24.


1. Jiang, X., Yang, S., Li, W.*, Biodesulfurization of model compounds and de-asphalted bunker oil by mixed culture. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2014, 172(1), 62-72.

2. Zhang, Y., Thepsithar P, Jiang X.* Tay, J. H., Simultaneous determination of seven anions of interest in raw jatropha curcas oil by ion chromatography. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(4): 2581-8.


1. Jiang, X., Hayashi, J., Sun, Z., Yang, L., Tang, Y.*, Oshibe, H., Osaka, N., Kida, K. Improving biogas production from protein-rich distillery wastewater by decreasing ammonia inhibition. Process Biochemistry, 2013, 48(11), 1778-1784.

2. Yang, Z., Zhang, Y.*, Jiang, X.*, Comparison of the degradation of azo dye AR88 by several oxidation processes. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2013, 22(1a): 236-241.

3. Li, W., Jiang, X.*, Enhancement of bunker oil biodesulfurization by adding surfactant. World Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology, 2013, 29:103-108.

4. Jiang, J. C., Jiang, X.*, Yang, Z. S. Flue gas desulfurization and denitrification by activated coke: A mini review. Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering, 2013(6): 143-151.

5. Huang, X., Yang, Z., Chen, J., Jiang, W., Jiang, X.*, Kinetics of flue gas sulfurization by a novel columnar activated carbon from walnuts shell, Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2013, 7, 2273-2277. 


1.  Jiang, X.*, Tay, J.H. Removal mechanisms of H2S using exhausted carbon in biofiltration. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 185, 1543–1549. 

2. Jiang, X.*, Tay, J.H. Microbial community structures in a horizontal biotrickling filter degrading H2S and NH3. Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101, 1635-1641. 

3. Jiang, X.*, Tay, J.H. Operational characteristics of efficient co-removal of H2S and NH3 in a horizontal biotrickling filter using exhausted carbon. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 176, 638-643. 

4. Jiang, X., Yan, R.*, Tay, J.H. Developing sulfide-oxidizing biofilm on H2S-exhausted carbon for sustainable bio-regeneration and biofiltration. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 164, 726-732. 

5. Jiang, X.*, Tay, J.H., Yan, R. Impact of substrates acclimation strategy on simultaneous biodegradation of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100, 5707-5713. 

6. Jiang, X., Yan, R., Tay, J.H. Simultaneous autotrophic biodegradation of H2S and NH3 in a biotrickling filter. Chemosphere, 2009, 75, 1350-1355. 

7. Jiang, X.*, Yan, R., Tay, J.H. Transient-state biodegradation behavior of a horizontal biotrickling filter in co-treating gaseous H2S and NH3. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2009, 81, 969-975.

8. Jiang, X.*, Yan, R., Tay, J.H. Reusing H2S-exhausted carbon as packing material for odor biofiltration. Chemosphere, 2008, 73, 698-704.