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朱立猛 副研究员     进组时间: 2023/10

Limeng Zhu (Post-doc)

朱立猛 国科温州研究院昝兴杰课题组 副研究员



     (2 肠道微生物组功能及肠-器官轴



中国科学院过程工程研究所   生物化工专业  博士导师:杜昱光研究员  2017.09-2021.06

中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所 海洋生物学专业 硕士导师:秦松研究员  2014.09-2017.06

山东科技大学 生物工程专业  2010.09-2014.06


国科温州研究院 博士后 合作导师:昝兴杰、周昕 2021.7-2023.10


Zhu, L.#; Yu, T; Wang, W; Xu, T.; Geng, W.; Li, N.*, Zan, X.* (2024). Responsively degradable nanoarmor-assisted super resistance and stable colonization of probiotics for enhanced inflammation-targeted delivery Advanced Materials DOI: 10.1002/adma.202308728

Zan, X. #; Yang, D.#; Zhu, Y.; Chen, H., Ni, S.; Zheng, S.; Zhu, L*.; Shen, J*.; Zhang, X*. (2023) Facile strategy for injectable gelatin-based hydrogels to remodel wound microenvironment and accelerate healing Advanced Science DOI: 10.1002/advs.202305405

Li, R.#; Zhu, L.#; Liu, D, Wang, W, Zhang, C, Jiao, S; Wei, J; Ren, L; Zhang, Y; Gou, X; Yuan, X.; Du, Y.*; Wang, Z. A.* (2022) High molecular weight chitosan oligosaccharide exhibited antifungal activity by misleading cell wall organization via targeting PHR transglucosidases. Carbohydrate Polymers 2022, 285, (1).

Zhu, L. #; Li, R. #; Jiao, S.; Wei, J.; Yan, Y.; Wang, Z. A.*; Li, J.*; Du, Y.* (2020), Blood-brain barrier permeable chitosan oligosaccharides interfere with beta-amyloid aggregation and alleviate beta-amyloid protein mediated neurotoxicity and neuroinflammation in a dose- and degree of polymerization-dependent manner. Marine Drugs 2020, 18, (10).

Zhai, S.#; Zhu, L.#; Qin, S.; Li, L.* (2018), Effect of lactulose intervention on gut microbiota and short chain fatty acid composition of C57BL/6J mice. Microbiologyopen 2018, 7, (6).

Zhu, L. #; Qin, S.; Zhai, S.; Gao, Y.; Li, L.*, (2017) Inulin with different degrees of polymerization modulates composition of intestinal microbiota in mice. FEMS Microbiology Letters 2017, 364, (10).