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1.ESI高被引,双1 Su W, Lu Z, She X, et al. Liquid desiccant regeneration for advanced air conditioning: A comprehensive review on desiccant materials, regenerators, systems and improvement technologies[J]. Applied Energy, 2022, 308: 118394. IF=11.2

2.1 Su W, Li J, Lu Z, et al. Performance analysis and optimization of a solar assisted heat pump-driven vacuum membrane distillation system for liquid desiccant regeneration[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2024, 301: 118047. IF=10.4

3.1 Su W, Han Y, Jin X, et al. Energy, economic, and environmental evaluation of a GAX-based cross-type absorption-resorption heat pump[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2024, 300: 117952. IF=10.4

4.1 Su W, Li H, Sun B, et al. Performance investigation on a frost-free air source heat pump system employing liquid desiccant dehumidification and compressor-assisted regeneration based on exergy and exergoeconomic analysis[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 183: 167-181. IF=10.4

5.1Su W, Li W, Zhou J, et al. Experimental investigation on a novel frost-free air source heat pump system combined with liquid desiccant dehumidification and closed-circuit regeneration[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 178: 13-25. IF=10.4

6.1Su W, Li W, Zhang X. Simulation analysis of a novel no-frost air-source heat pump with integrated liquid desiccant dehumidification and compression-assisted regeneration[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 148: 1157-1169. IF=10.4

7.1Su W, Zhao D, Jin X, et al. Experimental investigation of surface wettability on frosting propagation characteristics[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024: 122747. IF=6.4

8.1Su W, Ma D, Jin X, et al. Experimental study on frosting and defrosting characteristics for inclined cold plates with surface wettability considered[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 239: 122089. IF=6.4

9.2区)Su W, Ma D, Lu Z, et al. A novel absorption-based enclosed heat pump dryer with combining liquid desiccant dehumidification and mechanical vapor recompression: Case study and performance evaluation[J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2022, 35: 102091. IF=6.8

10.2区)Su W, Li W, Sun B, et al. Experimental study and correlations for heat and mass transfer coefficients in the dehumidifier of a frost-free heat pump system[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 131: 450-462. IF=5.2

11. (2区)Su W, Zhang X. Performance analysis of a novel frost-free air-source heat pump with integrated membrane-based liquid desiccant dehumidification and humidification[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2017, 145: 293-303. IF=6.7

12.2区)Su W, Zhang X. Thermodynamic analysis of a compression-absorption refrigeration air-conditioning system coupled with liquid desiccant dehumidification[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 115: 575-585. IF=6.4

13.4区)Su W, Li L, Yan X, et al. Frost halo dynamics on superhydrophobic surfaces[J]. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2020, 142(3): 030901. IF=2.1

14.EI一级学报)苏伟, 张小松. 换热器表面抑霜/除霜技术研究进展[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2021, 42(9): 2195-2215.

15.EI一级学报)苏伟, 马东旭, 金旭, . 表面润湿性对霜层传递特性影响可视化实验研究[J]. 化工学报, 2023, 74(1): 122-131.

16.EI一级学报)苏伟, 芦志飞, 张小松. 竖直超疏水翅片间霜层动态生长特性[J]. 化工学报, 2021, 72(1): 244-256.

17.(双1区)Li H, Su W, Cao L, et al. Preliminary conceptual design and thermodynamic comparative study on vapor absorption refrigeration cycles integrated with a supercritical CO2 power cycle[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 161: 162-171.

18.(双1区)Sun B, Huang S, Su W, et al. A comprehensive analysis of the minimum energy and thermodynamic efficiency of regenerating aqueous electrolyte solutions in air-conditioning systems[J]. Energy, 2023, 284: 129337.

19.(双1区)Li H, Xu M, Yan X, Su W ,et al. Preliminary conceptual exploration about performance improvement on supercritical CO2 power system via integrating with different absorption power generation systems[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 173: 219-232.

20.(双1区)Li L, Lin Y, Rabbi K F, Su W ,et al. Fabrication optimization of ultra-scalable nanostructured aluminum-alloy surfaces[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(36): 43489-43504.

21.(双1区)Sun B, Zhang M, Huang S, Su W ,et al. Performance evaluation on regeneration of high-salt solutions used in air conditioning systems by electrodialysis[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 582: 224-235.

22.1区)Rabbi K F, Boyina K S, Su W, et al. Wettability-defined frosting dynamics between plane fins in quiescent air[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 164: 120563.

23.1区)Jiang W, Tang X, Song J, Su W ,et al. Experimental study on the influence of adding TiO2 nanoparticles on practical ammonia-water absorption refrigeration system-the generation and rectification processes[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 230: 120763.

24.2区)Zhou J, Zhang X, Su W, et al. Performance analysis of vacuum membrane distillation regenerator in liquid desiccant air conditioning system[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2019, 102: 112-121.

25.2区)Zhou J, Zhang X, Sun B, Su W ,et al. Performance analysis of solar vacuum membrane distillation regeneration[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 144: 571-582.

26.2区)Jin X, Zhang J, Liu Z, Su W ,et al. Performance analysis of a two-stage vapor compression heat pump based on intercooling effect[J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2023, 51: 103643.

27.双1区)Su W, Han Y, Liu Z, et al. Absorption heat pumps for low-grade heat utilization: A comprehensive review on working pairs, classification, system advances and applications[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2024, 315: 118760.IF=10.4


1. 苏伟, 张小松. 一种基于膜法除湿和室内再生加湿的无霜空气源热泵装置及方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201610404050.5, 授权.

2. 苏伟, 张小松. 一种除湿溶液冷凝热再生的低温热源吸收式耦合空调装置及调控方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201610405911.1, 授权.

3. 苏伟, 张小松. 一种温湿度独立控制空调系统. 国家发明专利, ZL201710050861.4, 授权.

4. 苏伟, 张小松. 一种基于低压压缩溶液再生的无霜空气源热泵系统. 国家发明专利, ZL201710427339.3, 授权.

5. 苏伟, 张小松. 一种基于再生热回收的串联无霜空气源热泵系统. 国家发明专利, ZL201710427116.7, 授权.

6. 软件著作权:蒸气压缩质量热泵系统虚拟仿真实验系统,登记号:2022SR0280916.



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2. 吉林省教育厅, 重点项目, JJKH20240140KJ, 风力机叶片光热超疏水表面主被动协同抑冰机制研究,2024-01 2025-12,在研, 主持

3. 吉林省教育厅, 科学技术研究一般项目, JJKH20210088KJ, 超疏水表面冷凝结霜动态特性研究, 2021-01 2022-12, 结题, 主持

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