1. Z. Lin+, S. Liu+, W. Mao, H. Tian, N. Wang, N. Zhang, F. Tian, L. Han,* X. Feng,* and Y. Mai*, Tunable Self-Assembly of Diblock Copolymers into Colloidal Particleswith Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces, (2017) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 129, 7241 –7246 (Impact Factor:11.71, Co-first authors)
2. S. Liu, F. Wang, R. Dong, T. Zhang, J. Zhang, Z. Zheng, Y. Mai, and X. Feng*, Bottom-Up Construction of 3D Macroporous Conducting Polymers, (2017) Small, 10.1002/smll.201604099.
3. S. Liu, J. Zhang, R. Dong, P. Gordiichuk, T. Zhang, X. Zhuang, Y. Mai, F. Liu, A. Herrmann, X. Feng,Two-dimensional mesoscale-ordered conducting polymers. (2016) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 55 (40), 12516-12521(Impact Factor:11.71,“HOT” paper, highlighted by Nature Reviews Materials, doi:10.1038/natrevmats.2016.79, titled “a new mesoporous conductor”.)
4. S. Liu, F. Wang, R. Dong, T. Zhang, J. Zhang, X. Zhuang, Y. Mai, X. Feng,Dual-template synthesis of 2D mesoporous polypyrrole nanosheets with controlled pore size. (2016) Adv. Mater.,28 (38), 8365-8370 (Impact Factor:18.96,“VIP”paper, highlighted by Materials views China.)
5. S. Liu, P. Gordiichuk, Z.-S. Wu, Z. Liu, W. Wei,M. Wagner, N. M.-N.,D. Wu, Y. Mai, A. Herrmann, K. Müllen, X. Feng, Patterning two-dimensional free-standing surfaces with mesoporous conducting polymers. (2015) Nat Commun. (Impact Factor:11.33), 6,8817.
6. S. Liu, Y. Duan, X. Feng, J. Yang, S. Che, Synthesis of enantiopure carbonaceous nanotubes with optical activity. (2013) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,52 (27), 6858-6862.
7. S. Liu, L. Han, Y. Duan, S. Asahina, O. Terasaki, Y. Cao, B. Liu, L. Ma, J. Zhang, S. Che, Synthesis of chiral TiO2 nanofibre with electron transition-based optical activity. (2012) Nat Commun.,3, 1215.
8. S. Liu, H. Jia, L. Han, J. Wang, P. Gao, D. Xu, J. Yang, S. Che, Nanosheet-constructed porous TiO2–B for advanced lithium ion batteries.(2012) Adv. Mater., 24 (24), 3201-3204 (ESI Highly Cited Paper).
9. S. Liu, G. Han, M. Shu, L. Han, S. Che, Monodispersed inorganic/organic hybrid spherical colloids: Versatile synthesis and their gas-triggered reversibly switchable wettability.(2010) J. Mater. Chem. (Impact Factor:8.26), 20 (44), 10001-10009.
10. S. Liu, Z. Zhao, Z. Wang, Photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide using sol-gel derived titania-supported CoPc catalysts, (2007) Photochem. Photobiol. Sci.,6, 695-700.
11. L. Ma, M. Zheng*, S. Liu*, Q. Li, Y. You, F. Wang, L. Ma, W. Shen, Synchronous exfoliation and assembly of graphene on 3D Ni(OH)2 for supercapacitor,(2016) Chem. Comm., 52, 13373 - 13376 (Corresponding author).
12. C. Lu,# S. Liu,# Y. Su, F. Zhang, X. Zhuang, X. Feng, An interfacial engineering approach towards two-dimensional polyaniline nano-array for high performance electrochemical energy storage and conversion, (2016) J. Mater. Chem. A (Co-first authors), 2017, 5, 1567-1574.
13. J. Zhang, S. Liu, H. Liang, X. Zhuang, R. Dong, X. Feng, Growth of hierarchical transition metal chalcogenide nanosheets for enhanced electrocataytic hydrogen evolution. (2015) Adv. Mater., 27(45), 7426-7431.
14. C. Wang, S. Liu, Y. Duan, Z. Huang, S. Che, Hard-templating of chiral TiO2 nanofibre with electron transition-based optical activity. (2015) Sci. Technol. Adv. Mat.16 (5), 054206.
15. Z. Wu, K. Parvez, S. Li, S. Yang, Z. Liu, S. Liu, X. Feng, K. Müllen, Alternating stacked Graphene-conducting polymer compact films with ultrahigh areal and volumetric capacitances for high-energy micro-supercapacitors. (2015) Adv. Mater., 27 (27), 4054-4061.
16. J. Feng, Y. Yao, L. Han, B. Sun, S. Liu, Z. Ma, S. Che, Silicone surfactant templating for mesoporous silica@ carbon complex, (2013) Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 174, 62-66.
17. Y. Hou, M. Lohe, J. Zhang, S. Liu, X. Feng, Vertically oriented cobalt selenide/NiFe layered-double-hydroxide nanosheets supported on exfoliated Graphene foil: An efficient 3D electrode for overall water splitting. (2016) Energy Environ. Sci.(Impact Factor:25.43), 9, 478-483.
18. J. Zhang, T. Wang, P. Liuc, S. Liu, R. Dong, X. Zhuang, M. Chen and X. Feng, Engineering water dissociation sites in MoS2 nanosheets for accelerated electrocatalytic hydrogen production. (2016) Energy Environ. Sci. DOI: 10.1039/c6ee01786j.
19. J. Zhang, T. Wang, D. Pohl, B. Rellinghaus, R. Dong, S. Liu, X. Zhuang, X. Feng, Interface engineering of MoS2/Ni3S2 heterostructures for highly enhanced electrochemical overall‐water‐splitting activity. (2016) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,128 (23), 6814-6819.