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  1. Shuang Liu, Jiaqi Zhang, Lian R. Hutchings, Li Peng, Xianbo Huang*, and Qian Huang*, "The 'solvent' effect of short arms on linear and nonlinear shear rheology of entangled asymmetric star polymers", Polymer 281, 126125 (2023)

  2. 刘双, 黄茜*, 陈全*, 黄险波,  "流变技术在高分子表征中的应用:拉伸流变测试", 高分子学报 54, 286–302 (2023)  (邀请综述)

  3. Qian Huang, Ole Hassager, and Jeppe Madsen*, "Spatial radical distribution in fractured polymer glasses and melts visualized using a profluorescent nitroxide probe", Macromolecules 55, 9431–9441 (2022)

  4. Qian Huang*, "When polymer chains are highly aligned: A perspective on extensional rheology", Macromolecules 55, 715–727 (2022) (邀请综述,编辑推荐)

  5. Yiming Zhong, Liyun Yu, Qian Huang*, "Investigating the linear viscoelastic behaviour at high frequencies in the transition to glassy regime for polystyrene melts and solutions", Rheologica Acta 61, 689–700 (2022) (特刊邀请论文)


  1. Hiroshi Watanabe, Ole Hassager, Yumi Matsumiya, and Qian Huang, "Extensional rheology of unentangled linear polymer melts", in Recent Advances in Rheology: Theory, Biorheology, Suspension, and Interfacial Rheology, edited by D. De Kee and A. Ramachandran (AIP Publishing, Melville, New York, 2022), pp. 1-1–1-40.

  2. Manfred H. Wagner*, Esmaeil Narimissa, and Qian Huang, "Analysis of elongational flow of star polymers", Rheologica Acta 61, 415–425 (2022)

  3. Ole Hassager*, Yanwei Wang, and Qian Huang, "Extensional rheometry of model liquids: Simulations of filament stretching", Physics of Fluids 33, 123108 (2021)

  4. Kell Mortensen*, Anine L. Borger, Jacob J. K. Kirkensgaard, Qian Huang, Ole Hassager, and Kristoffer Almdal, "Small angle neutron scattering study of the structural relaxation of elongationally oriented, moderately stretched 3-arm star polymers", Physical Review Letters 127, 177801 (2021)


  1. Wendi Wang, Jeppe Madsen, Natalja Genina, Ole Hassager, Anne L. Skov*, and Qian Huang*, "Toward a design for flowable and extensible ionomers: An example of diamine-neutralized entangled poly(styrene-co-4-vinylbenzoic acid) ionomer melts", Macromolecules 54, 2306–2315 (2021)

  2. Anine Borger, Wendi Wang, Thomas C. O'Connor*, Ting Ge, Gary S. Grest, Grethe V. Jensen, Junyoung Ahn, Taihyun Chang, Ole Hassager, Kell Mortensen*, Dimitris Vlassopoulos, and Qian Huang*, "Threading-unthreading transition of linear-ring polymer blends in extensional flow", ACS Macro Letters 9, 1452–1457 (2020)

  3. Wendi Wang, Jeppe Madsen*, Anne L. Skov, and Qian Huang*, "Improvement of mechanical properties of anisotropic glassy polystyrene by introducing heat-labile reversible bonds", Macromolecules 52, 9261−9271 (2019)

  4. Qian Huang, Junyoung Ahn, Daniele Parisi, Taihyun Chang, Ole Hassager, Sergey Panyukov, Michael Rubinstein, and Dimitris Vlassopoulos*, "Unexpected stretching of entangled ring macromolecules", Physical Review Letters 122, 208001 (2019)

  5. Qian Huang and Henrik K. Rasmussen*, "Extensional flow dynamics of polystyrene melt", Journal of Rheology 63, 829–835 (2019)

  6. Qian Huang*, Jeppe Madsen, Liyun Yu, Anine Borger, Sabrina Rostgaard Johannsen, Kell Mortensen, and Ole Hassager, "Highly anisotropic glassy polystyrenes are flexible", ACS Macro Letters 7, 1126–1130 (2018)

  7. Qian Huang, Salvatore Costanzo, Chinmay Das, and Dimitris Vlassopoulos*, "Stress growth and relaxation of dendritically branched macromolecules in shear and uniaxial extension", Journal of Rheology 61, 35–47 (2017)

  8. Qian Huang, Nicolas J. Alvarez, Aamir Shabbir, and Ole Hassager*, "Multiple cracks propagate simultaneously in polymer liquids in tension", Physical Review Letters 117, 087801 (2016)

  9. Qian Huang*, Serena Agostini, Ludovica Hengeller, Maksim Shivokhin, Nicolas J. Alvarez, Lian R. Hutchings, and Ole Hassager, "Dynamics of star polymers in fast extensional flow and stress relaxation", Macromolecules 49, 6694–6699 (2016)

  10. Qian Huang*, Ludovica Hengeller, Nicolas J. Alvarez, and Ole Hassager, "Bridging the gap between polymer melts and solutions in extensional rheology", Macromolecules 48, 4158–4163 (2015)