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彭海云 博士生     进组时间: 2021.07

Haiyun Peng
Birthday: 1996-5-9
Native place: ChangDe, Hunan
Education Experiences:
2014/09–2018/06 , Hunan Agricultural University.
2018/09–2021/06 , Hunan Normal University.
2021/07-present, Wuhan University.

Research Interests: Organic synthesis methodology
Haiyun came from a beautiful city at Hunan. By chance, he began to study chemistry in Hunan Agricultural University. But he soon found the charm of chemistry, especially organic synthesis, and decided to pursue further studies. Starting in 2018, he joined Prof. Deng research group at Hunan Normal University. In 2021, he joined Prof.Zhou research group at Wuhan University, which was the new starting point of his life. Hope can use faith to do the boat, flying in the sea of knowledge.