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钱光印 博士生     进组时间: 2016.09

Guangyin Qian

Graduate Student: (2016/09-present)

Research Interests: Total Synthesis of Biologically Active Molecules and Methodology of Synthesis

Email: gyqian@whu.edu.cn

Tel: 027-68755487

Birthday: 1988-02-10

Education Experiences:

2016/09–present Wuhan University, Ph.D in Organic Chemistry

Supervisor: Prof. Qianghui Zhou

2011/09–2014/07 Shanghai University, Master in Organic Chemistry

Supervisor: Prof. Bin Xu

2007/09–2011/07 Zhengzhou University, Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Work Experience:


Personal Statement:

Guangyin was born and raised in a village of Xinyang­––the top ten livable cities of China, He’nan Province. As a little boy, he had a strong scientific interest in mathematics.However, he was more and more interested in chemistry at middle school. He was admitted to Zhengzhou University in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Then Guangyin went to Shanghai University for Master studies. After working for two years at WuXi AppTec, Guangyin choosed to a further study in Wuhan university. Besides, Guangyin interested in some sports such as basketball, pingpongand badminton. By the way, Guangyin’s favorite motto is “Where there is awill, there is away”.