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      研究成果在Nature communications, ISME J, Microbiome, Environ Sci Technol, Appl Environ Microbio, Environ Int, Environ Pollut, J Agric Food Chem等发表 SCI 论文150 余篇, 其中第一或通讯作者110 余篇, ESI高引论文 篇。 获授权国家发明专利 4 项。 十一五浙江省自然科学基金优秀论文奖 1 项、 浙江省高校优秀科研成果奖一、二等奖各 1 项。


1. Zhang Z., Zhang Q., Wang T., Xu N., Lu T., Hong W., Penuelas J., Gillings M., Wang M., Gao W*,  Qian HF*. Assessment of global health risk of antibiotic resistance genes. Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 1553.

2. Song H., Lavoie M., Fan X., Tan H., Liu G., Xu P., Fu Z., Paerl H. W., Qian HF*, Allelopathic interactions of linoleic acid and nitric oxide increase the competitive ability of Microcystis aeruginosa, ISME Journal, 2017, 11: 1865-1876. 

3. Lu T., Zhang Q., Lavoie M., Zhu Y., Ye Y., Yang J., Paerl HW., Qian HF*, Zhu Y. G.*, The fungicide azoxystrobin promotes freshwater cyanobacterial dominance through altering competition, Microbiome, 2019, 7, 128

4. Lu T., Ke M., Lavoie M., Jin Y., Fan X., Zhang Z., Fu Z., Sun L., Gillings M., Peñuelas J., Qian HF*, Zhu Y. G.*, Rhizosphere microorganisms can influence the timing of plant flowering, Microbiome, 2018, 6, 231 

5. Xie J., Bai X., Lavoie M., Lu H., Fan X., Pan X., Fu Z., Qian HF*, Analysis of the Proteome of the Marine Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Exposed to Aluminum Providing Insights into Aluminum Toxicity Mechanisms, Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49: 11182-11190.  

6. Qian HF., Wang R., Hu H., Lu T., Chen X., Ye H., Liu W., Fu ZW*, Enantioselective phytotoxicity of the herbicide imazethapyr and its effect on rice physiology and gene transcription, Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45: 7036-7043. 

7. Zhang M, Lu T, Paerl HW, Chen Y, Zhang Z, Zhou Z, Qian HF*, Feedback regulation between aquatic microorganisms and the bloom-forming cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2019, 85: e01362-19.  

8. Zhang Q, Zhu D, Ding J, Zheng F, Zhou S, Lu T, Zhu YG, Qian HF*. The fungicide azoxystrobin perturbs the gut microbiota community and enriches antibiotic resistance genes in Enchytraeus crypticus. Environment International, 2019, 131:104965.  

9. Lu T., Zhu Y., Ke M., Peijnenburg W. J. G. M., Zhang M., Wang T., Chen J., Qian HF*, Evaluation of the taxonomic and functional variation of freshwater plankton communities induced by trace amounts of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin, Environment International, 2019, 268-278.

10. 孙立伟, 靳远祥, 傅正伟, 钱海丰. 基于斑马鱼的水生生态毒理学实验教学体系的构建. 生态毒理学报, 2018,13,189-194.

11. 陆涛, 李燕, 傅正伟, 钱海丰. 农药对根际微生物群落的影响及潜在风险.  农药学学报, 2019, 21, 865-870.

另在浙江工业大学学报,生命科学,水生生物学报,土壤通报,Environmental Pollution, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Science of the Total EnvironmentJournal of Environmental Sciences, Aquatic Toxicology 等期刊以第一或通讯作者发表论文100余篇。