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张琦 博士后(助理研究员)    

主要从事环境土壤学和生态健康研究。目前已发表学术论文50余篇,其中第一(含共同)12篇(在Nat Commun,Microbiome等期刊发表);发明专利1项。担任Journal of Hazardous Material和Science of the Total Environment杂志审稿人。




1. Oral azoxystrobin driving the dynamic change in resistome by disturbing the stability of the gut microbiota of Enchytraeus crypticus. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022.

1. Gammaproteobacteria, a core taxon in the gut of soil fauna, are potential responders to environmental concentrations of soil pollutants. Microbiome 9, 196(2021).

2. Cyanobacterial blooms contribute to the diversity of antibiotic-resistance genes in aquatic ecosystems. Communictions Biology 3(1), 737.

3. The fungicide azoxystrobin perturbs the gut microbiota community and enriches antibiotic resistance genes in Enchytraeus crypticus. Environment International 2019, 131, 104965. 

4. The combined toxicity effect of nanoplastics and glyphosate on Microcystis aeruginosa growth. Environmental Pollution.2019, 243, 1106-1112. 

5. Oral azoxystrobin driving the dynamic change in resistome by disturbing the stability of the gut microbiota of Enchytraeus crypticus. Journal of Hazardous Materials 423(2022), 127252.

6. Macleaya cordata extract, an antibiotic alternative, does not contribute to antibiotic resistance gene dissemination. Journal of Hazardous Materials 412, 125272.

7. Species-specific response of the soil collembolan gut microbiome and resistome to soil oxytetracycline pollution. Science of The Total Environment 2019, 668, 1183-1190. 

8. Enantioselective metabolomic modulations in Arabidopsis thaliana leaf induced by the herbicide dichlorprop. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 797, 149015.

9. Fluoroquinolone antibiotics disturb the defense system, gut microbiome, and antibiotic resistance genes of Enchytraeus crypticus. Journal of Hazardous Materials 424(2022), 127509. (共同一作)

10.Residual chlorine disrupts the microbial communities and spreads antibiotic resistance in freshwater. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022,127152. (共同一作)

11. The fungicide azoxystrobin promotes freshwater cyanobacterial dominance through altering competition. Microbiome 7, 128. (导师一作)

12. Pollutant toxicology with respect to algae and cyanobacteria, Journal of Environmental Sciences 99, 175-186. (导师一作)

13. Lessons learned from COVID-19 on potentially pathogenic soil microorganisms. Soil Ecology Letters 3, 1-5. (导师一作)