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本课题组近年来在《Journal of Manufacturing Processes》、《Corrosion Science》、《Journal of Materials Processing Tech》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《机械工程学报》、《金属学报》、《焊接学报》国内外学术刊物和会议发表论文300余篇,申请国家专利30余项;出版专著3本。多项成果获得应用,产生了良好的经济和社会效益。




[3]Cao S, Liu G, Huang J, et al. Atomic level simulation of amorphous/nanocrystalline transition behavior in the Fe based amorphous alloys[J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2024, 624: 122726.

[2]Yue S, Huang J, Ni Y, et al. Enhancing microstructural, mechanical, and tribological behavior of AZ31B magnesium alloy through friction stir processing[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024, 29: 1441-1452.

[1]Luo Y, Huang J, Yu X, et al. Surface microstructure and corrosion characterization of AZ31 magnesium alloys fabricated by laser surface-modification[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024, 994: 174708.


[17]Xie Y, Huang J, Su J, et al. Effect of nickel interlayer on laser welding of copper/titanium dissimilar metal joint[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 27: 4416-4429.

[16]Luo Y, Huang J, Yu X, et al. The effect of crystalline structure on the mechanical behavior in Zr-based amorphous materials: A molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2023, 622: 122667.

[15]Cao S, Liu G, Huang J, et al. Molecular Dynamics Study of Crystallization Behavior in the Solid State of Zr-Cu Amorphous Alloys[J]. Metals, 2023, 13(9): 1571.

[14] Jiang J, Chen S, Gu J, et al. Microstructure and corrosion properties of micro-beam plasma remelted Mg-12Dy-1.1 Ni alloy[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2023, 30(1): 20-34.

[13] Huang Z, Huang J, Yu X, et al. The Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High-Strength 2319 Aluminum Alloys Fabricated by Wire Double-Pulsed Metal Inert Gas Arc Additive Manufacturing[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2023, 32(4): 1810-1823.

[12] Zhang Y, Zhao T, Yu X, et al. The Al-Fe Intermetallic Compounds and the Atomic Diffusion Behavior at the Interface of Aluminum-Steel Welded Joint[J]. Metals, 2023, 13(2): 334.

[11] Tang X, Kuang C, Zhou W, et al. Effect of annealing process on microstructure and electrical conductivity of cold-rolled Ti microalloyed conductive steel[J]. Materials Characterization, 2023: 112930.

[10] Yang M, Wu G, Li X, et al. Influence of heat source model on the behavior of laser cladding pool[J]. Journal of Laser Applications, 2023, 35(2): 022006.

[9] Wang Z, Huang J, Yu S, et al. Improvement of the welded joints properties of P460NH steel with AC-assisted GTAW arc[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2023, 93: 250-259.

[8] Zhang W, Huang J, Huang Y, et al. Interface characteristic of Zr-based metallic glass and copper by laser pulse welding[J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2023, 612: 122358.

[7] Li Y, Huang J*, Yang N, et al. Interfacial reaction and microstructure evolution of nanoparticle-added Al/Cu welded interface under direct current treatment[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2023: 105327.

[6] Song X*, Niu J, Huang J*, et al. The Effect of B4C Powder on Properties of the WAAM 2319 Al Alloy[J]. Materials, 2023, 16(1): 436.

[5] Song X*, Li Z, Huang J*, et al. Analysis of Droplet Transfer and Arc Swing in “TIG+ AC” Twin-Wire Cross Arc Additive Manufacturing[J]. Metals, 2023, 13(1): 63.

[4] 黄勇,王伯洋,郭建航,刘永刚,黄健康,樊丁,余淑荣.The effect of activating fluxes on the cathode spots in the activating TIG welding[J].China Welding,2023,32(01):7-17.

[3] 黄忠利,黄健康,张宏福,于晓全,刘光银,樊丁.不同脉冲模式下熔滴过渡对铝合金增材微观组织及力学性能的影响[J/OL].材料导报,2023(14):1-10[2023-05-03].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/50.1078.TB.20230131.1257.003.html

[2] 徐旭,刘玉龙,宿再春,付迎,黄健康,樊丁.添加SiO2纳米粉末AC辅助Al/Cu等离子弧熔钎焊接头组织及性能分析[J/OL].材料导报,2023(11):1-14[2022-07-04].

[1] 黄健康,吴昊盛,于晓全,刘光银,余淑荣.钛合金电弧增材制造工艺方法及微观组织调控的研究现状[J/OL].材料导报,2023(14):1-9[2022-07-04].


[19] Huang J, Li Q, Yang F, et al. Effects of electric current on δ phase evolution and tensile behavior of Inconel 718[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2022: 143886.

[18] Huang, Z., Huang, J., Yu, X., Liu, G., & Fan, D. (2022). The Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High-Strength 2319 Aluminum Alloys Fabricated by Wire Double-Pulsed Metal Inert Gas Arc Additive Manufacturing. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 1-14.

[17] Jiankang Huang*, Guangyin Liu, Xiaoquan Yu,Haosheng Wu, Yanqin Huang, Shurong Yu, Ding Fan. Microstructure regulation of titanium alloy functionally gradient materials fabricated by alternating current assisted wire arc additive manufacturing[J]. Materials & Design, 2022, 218: 110731.

[16] Jiankang Huang*, Yanqin Huang, Xiaoquan Yu, Guangyin Liu, Shurong Yu*, Ding Fan. Corrosion characterization of Ti-6Al-4V coating layer by the alternating current assisted GTAW method[J]. Corrosion Science, 2022, 197: 110066.

[15] Yanqin HuangJiankang Huang*, Xiaoquan YuShurong Yu*, DingFan. Microstructure characterization and texture evolution of Ti-6Al-4V cladding layer fabricated by alterative current assisted TIG[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2022, 431: 128014.

[14] Yu Ni*, Yuanhao Liu, Pengxian Zhang, Jiankang Huang*, Xiaoquan Yu. Thermal cycles, microstructures and mechanical properties of AA7075-T6 ultrathin sheet joints produced by high speed friction stir welding[J]. Materials Characterization, 2022, 187: 111873.

[13] Jiankang HuangZhuoxuan LiShurong YuXiaoquan YuDing Fan*. Real-time observation and numerical simulation of the molten pool flow and mass transfer behavior during wire arc additive manufacturing[J]. Welding in the World, 2022, 66(3): 481-494.

[12] Jiankang Huang*, Guangyin Liu, Xiaoquan Yu, Zhichen Guan, Shurong Yu*, Ding Fan. Characterization of nickel-titanium alloy graded materials using double wire alternating current cross arc additive manufacturing[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 910: 164912.

[11] Ding Fan*, Mingjiang Gao, Chunling Li, Jiankang Huang, Xiaoquan Yu. Residual stress and microstructure properties by trailing cooling of argon gas of wire and arc additive manufacturing[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2022, 77: 32-39.

[10] Ande HuLijian WuJiankang Huang*, Ding Fan*, Zhenya Xu. Recognition of weld defects from X-ray images based on improved convolutional neural network[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022, 81(11): 15085-15102.

[9] Xiaoquan Yu*, Jiankang Huang*, Tao Yang,  Ding Fan*. The Growth Behavior for Intermetallic Compounds at the Interface of Aluminum-Steel Weld Joint[J]. Materials, 2022, 15(10): 3563.

[8] Lei Xiao*, Ding Fan*, Jiankang Huang, Shinichi Tashiro, Manabu Tanaka. Mild steel metal rotating spray transfer behavior in magnetically controlled gas metal arc welding[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2022, 31: 103352.

[7] 刘光银,黄健康,于晓全,张建晓,樊丁.不同预边堆焊过渡层对12Cr2Mo1R/S30408接头组织与性能的影响[J].材料导报,2022,36(12):149-153.

[6] 黄健康,吴昊盛,黄彦琴,陈会子,于晓全,樊丁.锆基非晶合金脉冲激光焊及接头组织特性[J/OL].材料导报,2022(S2):1-11.

[5] 王臻,黄健康,刘光银,樊丁,余淑荣.基于空间轨迹规划与切片的GTAW填丝增材制造成形控制[J].焊接技术,2022,51(05):7-12+165.DOI:10.13846/j.cnki.cn12-1070/tg.2022.05.018.

[4] 黄健康,李奇,于晓全,刘光银.高强管线钢焊接残余应力研究现状[J].焊管,2022,45(04):1-7.DOI:10.19291/j.cnki.1001-3938.2022.04.001.

[3] 李岩,樊丁,黄健康,于晓全./铜异种金属熔钎焊工艺及界面调控方式的研究现状[J].焊接,2022(04):1-8.

[2] 黄忠利,樊丁,于晓全,黄健康.高强铝合金先进增材制造方法研究现状[J].金属加工(热加工),2022(04):12-18.

[1] 侯英杰,樊丁,黄健康.高效GMAW潜弧焊电弧特性数值分析[J].电焊机,2022,52(03):11-19.


[14] Huang, J., Liu, Y., Liu, S., Guan, Z., Yu, X., Wu, H., ... & Fan, D. (2021). Process of welding-brazing and interface analysis of lap joint Ti-6Al-4V and aluminum by plasma arc welding. Journal of Manufacturing Processes61, 396-407.

[13] Huang, J., Liu, Y., Yu, X., Huang, Y., Liu, G., Huang, Z., & Fan, D. (2021). Nano mechanical property analysis of single crystal copper using Berkovich nano indenter and molecular dynamic simulation. Computational Materials Science188, 110237.

[12] Fan, D., Yang, N., Huang, J., & Yu, X. (2021). Plasma arc welding-brazing of aluminum to copper with SiO2 nanoparticles strengthening. Journal of Manufacturing Processes69, 253-260.

[11] Huang, J., Liu, S., Wu, L., Yu, S., Yu, X., Yuan, W., ... & Fan, D. (2021). The microstructures and corrosion behavior of cladding layer on Ti-6Al-4V alloy using arc deposition with Ar and CO2 mixed shield gas. Journal of Alloys and Compounds857, 157557.

[10] Wu, X., Huang, J., He, J., Liu, S., Liu, G., & Fan, D. (2021). Oscillation Modes of Weld Pool in Stationary GTA Welding Using Structure Laser Method. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering34(1), 1-16.

[9] Li, N., Fan, D., Huang, J., Yu, S., Yuan, W., & Han, M. (2021). Self-adaptive control system for additive manufacturing using double electrode micro plasma arc welding. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering34(1), 1-14.

[8] Huang, J., Guan, Z., Yu, S., Yu, X., Yuan, W., Liu, S., & Fan, D. (2021). Simulation and control of metal droplet transfer in bypass coupling wire arc additive manufacturing. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology115(1), 383-395.

[7] Liu, S., Huang, J., Zhang, J., Yu, X., & Fan, D. (2021). Microstructure, Mechanical Performance, and Corrosion Behavior of Electron Beam Welded Thick Incoloy 825 Joints. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance30(5), 3735-3748.

[6] Fan, D., Li, Y., Wu, L., Huang, J., Liu, S., & Liu, Y. (2021). Effect of Ultrasonic Vibration on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Welding-brazing Joint Between Aluminum and Copper by Plasma Welding.

[5] 黄健康,刘玉龙,刘光银,杨茂鸿,樊丁.微纳米尺度单晶铜各向异性纳米力学分析[J].材料导报,2021,35(24):24117-24121+24127.

[4] 樊丁,李永鹏,武利建,黄健康,刘世恩,刘玉龙.超声振动对铝/铜等离子弧熔钎焊接头组织及力学性能的影响[J].材料导报,2021,35(16):16115-16119.

[3] 黄健康,刘光银,于晓全,杨楠,黄彦琴,余淑荣,樊丁.增材制造技术制备梯度材料研究现状[J].电焊机,2021,51(08):23-29+38+176-177.

[2] 樊丁,马欣,武利建,黄健康,肖磊.外加轴向磁场对短路过渡的影响[J].兰州理工大学学报,2021,47(01):22-27.

[1] 张志坚,管志忱,郑向博,黄健康.分区钨极TIG焊接装置设计及实验[J].热加工工艺,2021,50(05):129-132.DOI:10.14158/j.cnki.1001-3814.20192369.


[21] Zhang, J., Huang, Y., Fan, D., Zhao, J., Huang, J., Yu, X., & Liu, S. (2020). Microstructure and performances of dissimilar joints between 12Cr2Mo1R steel and 06Cr18Ni11Ti austenitic stainless steel joined by AA-TIG welding. Journal of Manufacturing Processes60, 96-106.

[20] Huang, J., Yuan, W., Yu, S., Zhang, L., Yu, X., & Fan, D. (2020). Droplet transfer behavior in bypass-coupled wire arc additive manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Processes49, 397-412.

[19] Huang, J., Liu, S., Yu, S., Yu, X., Chen, H., & Fan, D. (2020). Arc deposition of wear resistant layer TiN on Ti6Al4V using simultaneous feeding of nitrogen and wire. Surface and Coatings Technology381, 125141.

[18] Huang, J., Liu, S., Yu, S., An, L., Yu, X., Fan, D., & Yang, F. (2020). Cladding Inconel 625 on cast iron via bypass coupling micro-plasma arc welding. Journal of Manufacturing Processes56, 106-115.

[17] Xiao, L., Fan, D., Huang, J., Tashiro, S., & Tanaka, M. (2020). 3D numerical study of external axial magnetic field-controlled high-current GMAW metal transfer behavior. Materials13(24), 5792.

[16] Xiao, L., Fan, D., Huang, J., Tashiro, S., & Tanaka, M. (2020). Numerical study on arc-droplet coupled behavior in magnetic field controlled GMAW process. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics53(11), 115202.

[15] Huang, J., Guan, Z., Yu, S., Yu, X., Yuan, W., Li, N., & Fan, D. (2020). A 3D dynamic analysis of different depositing processes used in wire arc additive manufacturing. Materials Today Communications24, 101255.

[14] Yang, M., Zhang, Z., Han, Z., Du, J., & Huang, J. (2020). The formation of Ni5Al3 phase and its effect on the mechanical properties of In783 alloy. Intermetallics126, 106930.

[13] Huang, J., Chen, H., Pan, W., Yu, S., Fan, D., & Yang, F. (2020). Effect of nitrogen on the microstructures and mechanical behavior of Ti-6Al-4 V alloy additively manufactured via tungsten inert gas welding. Materials Today Communications24, 101171.

[12] Yang, M., Zhang, Z., Liu, Y., Li, L., & Huang, J. (2020). Fine-grain heat affected zone softening of G115/Sanicro25 dissimilar steel welded joints after post-weld heat treatment. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping188, 104253.

[11] Xiao, L., Fan, D., & Huang, J. (2020). Three-dimensional numerical study on the metal rotating spray transfer process of high-current GMAW.

[10] Fan, D., Li, N., Huang, J., Yu, S., & Yuan, W. (2020). Double-Electrode Micro-plasma Arc Welding Curved Surface Part Additive Manufacturing Control System. In Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing (pp. 35-46). Springer, Singapore.

[9] Hu, A., Fan, D., Huang, J., & Xu, Z. (2020). Weld Flaw Recognition with Improved Convolutional Neural Network. In Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing (pp. 45-55). Springer, Singapore.

[8] Wu, X., Huang, J., He, J., Liu, S., Liu, G., & Fan, D. (2020). Study on oscillation modes of weld pool in stationary GTA welding using structure laser method.

[7] Chen, H., Huang, J., Liu, S. E., Yu, X., & Fan, D. (2020). Microstructure Characteristics in the Pulsed Laser Welding Joint of Zr-based BMG and 304L Stainless Steel.

[6] Huang, J., Liu, G., He, J., Yu, S., Liu, S., Chen, H., ... & Fan, D. (2021). The reconsitution of the weld pool surface in stationary TIG welding process with filler wire. Welding in the World65(12), 2437-2447.

[5]张建晓,刘光银,刘世恩,黄健康,樊丁.12Cr2Mo1R耐热钢/304不锈钢异种钢焊接[J]. ,2020(10):7-13+61-62.

[4] 张建晓,管志忱,黄健康,杨志海,樊丁.Incoloy 825镍基高温合金电子束焊工艺及接头组织与力学性能分析[J].焊接学报,2020,41(10):32-37+99.

[3] 陈会子,黄健康,刘世恩,于晓全,樊丁.Zr基大块金属玻璃与304L不锈钢脉冲激光焊接接头微观组织特性[J].材料导报,2020,34(16):16100-16103.

[2] 黄健康,杨涛,于晓全,王梓懿,樊丁./铜电弧熔钎焊接头界面组织及演变研究[J].机械工程学报,2020,56(06):17-23.

[1] 樊丁,胡桉得,黄健康,徐振亚,徐旭.基于改进卷积神经网络的管焊缝X射线图像缺陷识别方法[J].焊接学报,2020,41(01):7-11+97.


[23] Huang, J., Chen, H., He, J., Yu, S., Pan, W., & Fan, D. (2019). Narrow gap applications of swing TIG-MIG hybrid weldings. Journal of Materials Processing Technology271, 609-614.

[22] Zhang, J., Chen, H., Fan, D., Huang, J., Yu, X., Feng, W., & Xu, K. (2019). Effects of phosphorus impurity on the microstructure and impact toughness of weld joint for the 12Cr2Mo1R heat resistant steel. Journal of Manufacturing Processes38, 453-461.

[21] Yu, X., Fan, D., Huang, J., Li, C., & Kang, Y. (2019). Arc-assisted laser welding brazing of aluminum to steel. Metals9(4), 397.

[20] Fan, D., Kang, Y., Huang, J., Yu, X., & Pan, W. (2019). Microstructure and mechanical property of welding-brazing joint between aluminum and steel by micro-beam plasma welding.

[19] Fan, D., Li, N., Huang, J., Yu, S., & Yuan, W. (2019). Double electrode micro plasma arc additive manufacturing control system based on adaptive height adjustment.

[18] XIAO, L., FAN, D., HUANG, J., TASHIRO, S., & TANAKA, M. (2019). Study on metal transfer process in high-current GMAW with external magnetic fields. In Preprints of the National Meeting of JWS Preprints of the National Meeting of JWS (pp. 118-119). JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY.

[17] Yu, X., Fan, D., Huang, J., & Kang, Y. (2019). The characteristic of interface microstructure for aluminum-steel butt joint by arc assisted laser welding-brazing. Materials Research Express6(9), 096533.

[16] 黄健康,潘伟,于永龙,余淑荣,樊丁,唐兴昌.基于示踪粒子的GTAW驼峰焊道形成机制数值分析[J].兰州理工大学学报,2019,45(06):11-16.

[15] 樊丁,康玉桃,黄健康,于晓全,孙舒蕾./钢预置高熵合金粉末对接接头组织及力学性能[J].兰州理工大学学报,2019,45(06):1-5.

[14] 樊丁,李楠,黄健康,余淑荣,袁文.旁路耦合微束等离子弧增材制造自适应高度控制系统[J].焊接学报,2019,40(11):1-7+161.

[13] 陈会子,邓杨波,黄健康,潘伟,樊丁.非晶合金焊接技术研究现状[J].热加工工艺,2019,48(21):5-9.DOI:10.14158/j.cnki.1001-3814.2019.21.002.

[12] 樊丁,李楠,黄健康,余淑荣,袁文.旁路耦合微束等离子弧焊增材制造曲面零件[J].兰州理工大学学报,2019,45(05):23-27.

[11] 张建晓,陈会子,冯伟,黄健康,樊丁.不同退火条件下304L不锈钢埋弧焊接头组织及性能分析[J].焊接学报,2019,40(09):43-48+162-163.

[10] 余淑荣,程能弟,黄健康,于晓全,樊丁.旁路耦合电弧增材制造热过程与组织关系[J].焊接学报,2019,40(08):1-6+161.

[9] 黄健康,潘伟,孙天亮,余淑荣,樊丁.不锈钢/碳钢TIG焊熔池表面流动行为[J].焊接学报,2019,40(08):18-25+161-162.

[8] 樊丁,杨文艳,肖磊,黄健康.高频交变磁场对大电流GMAW熔滴过渡和飞溅率的影响[J].焊接学报,2019,40(07):1-5+161.

[7] 于晓全,樊丁,黄健康,李春玲./钢电弧辅助激光对接熔钎焊接头组织及力学性能[J].材料导报,2019,33(15):2479-2482.

[6] 黄健康,陈会子,杨茂鸿,张裕明,杨福前.基于示踪粒子的摆动TIG填丝焊熔池行为数值分析[J].焊接学报,2019,40(06):7-13+161.

[5] 樊丁,胡桉得,徐旭,雷万庆,黄健康,刘玉龙.基于链码的Stellite12钴基合金金相组织定量分析[J].兰州理工大学学报,2019,45(03):16-21.

[4] 肖磊,樊丁,郑发磊,黄健康,杨文艳.大电流GMAW的熔滴过渡行为及控制[J].华南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2019,47(04):127-131+137.

[3] 樊丁,康玉桃,黄健康,于晓全,潘伟./钢微束等离子熔钎焊接头组织及力学性能[J].焊接学报,2019,40(02):20-25+161-162.

[2] 黄健康,王梓懿,梁菲菲,石玗,樊丁./铜异种金属熔钎焊焊接研究现状[J].电焊机,2019,49(01):10-13+47.

[1] 余淑荣,程能弟,黄健康,李楠,樊丁.旁路耦合微束等离子弧焊增材制造的热过程[J].材料导报,2019,33(01):162-166.


[22] Xiao, L., Fan, D., & Huang, J. (2018). Tungsten cathode-arc plasma-weld pool interaction in the magnetically rotated or deflected gas tungsten arc welding configuration. Journal of Manufacturing Processes32, 127-137.

[21] Huang, J., Pan, W., Chen, J., Shao, Y., Yang, M., & Zhang, Y. (2018). The transient behaviours of free surface in a fully penetrated weld pool in gas tungsten arc welding. Journal of Manufacturing Processes36, 405-416.

[20] Yu, X., Huang, J., Shao, L., Zhang, Y., Fan, D., Wang, Z., & Yang, F. (2018). Microstructures and microhardness of the welding joint between Zr44Ti11Ni10Cu10Be25 bulk metallic glass and 1100 aluminum. Materials Research Express5(1), 015203.

[19] Yu, X., Huang, J., Shao, L., Zhang, Y., Fan, D., Kang, Y., & Yang, F. (2018). Microstructures in the joint of zirconium-based bulk metallic glass and copper. Materials Research Express6(2), 026511.

[18] Huang, J., He, J., He, X., Shi, Y., & Fan, D. (2018). Study on dynamic development of three-dimensional weld pool surface in stationary GTAW. High Temperature Materials and Processes37(5), 455-462.

[17] Huang, J., Wang, Z., Yang, F., Yu, S., Shi, Y., & Fan, D. (2018). Effects of powder on microstructure, tensile, and corrosion behavior of aluminum-steel joints. Journal of Laser Applications30(3), 032006.

[16] Huang J, He J, Li T, et al. Welding Technology Analysis of Bypass Coupling Micro Plasma Welding[M]//Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing. Springer, Singapore, 2018: 75-84.

[15] Huang, J. K., Yang, M. H., Chen, J. S., Yang, F. Q., Zhang, Y. M., & Fan, D. (2018). The oscillation of stationary weld pool surface in the GTA welding. Journal of Materials Processing Technology256, 57-68.

[14] 李挺,黄健康,陈秀娟,余淑荣,樊丁.旁路耦合微束等离子弧热特性及焊缝成形特点[J].焊接学报,2018,39(09):55-60+131.

[13] 李挺,黄健康,陈秀娟,杨茂鸿,余淑荣,樊丁.微束等离子弧焊三维焊接堆垛过程塌陷[J].焊接学报,2018,39(06):86-90+132-133.

[12] 李妍,刘宁,黄健康,樊丁.添加不同合金粉末激光熔钎焊铝/钢异种金属接头的组织与性能[J].机械工程材料,2018,42(06):30-35+41.

[11] 肖磊,樊丁,黄健康.交变磁场作用下的GTAW非稳态电弧数值模拟[J].机械工程学报,2018,54(16):79-85.

[10] 黄健康,王梓懿,刘宁,余淑荣,樊丁.金属镀层对铝/钢激光熔钎焊接头组织与性能的影响[J].材料工程,2018,46(05):99-105.

[9] 黄健康,于永龙,杨茂鸿,王梓懿,石玗,樊丁.空冷器管箱焊接处的焊缝强度分析[J].兰州理工大学学报,2018,44(02):32-35.

[8] 李挺,黄健康,陈秀娟,杨茂鸿,余淑荣,樊丁.旁路耦合微束等离子弧焊熔滴过渡特性分析[J].热加工工艺,2018,47(05):182-185.DOI:10.14158/j.cnki.1001-3814.2018.05.047.

[7] 黄健康,于永龙,何旌,余淑荣./钢异种金属电弧辅助激光熔钎焊工艺[J].热加工工艺,2018,47(05):46-49.DOI:10.14158/j.cnki.1001-3814.2018.05.011.

[6] 刘剑,樊丁,陈秀娟,黄健康,余淑荣.异厚度铝钢电弧辅助激光对接熔钎焊温度场和应力应变场数值模拟[J].焊接学报,2018,39(02):33-38+130.

[5] 黄健康,何旌,石玗,樊丁.旁路耦合微束等离子铝合金薄板焊接工艺[J].兰州理工大学学报,2018,44(01):26-29.

[4] 李杰,黄健康,靳全胜./钢异种金属熔钎焊方法研究现状[J].电焊机,2018,48(01):109-114.

[3] 顾玉芬,马敏敏,李杰,黄健康,石玗.焊后退火对铝/钢异种金属熔钎焊接头腐蚀性能的影响[J].焊接学报,2017,38(12):46-50+131.

[2] 何旌,黄健康,余淑荣,樊丁.窄间隙电弧摆动焊接方法研究现状[J].热加工工艺,2017,46(23):5-9+14.DOI:10.14158/j.cnki.1001-3814.2017.23.002.

[1] 黄健康,杨茂鸿,余淑荣,石玗,樊丁.旁路耦合微束等离子弧堆垛与熔池动态行为数值模拟[J].机械工程学报,2018,54(02):70-76.


[10] Wang, X., Huang, J., Huang, Y., Fan, D., & Guo, Y. (2017). Investigation of heat transfer and fluid flow in activating TIG welding by numerical modeling. Applied Thermal Engineering, 113, 27-35.

[9] Shao, L., Datye, A., Huang, J., Ketkaew, J., Woo Sohn, S., Zhao, S., ... & Schroers, J. (2017). Pulsed laser beam welding of Pd43Cu27Ni10P20 bulk metallic glass. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1-7.

[8] Huang, J., He, J., Yu, X., Li, C., & Fan, D. (2017). The study of mechanical strength for fusion-brazed butt joint between aluminum alloy and galvanized steel by arc-assisted laser welding. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 25, 126-133.

[7] Huang, J., He, X., Guo, Y., Zhang, Z., Shi, Y., & Fan, D. (2017). Joining of aluminum alloys to galvanized mild steel by the pulsed DE-GMAW with the alternation of droplet transfer. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 25, 16-25.

[6] Huang, J., Yang, M., Liu, J., Fan, D., & Yu, S. (2017). Residual stress field analysis of Al/steel butt joint using laser welding–brazing. Materials science and technology, 33(17), 2053-2063.

[5] 黄健康,何笑英,石玗,樊丁.脉冲频数对pulsed DE-GMAW焊缝成形的分析[J].焊接学报,2017,38(06):51-55+131.

[4] 余淑荣,陈秀娟,刘剑,樊丁,黄健康,施俊屹.激光对接异厚度铝/钢熔钎焊温度场及残余应力场的数值模拟[J].兰州理工大学学报,2017,43(02):25-29.DOI:10.13295/j.cnki.jlut.2017.02.004.

[3] 肖磊,樊丁,黄健康,王新鑫.外加高频纵向磁场作用下的TIG焊电弧数值模拟[J].焊接学报,2017,38(02):66-70+4.

[2] 李妍,刘宁,黄健康,樊丁.提高铝钢焊接接头力学性能的研究现状[J].电焊机,2017,47(02):102-106.

[1] 何笑英,黄健康,石玗,樊丁.基于网格激光的TIG焊熔池三维表面凹凸性分析[J].焊接学报,2017,38(01):65-68+132.



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[21] Huang, J., Liu, N., He, C., Shi, Y., & Fan, D. (2016). Thermodynamics analysis of intermetallic compounds on Aluminum-steel welded joint.

[20] Fan, D., Wang, B., Li, C., Huang, J., & Yu, S. (2016). Spreading characteristics of arc-assisted laser welding filler metals for welding-brazing butt joint between aluminum alloy and galvanized steel.

[19] 黄健康,杨茂鸿,李挺,于永龙,石玗,樊丁.旁路耦合微束等离子弧增材制造[J].上海交通大学学报,2016,50(12):1906-1909+1914.DOI:10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2016.12.019.

[18] 樊丁,盛文文,黄健康,石玗./钢电弧辅助激光焊接润湿铺展的数值分析[J].兰州理工大学学报,2016,42(06):20-25.DOI:10.13295/j.cnki.jlut.2016.06.005.

[17] 李杰,黄健康./钢异种金属电弧熔钎焊界面结构的研究现状[J].焊管,2016,39(10):1-6.DOI:10.19291/j.cnki.1001-3938.2016.10.001.

[16] 李妍,刘宁,黄健康,樊丁.镀层对铝/钢激光焊接头组织与性能的影响[J].热加工工艺,2016,45(17):35-38.DOI:10.14158/j.cnki.1001-3814.2016.17.010.

[15] 黄健康,李杰,沈利民,石玗,顾玉芬,樊丁.Si,Mg对铝/钢熔钎焊焊接接头力学性能的影响[J].焊接学报,2016,37(08):96-100+133.

[14] 黄健康,孙天亮,樊丁,石玗.TIG焊熔池表面流动行为的研究[J].机械工程学报,2016,52(18):31-37.

[13] 王梓懿,黄健康,何笑英,石玗,樊丁.基于电弧电压的铝合金脉冲MIG焊过程监测及稳定性分析[J].上海交通大学学报,2016,50(S1):51-54.DOI:10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2016.S.013.

[12] 肖磊,樊丁,黄自成,黄健康,王新鑫.考虑金属蒸汽的定点活性钨极惰性气体保护焊电弧与熔池交互作用三维数值分析[J].机械工程学报,2016,52(16):93-99.

[11] 黄健康,刘宁,何翠翠,石玗,樊丁./镀锌钢焊接接头金属间化合物热力学分析[J].哈尔滨工程大学学报,2016,37(06):837-841.

[10] 顾玉芬,李杰,石玗,黄健康,樊丁./钢异种金属电弧熔钎焊焊接接头的腐蚀性能[J].中国有色金属学报,2016,26(04):758-765.DOI:10.19476/j.ysxb.1004.0609.2016.04.007.

[9] 樊丁,黄自成,黄健康,王新鑫,郝珍妮,黄勇.活性元素氧对AA-TIG焊熔池传输行为影响的数值模拟[J].焊接学报,2016,37(03):62-66+131-132.

[8] 黄健康,陈满骄,石玗,樊丁.基于高频感应加热实现铜管/铝棒的包覆焊接[J].焊接,2016(03):6-10+73.

[7] 黄健康,何笑英,樊丁,石玗.三维焊接快速成形技术的研究现状及发展趋势[J].电焊机,2016,46(03):79-83.

[6] 黄健康,何笑英,扶剑锋,石玗,樊丁.基于结构激光反射的脉冲TIG焊熔池三维表面演化观测[J].兰州理工大学学报,2016,42(01):22-25.DOI:10.13295/j.cnki.jlut.2016.01.005.

[5] 刘宁,黄健康,陈满骄,石玗,曹睿,陈剑虹.基于蒙特卡罗方法的铝/钢熔钎焊界面金属间化合物层生长分析[J].焊接学报,2016,37(02):55-58+62+131.

[4] 樊丁,黄自成,黄健康,郝珍妮,王新鑫,黄勇.O元素分布模式与AA-TIG焊熔池形貌的数值模拟[J].焊接学报,2016,37(02):38-42+131.

[3] 樊丁,王斌,李春玲,黄健康,余淑荣./钢电弧辅助激光对接熔钎焊铺展特性[J].焊接学报,2016,37(01):1-5+129.

[2] 盛文文,樊丁,黄健康,黄琳.考虑自由表面的定点A-TIG焊数值分析[J].焊接学报,2016,37(01):41-45+131.

[1] 陈满骄,黄健康,何翠翠,石玗,樊丁.Al/镀锌钢板焊接界面区Fe-Al-Zn金属间化合物形成的热力学分析[J].金属学报,2016,52(01):113-119.


[14] Wang, X., Fan, D., Huang, J., & Huang, Y. (2015). Numerical simulation of arc plasma and weld pool in double electrodes tungsten inert gas welding. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 85, 924-934.

[13] Ding, F., Zi-Cheng, H., Jian-Kang, H., Xin-Xin, W., & Yong, H. (2015). Three-dimensional numerical analysis of interaction between arc and pool by considering the behavior of the metal vapor in tungsten inert gas welding.

[12] WANG, X., FAN, D., HUANG, J., & HUANG, Y. (2015). Numerical simulation of heat transfer and fluid flow in double electrodes TIG arc-weld pool. Acta Metall Sin, 51(2), 178-190.

[11] Wang, X., Fan, D., Huang, J., & Huang, Y. (2015). Numerical simulation of heat transfer and fluid flow for arc-weld pool in TIG welding.


[9] 黄健康,何笑英,扶剑锋,石玗,樊丁.TIG焊熔池三维表面及其数值模拟的研究现状[J].热加工工艺,2015,44(23):6-9+5.DOI:10.14158/j.cnki.1001-3814.2015.23.002.

[8] 樊丁,盛文文,黄健康,石玗,朱明.双丝旁路耦合电弧GMAW高效焊接工艺[J].机械工程学报,2016,52(02):13-18.

[7] 李春玲,樊丁,王斌,黄健康.电弧辅助铝/镀锌钢涂粉激光熔钎焊界面特性与性能[J].机械工程学报,2015,51(18):57-63.

[6] 黄健康,何笑英,张正鹏,沈利民,石玗,樊丁.脉冲DE-GMAW过程熔滴受力分析及电流波形设计研究[J].机械工程学报,2015,51(14):72-77.

[5] 张建斌,张健,樊丁,黄健康.激光深熔焊接运动熔池的动力学行为数值分析[J].兰州理工大学学报,2015,41(02):22-26.DOI:10.13295/j.cnki.jlut.2015.02.005.

[4] 樊丁,黄自成,黄健康,王新鑫,黄勇.考虑金属蒸汽的钨极惰性气体保护焊电弧与熔池交互作用三维数值分析[J].物理学报,2015,64(10):304-314.

[3] 黄健康,何笑英,张刚,石玗,樊丁.钨极惰性气体保护焊熔池表面三维恢复算法及其可视化[J].上海交通大学学报,2015,49(03):337-340.DOI:10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2015.03.012.

[2] 王新鑫,樊丁,黄健康,黄勇.双钨极TIG电弧-熔池传热与流动数值模拟[J].金属学报,2015,51(02):178-190.

[1] 樊丁,王斌,李春玲,黄健康,余淑荣./钢异种金属电弧辅助激光对接熔钎焊方法[J].焊接学报,2015,36(01):15-18+58+113.


[36]樊丁,冯毅,黄健康,侯英杰,姚兴龙. 一种磁控大电流高效潜弧焊系统及焊接方法[P]. 甘肃省:CN113977047A,2022-01-28.

[35]樊丁,韩苗苗,黄健康. 一种随焊激冷装置[P]. 甘肃省:CN211162555U,2020-08-04.

[34]吴兴培,黄健康,刘玉龙,刘世恩,管志忱. 一种电弧炉的复合式电极装置[P]. 甘肃省:CN211128270U,2020-07-28.

[33]黄健康,刘玉龙,余淑荣,杨涛,潘伟,陈会子,管志忱,樊丁. 一种碳元素原位强化的梯度钛合金TIG电弧增材制造装置[P]. 甘肃省:CN210817883U,2020-06-23.

[32]黄健康,袁文,余淑荣,刘玉龙,潘伟,杨涛,陈会子,樊丁. 一种氧元素原位强化的梯度钛合金TIG电弧增材制造装置[P]. 甘肃省:CN210817884U,2020-06-23.

[31]黄健康,袁文,余淑荣,樊丁,杨涛,潘伟,刘玉龙,陈会子,陈秀娟. 一种硼元素原位强化的梯度钛合金TIG电弧增材制造装置[P]. 甘肃省:CN210817885U,2020-06-23.

[30]黄健康,管志忱,余淑荣,陈会子,刘玉龙,袁文,潘伟,樊丁. 一种碳元素原位强化的梯度钛合金MIG电弧增材制造装置[P]. 甘肃省:CN210817886U,2020-06-23.

[29]黄健康,管志忱,余淑荣,陈会子,刘玉龙,袁文,潘伟,樊丁. 一种氧元素原位强化的梯度钛合金MIG电弧增材制造装置[P]. 甘肃省:CN210817887U,2020-06-23.

[28]黄健康,刘世恩,余淑荣,刘玉龙,陈会子,袁文,管志忱,樊丁. 一种硼元素原位强化的梯度钛合金MIG电弧增材制造装置[P]. 甘肃省:CN210817888U,2020-06-23.

[27]黄健康,刘玉龙,余淑荣,陈会子,袁文,潘伟,刘世恩,樊丁. 一种氮元素原位强化的梯度钛合金MIG电弧增材制造装置[P]. 甘肃省:CN210817889U,2020-06-23.

[26]黄健康,刘玉龙,余淑荣,杨涛,陈会子,袁文,潘伟,樊丁. 一种硼元素原位强化的梯度钛合金等离子弧增材制造装置[P]. 甘肃省:CN210817909U,2020-06-23.

[25]黄健康,刘玉龙,潘伟,陈会子,余淑荣,樊丁,陈秀娟. 一种氮元素原位强化的梯度钛合金等离子弧增材制造装置[P]. 甘肃省:CN210817910U,2020-06-23.

[24]黄健康,管志忱,余淑荣,陈会子,刘玉龙,袁文,潘伟,樊丁. 一种氧元素原位强化的梯度钛合金等离子弧增材制造装置[P]. 甘肃省:CN210817911U,2020-06-23.

[23]黄健康,刘世恩,余淑荣,刘玉龙,陈会子,袁文,管志忱,樊丁. 一种碳元素原位强化的梯度钛合金等离子弧增材制造装置[P]. 甘肃省:CN210817912U,2020-06-23.

[22]樊丁,韩苗苗,黄健康. 一种控制焊接变形的随焊激冷装置及焊接方法[P]. 甘肃省:CN110899921A,2020-03-24.

[21]黄健康,刘玉龙,潘伟,管志忱,陈会子,袁文,杨涛,刘世恩,余淑荣,樊丁. 一种基于TIG电弧的钛合金增材制造装置[P]. 甘肃省:CN210080922U,2020-02-18.

[20]黄健康,陈会子,何旌,余淑荣,管志忱. 一种摆动TIG辅助MIG/MAG的窄间隙焊接方法[P]. 甘肃省:CN110293281A,2019-10-01.

[19]黄健康,袁文,余淑荣,樊丁,杨涛,潘伟,刘玉龙,陈会子,陈秀娟. 一种硼元素原位强化的梯度钛合金TIG电弧增材制造方法[P]. 甘肃省:CN110293283A,2019-10-01.

[18]黄健康,刘玉龙,余淑荣,杨涛,潘伟,陈会子,管志忱,樊丁. 一种碳元素原位强化的梯度钛合金TIG电弧增材制造方法[P]. 甘肃省:CN110293284A,2019-10-01.

[17]黄健康,袁文,余淑荣,刘玉龙,潘伟,杨涛,陈会子,樊丁. 一种氧元素原位强化的梯度钛合金TIG电弧增材制造方法[P]. 甘肃省:CN110293285A,2019-10-01.

[16]黄健康,刘玉龙,余淑荣,陈会子,袁文,潘伟,刘世恩,樊丁. 一种氮元素原位强化的梯度钛合金MIG电弧增材制造方法[P]. 甘肃省:CN110293288A,2019-10-01.

[15]黄健康,管志忱,余淑荣,陈会子,刘玉龙,袁文,潘伟,樊丁. 一种碳元素原位强化的梯度钛合金MIG电弧增材制造方法[P]. 甘肃省:CN110293289A,2019-10-01.

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