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骆衍新 外科学博士 主任医师 博士生导师 博士后导师    


先后在中山大学中山医学院获学士(2006年)、博士(2011年)学位,于20099月至20139月在美国完成博士后训练,在消化道道肿瘤发生发展的分子机制及临床转化方面接收了国内外系统培训、具备国际化视野。临床主攻结直肠癌的临床检测及诊治,围绕如何预测结直肠癌的发生、如何降低治疗后的复发转移及其机制等关键科学问题展开研究,先后承担国家自然科学基金5项、广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目,参与国家重点基础研究发展计划(973项目)、国家重点研发计划等,共发表SCI论文80余篇、已授权发明专利9项,曾首次在学术界系统阐述了结直肠腺瘤恶变过程中DNA甲基化调控新机制(Gastroenterology, 2014,唯一第一及并列通讯)。

过去5年,在上述基础上深入研究,取得的主要学术贡献包括:(1)首次揭示了DNA甲基化可以通过定点调控肌动蛋白及微管,控制腺瘤癌变并促进细胞癌变后的进展(Cancer Research, 2020,唯一通讯);(2)这些控制肿瘤生物学行为的关键位点(Clinical Chemistry, 2019,唯一通讯),为CRC的治疗及预后等提供了重要的干预靶点(Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2023,最后通讯);(3)微环境中非肿瘤细胞的DNA甲基化,可作为细胞分子标签用于评估CRC的免疫反应(Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer, 2021,最后通讯),影响肿瘤的生物学行为(eBioMedicine, 2023,最后通讯),还能影响免疫治疗结局(Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer, 2022,最后通讯)。


2001.09-2006.06  中山大学中山医学院(原中山医科大学),临床医学学士

2006.09-2011.06  中山大学,外科学博士

2006.06-2009.06  中山大学附属第一医院,住院医师

2009.09-2013.09  美国华盛顿大学Fred Hutchinson肿瘤研究中心,博士后

2013.10-2016.06  中山大学附属第六医院,副研究员、住院医师、硕士生导师

2016.06-2017.12  中山大学附属第六医院,副研究员、主治医师、士生导师

2017.12-2020.12  中山大学附属第六医院,副研究员、副主任医师、士生导师

2020.12-至今       中山大学附属第六医院,主任医师、士生导师











主要从事胃肠肿瘤的规范化外科治疗和相关基础研究及教学。近年来先后发表SCI文章80余篇,其中第一及通讯作者30余篇,包括Gastroenterology, JAMA Oncology, Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Cancer Research, Cancer Research等国际权威杂志。参与国家重点基础研究计划(973项目)、国家重点研发计划,主持国家自然科学基金5项、广东省杰出青年科学基金等多个国家级、省级和市级项目,获中华医学科技进步二等奖、广东省科技进步一等奖、吴孟超医学青年基金奖,入选首批广东省杰出青年医学人才、广东省高层次人才特殊支持计划科技创新青年拔尖人才,获中山大学临床医学八年制专业优秀全程导师,目前已培养博士后博士硕士生等10名。


2021 年入选“第七届羊城好医生”














1. Shen D, Lin J, Xie Y, Zhuang Z, Xu G, Peng S, Tang G, Bai L, Zhu M, Zhang Y, Huang Z, Wang P, Liu X, Huang M, Luo Y, Wang X, Yu H. RNA demethylase ALKBH5 promotes colorectal cancer progression by posttranscriptional activation of RAB5A in an m6A-YTHDF2-dependent manner. Clin Transl Med. 2023, 13(5):e1279.  (Co-corresponding author; IF=10.6)

2. Liu X, Peng S, Tang G, Xu G, Xie Y, Shen D, Zhu M, Huang Y, Wang X, Yu H, Huang M, Luo Y. Fasting-mimicking diet synergizes with ferroptosis against quiescent, chemotherapy-resistant cells. EBioMedicine. 2023, 90:104496. (Co-corresponding author; IF=11.1)

3. Xie Y, Lin J, Zhang N, Wang X, Wang P, Peng S, Li J, Wu Y, Wu Y, Zhuang Z, Shen D, Zhu M, Liu X, Liu G, Meng X, Huang M, Yu H, Luo Y. Prevalent Pseudoprogression and Pseudoresidue in Rectal Cancer Patients Treated with Neoadjuvant Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2023, 21(2):133-142. (Co-corresponding author; IF=13.4)

4. Zhu M, Bai L, Liu X, Peng S, Xie Y, Bai H, Yu H, Wang X, Yuan P, Ma R, Lin J, Wu L, Huang M, Li Y, Luo Y, Silence of a dependence receptor CSF1R in colorectal cancer cells activates tumor-associated macrophages. J Immunother Cancer. 2022, 10(12):e005610. (Co-corresponding author; IF=10.9)

5. Yu H, Wang X, Bai L, Tang G, Carter KT, Cui J, Huang P, Liang L, Ding Y, Cai M, Huang M, Liu H, Cao G, Gallinger S, Pai RK, Buchanan DD, Win AK, Newcomb PA, Wang J, Grady WM, Luo Y. DNA methylation profile in CpG-depleted regions uncovers a high-risk subtype of early-stage colorectal cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2023, 115(1):52-61. (Co-corresponding author; IF=10.3)

6. Peng S, Li Y, Huang M, Tang G, Xie Y, Chen D, Hu Y, Yu T, Cai J, Yuan Z, Wang H, Wang H, Luo Y, Liu X. Metabolomics reveals that CAF-derived lipids promote colorectal cancer peritoneal metastasis by enhancing membrane fluidity. Int J Biol Sci. 2022;18(5):1912-1932. (Co-corresponding author; IF=9.2)

7. Zou Q, Wang X, Ren D, Hu B, Tang G, Zhang Y, Huang M, Pai RK, Buchanan DD, Win AK, Newcomb PA, Grady WM, Yu H, Luo Y. DNA methylation-based signature of CD8+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes enables evaluation of immune response and prognosis in colorectal cancer, J ImmunoTher Cancer. 2021;9:e002671. (Co-corresponding author; IF=10.9)

8. Zhuang Z, Liu Z, Li J, Wang X, Xie P, Xiong F, Hu J, Meng X, Huang M, Deng Y, Lan P, Yu H, Luo Y. Radiomic signature of the FOWARC trial predicts pathological response to neoadjuvant treatment in rectal cancer, J Transl Med. 2021; 19(1): 256. (Co-corresponding author; IF=7.4)

9. Xie Y, Lin J, Wang X, Wang P, Zhuang Z, Zou Q, Cai D, Huang Z, Bai L, Tang G, Huang M, Wang J, Yu H, Luo Y. The Addition of Preoperative Radiation Is Insufficient for Lateral Pelvic Control in a Subgroup of Patients with Low Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: A Post Hoc Study of a Randomized Controlled Trial, Dis Colon Rectum. 2021;64(11):1321-1330. (Co-corresponding author; IF=3.9)

10. Xie Y, Shi L, He X, Luo Y. Gastrointestinal cancers in China, the USA, and Europe. Gastroenterol Rep (Oxf). 2021;9(2):91-104.(IF=3.6)

11. Zhuang Z, Wang X, Huang M, Luo Y, Yu H. Serum calcium improved systemic inflammation marker for predicting survival outcome in rectal cancer. J Gastrointest Oncol. 2021;12(2):568-579. (Co-corresponding author; IF=2.1

12. Zou Q, Ren D, Wang X, Bai L, Tang G, Huang M, Luo Y, Yu H. Improved Survival Outcome and Access to Cancer Screening from Hemorrhoid in Patients with Rectal Cancer, Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2020;2020:5045142. (Co-corresponding author; IF=2

13. Li Y, Bai L, Yu H, Cai D, Wang X, Huang B, Peng S, Huang M, Cao G, Kaz AM, Grady WM, Wang J, Luo Y. Epigenetic inactivation of α-internexin accelerates microtubule polymerization in colorectal cancer, Cancer Res. 2020;80(23):5203-5215. (IF=11.2)

14. Luo Y, Wang P, Gu X, Ye J, Lin J, Tan M, Luo PT, Luo JT, Huang M. Three-trocar tubeless natural orifice specimen extraction surgery in rectosigmoid cancer – a video vignette. Colorectal Dis. 2020;22(10):0. (IF=3.4)

15. Luo Y, Wang P, Liang J, Ye J, Tan M, Luo PT, Luo JT, Huang M. Tubeless NOSES in Rectosigmoid Cancers-Video Vignette. Colorectal Dis. 2020;22(1):105-106. (IF=3.4)

16. Yu Z, Yu H, Zou Q, Huang Z, Wang X, Tang G, Bai L, Zhou C, Zhuang Z, Xie Y, Wang H, Xu G, Chen Z, Fu X, Huang M, Luo Y. Nomograms for prediction of molecular phenotypes in colorectal cancer. Onco Targets Ther. 2019, 13: 309-321. (IF=4)

17. Huang P, Peng S, Yu H, Huang L, Yao Q, Wang X, Tan S, Zhou J, Wang P, Huang A, Bai L, Luo Y, Huang M, Decreased expression of SorCS1 in colorectal cancer: An independent predictor of poor prognosis, Neoplasma, 2020; 67(1): 119-128. (Co-corresponding author; IF=3

18. Cai D, Huang Z, Yu H, Wang X, Bai L, Tang G, Peng S, Li Y, Huang M, Cao G, Wang J, Luo Y. Prognostic value of preoperative carcinoembryonic antigen/tumor size in rectal cancer. World J Gastroenterol. 2019 25(33): 4945-4958. (IF=4.3)

19. Luo Y, Wang P, Liang J, Ye J, Tan M, Luo PT, Luo JT, Huang M. Tubeless natural orifice specimen extraction surgery in rectosigmoid cancer - a video vignette. Colorectal Dis. 2020 Jan;22(1):105-106. (IF=3.4)

20.  Yu H, Bai L, Tang G, Wang X, Huang M, Cao G, Wang J, Luo Y. Novel Assay for Quantitative Analysis of DNA Methylation at Single-Base Resolution. Clin Chem. 2019, 65(5):664-673. (IF=9.3)

21. Li L, Yu H, Liang J, Guo Y, Peng S, Luo Y, Wang J. Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding versus laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for obesity. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019; 98(9): e14735.Co-corresponding author; IF=1.6

22. Ren D, Li J, Yu H, Peng S, Lin W, Wang X, Ghoorun RA, Luo Y. Nomograms for predicting pathological response to neoadjuvant treatments in patients with rectal cancer. World J Gastroenterol. 2019, 25(1):118-137. (IF=4.3)

23. Yu H, Luo Y. Decentered Crowdfunded Clinical Studies-Open a New Era of Medical Research. JAMA Oncol. 2019, 5(1):9-10. (IF=28.4)

24. Li L, Wang X, Bai L, Yu H, Huang Z, Huang A, Luo Y, Wang J. The Effects of Sleeve Gastrectomy on Glucose Metabolism and Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 in Goto-Kakizaki Rats. J Diabetes Res. 2018: 1082561. (Co-corresponding author; IF=4.3)

25. Yu H, Luo Y, Wang X, Bai L, Huang P, Wang L, Huang M, Deng Y, Wang J. Time to lowest postoperative carcinoembryonic antigen level is predictive on survival outcome in rectal cancer. Sci Rep. 2016;6:34131. (Co-corresponding author; IF=4.6)

26. Yu H, Luo Y, Peng H, Wang X, Yang Z, Huang M, Kang L, Wang L, Wang J. Association of perioperative blood pressure with long-term survival in rectal cancer patients. Chin J Cancer. 2016;35:38. (Co-corresponding author; IF=5.1)

27. Bosch LJ, Luo Y, Lao VV, Snaebjornsson P, Trooskens G, Vlassenbroeck I, Mongera S, Tang W, Welcsh P, Herman JG, Koopman M, Nagtegaal ID, Punt CJ, van Criekinge W, Meijer GA, Monnat RJ, Jr., Carvalho B, Grady WM. WRN Promoter CpG Island Hypermethylation Does Not Predict More Favorable Outcomes for Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Treated with Irinotecan-Based Therapy. Clin Cancer Res. 2016;22(18):4612-22. (Co-first author; IF=11.5)

28. Huang A, Huang P, Luo Y, Wang B, Luo X, Zheng Z, Yuan K, Huang Z, Peng S, Yu H, Huang M, Cui J. CD103 expression in normal epithelium is associated with poor prognosis of colorectal cancer patients within defined subgroups. Int J Clin Exp Patho. 2017, 10(6):6624-6634.  (Co-first author; IF=1.4)

29. Luo Y, Yu M, Grady WM. Field cancerization in the colon: a role for aberrant DNA methylation? Gastroenterol Rep (Oxf). 2014;2(1):16-20. (IF=3.6)

30. Luo Y, Wong CJ, Kaz AM, Dzieciatkowski S, Carter KT, Morris SM, Wang J, Willis JE, Makar KW, Ulrich CM, Lutterbaugh JD, Shrubsole MJ, Zheng W, Markowitz SD, Grady WM. Differences in DNA methylation signatures reveal multiple pathways of progression from adenoma to colorectal cancer. Gastroenterology. 2014;147(2):418-29 e8. (IF=29.4)

31. Luo Y, Wang L, Wang J. Developing proteomics-based biomarkers for colorectal neoplasms for clinical practice: Opportunities and challenges. Proteomics Clin Appl. 2013;7(1-2):30-41. (IF=2)

32. Luo Y, Kaz AM, Kanngurn S, Welsch P, Morris SM, Wang J, Lutterbaugh JD, Markowitz SD, Grady WM. NTRK3 is a potential tumor suppressor gene commonly inactivated by epigenetic mechanisms in colorectal cancer. PLoS Genet. 2013;9(7):e1003552. (IF=4.5)

33. Luo Y, Tsuchiya KD, Il Park D, Fausel R, Kanngurn S, Welcsh P, Dzieciatkowski S, Wang J, Grady WM. RET is a potential tumor suppressor gene in colorectal cancer. Oncogene. 2013;32(16):2037-47. (IF=8)

34. Luo Y, Chen D, Song S, Wang L, Wang J. Aberrant methylation of genes in stool samples as diagnostic biomarkers for colorectal cancer or adenomas: A meta-analysis. Int J Clin Pract. 2011;65(12):1313-20. (IF=2.6)

35. Luo Y, Wang L, Chen C, Chen D, Huang M, Huang Y, Peng J, Lan P, Cui J, Cai S, Wang J.Simultaneous liver and colorectal resections are safe for synchronous colorectal liver metastases. J Gastrointest Surg. 2010;14(12):1974-80. (IF=3.2)

36. Luo Y, Cui J, Wang L, Chen D, Peng J, Lan P, Huang M, Huang Y, Cai S, Hu K, Li M, Wang J. Identification of cancer-associated proteins by proteomics and downregulation of beta-tropomyosin expression in colorectal adenoma and cancer. Proteomics Clin Appl. 2009;3(12):1397-406. (IF=2.0)


37. Li X, Cai D, Huang Y, Xie Y, Shen D, Yuan Z, Liu X, Huang M, Luo Y, Yu H, Wang X. Aberrant methylation in neurofunctional gene serves as a hallmark of tumorigenesis and progression in colorectal cancer. BMC Cancer. 2023, 23(1):315.

38. Wang X, Chen S, Zhao Z, Chen F, Huang Y, Guo X, Lei L, Wang W, Luo Y, Yu H, Wang J. Genomic G-quadruplex folding triggers a cytokine-mediated inflammatory feedback loop to aggravate inflammatory diseases. iScience. 2022, 25(11):105312.

39. Shen D, Wang P, Xie Y, Zhuang Z, Zhu M, Wang X, Huang M, Luo Y, Yu H. Clinical spectrum of rectal cancer identifies hallmarks of early-onset patients and next-generation treatment strategies. Cancer Med. 2023, 12(3):3433-3441.

40. Shen D, Wang X, Wang H, Xu G, Xie Y, Zhuang Z, Huang Z, Li J, Lin J, Wang P, Huang M, Luo Y, Yu H.Current Surveillance After Treatment is Not Sufficient for Patients With Rectal Cancer With Negative Baseline CEA. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2022:1-10.

41. Li J, Xie Y, Huang Z, Shen D, Zhuang Z, Zhu M, Huang Y, He R, Wang X, Huang M, Luo Y, Yu H. Current treatment and surveillance modalities are not sufficient for advanced stage III colon cancer: Result from a multicenter cohort analysis. Cancer Med. 2021;10(24):8924-8933.

42.Chen Z, Huang Z, Luo Y, Zou Q, Bai L, Tang G, Wang X, Cao G, Huang M, Xiang J, Yu H. Genome-wide analysis identifies critical DNA methylations within NTRKs genes in colorectal cancer, J Transl Med. 2021;19(1):73.

43. Zhuang Z, Wang X, Huang M, Luo Y, Yu H. Serum calcium improved systemic inflammation marker for predicting survival outcome in rectal cancer, J Gastrointest Oncol. 2021;12(2):568-579.

44. Huang Z, Wang X, Zou Q, Zhuang Z, Xie Y, Cai D, Bai L, Tang G, Huang M, Luo Y, Yu H. High platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio predicts improved survival outcome for perioperative NSAID use in patients with rectal cancer, Int J Colorectal Dis. 2020;35(4):695-704.

45. Guo Y, Luo Y, Zhao H, Bai L, Li J, Li L. Early Versus Routine Stoma Closure in Patients With Colorectal Resection: A Meta-Analysis of 7 Randomized Controlled Trials, Surg Innov. 2020;27(3):291-298.

46. Huang Z, Wang X, Zou Q, Zhuang Z, Xie Y, Cai D, Bai L, Tang G, Huang M, Luo Y, Yu HC, High platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio predicts improved survival outcome for perioperative NSAID use in patients with rectal cancer, Int J Colorectal Dis. 2020;35(4):695-704.

47. Wang T, Maden SK, Luebeck GE, Li CI, Newcomb PA, Ulrich CM, Joo JE, Buchanan DD, Milne RL, Southey MC, Carter KT, Willbanks AR, Luo Y, Yu M, Grady WM. Dysfunctional epigenetic aging of the normal colon and colorectal cancer risk. Clin Epigenetics. 2020 Jan 3;12(1):5.

48. Li L, Gao X, Guo Y, Luo Y, Luo Y, Yang X, Zhang W, Feng L. Comparison of three-dimensional versus two-dimensional laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer: a meta-analysis. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2019. 34(9): 1577-1583.

49. Li L, Gao X, Guo Y, Luo Y, Luo Y, Yang X, Zhang W, Feng L. Comparison of three-dimensional versus two-dimensional laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer: a meta-analysis. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2019;34(9): 1577-1583.

50. Li L, Zhang W, Guo Y, Wang X, Yu H, Du B, Yang X, Luo Y. Robotic Versus Laparoscopic Rectal Surgery for Rectal Cancer: A Meta-Analysis of 7 Randomized Controlled Trials. Surg Innov. 2019; 26(4): 497-504.

51. Lin J, Yu X, Xie L, Wang P, Li T, Xiao Y, Zhou J, Peng S, Huang J, Luo Y, Huang M, Wang J, eIF6 Promotes Colorectal Cancer Proliferation and Invasion by Regulating AKT-Related Signaling Pathways. J Biomed Nanotechnol. 2019; 15(7): 1556-1567.

52. Qin S, Liu G, Huang M, Huang J, Luo Y, Wen Y, Wang Y, Chen L. The local efficacy and influencing factors of ultrasound-guided percutaneous microwave ablation in colorectal liver metastases: a review of a 4-year experience at a single center. Int J Hyperthermia. 2019;36(1):36-43

53. Luebeck GE, Hazelton WD, Curtius K, Maden SK, Yu M, Carter KT, Burke W, Lampe PD, Li CI, Ulrich CM, Newcomb PA, Westerhoff M, Kaz AM, Luo Y, Inadomi JM, Grady WM.Implications of epigenetic drift in colorectal neoplasia. Cancer Res. 2019;79(3):495-504.

54. Peng S, Huang P, Yu H, Wen Y, Luo Y, Wang X, Zhou J, Qin S, Li T, Chen Y, Liu G, Huang M. Prognostic value of carcinoembryonic antigen level in patients with colorectal cancer liver metastasis treated with percutaneous microwave ablation under ultrasound guidance. Medicine. 2018, 97(10):e0044.

55. Liu Z, Kang L, Huang M, Li C, Tong C, Zhang X, Luo Y, Wang L, Wu X, Lan P, Cui J, Wang J. Decrease of Sphincter Preserving Length Lowers the Postoperative Genital Function for Patients With Rectal Cancer. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2018, 28(1):42-46.

56. Cui J, Cai Y, Hu Y, Huang Z, Luo Y, Kaz A, Yang Z, Chen D, Fan X, Grady WM, Wang J. Epigenetic silencing of TPM2 contributes to colorectal cancer progression upon RhoA activation. Tumour Biol. 2016;37(9):12477-83.

57. Huang M, Lin J, Yu X, Chen S, Kang L, Deng Y, Zheng J, Luo Y, Wang L, Lan P, Wang J, Erectile and urinary function in men with rectal cancer treated by neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and neoadjuvant chemotherapy alone: a randomized trial report. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2016;31(7):1349-57.

58. Kang L, Chen W, Luo S, Luo Y, Liu Z, Huang M, Wang J. Transanal total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer: a preliminary report. Surg Endosc. 2016;30(6):2552-62.

59. Xu X, Chang W, Yuan J, Han X, Tan X, Ding Y, Luo Y, Cai H, Liu Y, Gao X, Liu Q, Yu Y, Du Y, Wang H, Ma L, Wang J, Chen K, Ding Y, Fu C, Cao G. Periostin expression in intra-tumoral stromal cells is prognostic and predictive for colorectal carcinoma via creating a cancer-supportive niche. Oncotarget. 2016;7(1):798-813.

60. Liu Z, Li C, Huang M, Tong C, Zhang X, Wang L, Peng H, Lan P, Zhang P, Huang N, Peng J, Wu X, Luo Y, Qin H, Kang L, Wang J. Positive regulatory effects of perioperative probiotic treatment on postoperative liver complications after colorectal liver metastases surgery: a double-center and double-blind randomized clinical trial. BMC Gastroenterol. 2015;15:34.

61. Liu Z, Kang L, Huang M, Luo Y, Wang L, Lan P, Cui J, Wang J. Open Surgery Against Laparoscopic Surgery for Mid-Rectal or Low-Rectal Cancer of Male Patients: Better Postoperative Genital Function of Laparoscopic Surgery. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2015;25(5):444-8.

62. Yu H, Luo Y, Peng H, Kang L, Huang M, Luo S, Chen W, Yang Z, Wang J. The predicting value of postoperative body temperature on long-term survival in patients with rectal cancer. Tumour Biol. 2015;36(10):8055-63.

63. Yu H, Luo Y, Peng H, Kang L, Huang M, Wang J. Avoiding perioperative dexamethasone may improve the outcome of patients with rectal cancer. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2015;41(5):667-73.

64. Xiang J, Fang L, Luo Y, Yang Z, Liao Y, Cui J, Huang M, Yang Z, Huang Y, Fan X, Wang H, Wang L, Peng J, Wang J. Levels of human replication factor C4, a clamp loader, correlate with tumor progression and predict the prognosis for colorectal cancer. J Transl Med. 2014, 12:320.

65. Kaz AM, Wong CJ, Dzieciatkowski S, Luo Y, Schoen RE, Grady WM. Patterns of DNA methylation in the normal colon vary by anatomical location, gender, and age. Epigenetics. 2014;9(4):492-502.

66. Shiovitz S, Bertagnolli MM, Renfro LA, Nam E, Foster NR, Dzieciatkowski S, Luo Y, Lao VV, Monnat RJ, Jr., Emond MJ, Maizels N, Niedzwiecki D, Goldberg RM, Saltz LB, Venook A, Warren RS, Grady WM. CpG island methylator phenotype is associated with response to adjuvant irinotecan-based therapy for stage III colon cancer. Gastroenterology. 2014;147(3):637-45.

67. Song S, Chen D, Ma T, Luo Y, Yang Z, Wang D, Fan X, Qin Q, Ni B, Guo X, Xian Z, Lan P, Cao X, Li M, Wang J, Wang L. Molecular mechanism of acute radiation enteritis revealed using proteomics and biological signaling network analysis in rats. Dig Dis Sci. 2014;59(11):2704-13.

68. Lao VV, Welcsh P, Luo Y, Carter KT, Dzieciatkowski S, Dintzis S, Meza J, Sarvetnick NE, Monnat RJ, Jr., Loeb LA, Grady WM. Altered RECQ Helicase Expression in Sporadic Primary Colorectal Cancers. Transl Oncol. 2013;6(4):458-69.

69. Kaz AM, Luo Y, Dzieciatkowski S, Chak A, Willis JE, Upton MP, Leidner RS, Grady WM. Aberrantly methylated PKP1 in the progression of Barrett's esophagus to esophageal adenocarcinoma. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2012;51(4):384-93.

70. Ke J, Wu X, Wu X, He X, Lian L, Zou Y, He X, Wang H, Luo Y, Wang L, Lan P, A subpopulation of CD24(+) cells in colon cancer cell lines possess stem cell characteristics. Neoplasma. 2012;59(3):282-8.

71. Kaz AM, Wong CJ, Luo Y, Virgin JB, Washington MK, Willis JE, Leidner RS, Chak A, Grady WM. DNA methylation profiling in Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma reveals unique methylation signatures and molecular subclasses. Epigenetics. 2011;6(12):1403-12.

72. Song S, Chen D, Lu J, Liao J, Luo Y, Yang Z, Fu X, Fan X, Wei Y, Yang L, Wang L, Wang J. NFkappaB1 and NFkappaBIA polymorphisms are associated with increased risk for sporadic colorectal cancer in a southern Chinese population. PLoS One. 2011;6(6):e21726.

73. Chen D, Song S, Lu J, Luo Y, Yang Z, Huang Q, Fu X, Fan X, Wei Y, Wang J, Wang L, Functional variants of -1318T > G and -673C > T in c-Jun promoter region associated with increased colorectal cancer risk by elevating promoter activity. Carcinogenesis. 2011;32(7):1043-9.

74. He Q, Chen H, Bai E, Luo Y, Fu R, He Y, Jiang J, Wang H. Development of a multiplex MethyLight assay for the detection of multigene methylation in human colorectal cancer. Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 2010;202(1):1-10.

75. Cui J, Ma J, Xiang J, Luo Y, Cai S, Huang Y, Wang J, He Y. Prospective study of reconstructing pelvic floor with GORE-TEX Dual Mesh in abdominoperineal resection. Chin Med J (Engl). 2009;122(18):2138-41.