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1.       Kaiying Wang, Guohua Liu, Nils Hoivik, Erik Johannessen and Henrik Jakobsen. Electrochemical engineering of hollow nanoarchitectures: pulse/step anodization (Si, Al, Ti) and their applications, Chemical Society Reviews, 43(2014)1476-1500.

2.       Guohua Liu, Ting Chen, Jinliang Xu, Gang Li, Kaiying Wang. Solar evaporation for simultaneous steam and power generation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9TA12211G. 

3.       Guohua Liu, Jinliang Xu, Kaiying Wang. Solar water evaporation by black photothermal sheets, Nano energy, 41(2017)269-284. 

4.       Guohua Liu, Ting Chen, Jinliang Xu,Kaiying Wang. Blue energy harvesting on nanostructured carbon Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6 (2018)18357-18377. 

5.       Jinliang Xu, Xin Yan, Guohua Liu, Jian Xie. The critical nanofluid concentration as the crossover between changed and unchanged solar-driven droplet evaporation rates, Nano Energy, 57(2019)791-803. 

6.       Guohua Liu, Kang Du, Jinliang Xu, Guang Chen, Mingyan Gu, Changping Yang, Kaiying Wang, Henrik Jakobsen. Plasmon-dominated photoelectrodes for solar water splitting. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5(2017)4233-4253. 

7.       Chaoqun Cheng, Guohua Liu, Kang Du, Gang Li, Wendong Zhang, Simone Sanna, Yunzhong Chen, Nini Pryds, Kaiying Wang, Enhanced visible light catalytic activity of MoS2/TiO2/Ti photocathode by hybrid-junction, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 237 (2018) 416-423.

8.       Zengxing Zhang, Yonghua Wang, Per Anders Stensby Hansen, Kang Du, Kim Robert Gustavsen, Guohua Liu, Frank Karlsen, Ola Nilsen, Chenyang Xue, Kaiying Wang. Black silicon with order-disordered structures for enhanced light trapping and photothermic conversion. Nano Energy, 65 (2019) 103992.

9.       Guohua Liu, Nils Hoivik, Kaiying Wang and Henrik Jakobsen. Engineering TiO2 nanomaterials for CO2 conversion/solar fuels, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 105(2012)53-68. (Top 25 Hottest Articles)

10.   Guohua Liu, Kaiying Wang, Nils Hoivik and Henrik Jakobsen. Progress on Free-standing and Flow-through TiO2 Nanotube Membranes, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 98(2012)24-38. (Top 25 Hottest Articles)

11.   Guohua Liu, Phuong Dao, Vy Nguyen, Kang Du, Chaoqun Cheng, Jinliang Xu, Kaiying Wang. Enhanced photoelectric response of plasmon-active ZnO nanorods by spatial modulation of dielectric environment, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 776 (2019) 149-155.

12.   Guohua Liu, Jinliang Xu, Kaiying Wang. All-in-one photosynthetic assemblies for solar fuels, Materials Today Energy, 10 (2018) 368-379.

13.   Guohua Liu, Hui Cao, Jinliang Xu. Solar evaporation of a hanging plasmonic droplet, Solar Energy, 170 (2018) 184-191.

14.   Guohua Liu, Kang Du, Sophia Haussener, Kaiying Wang. Charge transport in two-photon semiconducting structures for solar fuels. ChemSusChem, 9(2016)2878-2904. 

15.   Guohua Liu, Kang Du, Kaiying Wang. Surface wettability of TiO2 nanotube arrays prepared by electrochemical anodization, Applied Surface Science, 388 (2016) 313-320.

16.   Guohua Liu, Ting Chen, Yunlan Sun, Guang Chen, Kaiying Wang. Transferable, conductive TiO2 nanotube membranes for optoelectronics, Applied Surface Science, 311(2014)529-533.

17.   Guohua Liu, Nils Hoivik, Xiaoming Wang, Shushen Lu, Kaiying Wang and Henrik Jakobsen. Photoconductive, free-standing crystallized TiO2 nanotube membranes, Electrochimica Acta, 93 (2013) 80-86.

18.   Guohua Liu, Nils Hoivik and Kaiying Wang. Small diameter TiO2 nanotubes with enhanced photoresponsivity, Electrochemistry Communications, 28(2013)107-110.

19.   Guohua Liu, Nils Hoivik, Kaiying Wang and Henrik Jakobsen. A Voltage-dependent Investigation on Detachment Process for Free-standing Crystalline TiO2 Nanotube Membranes, Journal of Materials Science, 46(2011)7931-7935.

20.   Guohua Liu, Jinliang Xu, Yongping Yang. Seed bubbles trigger boiling heat transfer in silicon microchannels, Microfluid Nanofluid, 8(2010)341-359.

21.   Guohua Liu, Jinliang Xu, Yongping Yang, Wei Zhang. Active control of flow and heat transfer in silicon microchannels, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20 (2010) 045006 (16pp).

22.   Guansheng Yao, Jinliang Xu, Guohua Liu. Solar steam generation enabled by bubbly flow nanofluids. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solmat.2019.110292.

23.   Xin Yan, Guohua Liu, Jinliang Xu, Shuai Wang, Plasmon heating of one-dimensional gold nanoparticle chains. Solar Energy, 173(2018)665-674.

24.   Kang Du, Guohua Liu, Xuyuan Chen, Kaiying Wang, Fast charge separation and photocurrent enhancement on black TiO2 nanotubes cosensitized with Au nanoparticles and PbS quantum dots, Electrochimica Acta, 277 (2018) 244-254. 

25.   Kang Du, Guohua Liu, Mengwei Li, Chenggen Wu, Xuyuan Chen, and Kaiying Wang. Electrochemical reduction and capacitance of hybrid titanium dioxides-nanotube arrays and “nanograss”, Electrochimica Acta, 210(2016)367-374. 

26.   Jimin Wang, Guohua Liu, Yunlong Fang, Wenke Li. Marangoni effect in nonequilibrium multiphase system of material processing. Reviews in Chemical Engineering, DOI: 10.1515/ revce-2015-0067, May 2016.

27.   Kang Du, Guohua Liu, Xuyuan Chen, and Kaiying Wang. PbS quantum dots sensitized TiO2 nanotubes for photocurrent enhancement, J. Electrochem. Soc, 2015, 162(10): E251-E257.

28.   Jinliang Xu, Guohua Liu, Wei Zhang, Qian Li, Bin Wang. Seed bubble stabilized flow and heat transfer in parallel microchannels, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 35 (2009) 773-790.

29.   Wei Zhang, Guohua Liu, Jinliang Xu, Yongping Yang. Effect of channel surface wettability and temperature gradients on the boiling flow pattern in a single microchannel, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,19 (2009) 055012 (13pp).

30.   L.X. Zong, J.L. Xu, G.H. Liu, Effect of Running Parameters on flow boiling instabilities in Microchannels, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15(4) (2015) 2976-2983.

31.   Wei Zhang, Jinliang Xu, Guohua Liu. Multi-channel effect of condensation flow in a micro triple-channel condenser, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 34 (2008) 1175-1184.

32.   Jinliang Xu, Wei Zhang, Guohua Liu. Seed bubble guided heat transfer in a single microchannel, Heat Transfer Engineering, 32(2011)1031-1036.

33.   Jinliang Xu, Xianbing Ji, Wei Zhang, Guohua Liu. Pool boiling heat transfer of ultra-light copper foam with open cells, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 34 (2008) 1008-1022.

34.   Qiang Zhang, Ranbin Chen, Haisheng San, Guohua Liu, Kaiying Wang. Betavoltaic effect in titanium dioxide nanotube arrays under build-in potential difference, Journal of Power Sources, 282 (2015) 529-533.

35.   Enhui Sun, Han Hu, Hangning Li, Jinliang Xu, Guohua Liu. Concept design of supercritical CO2 cycle driven by pressurized fluidized bed combustion (PFBC) boiler, Applied Thermal Engineering 166 (2020) 114756.

36.   Kang Du, Guohua Liu, Xuyuan Chen, and Kaiying Wang, Nanotube heterostructures MoS2/CdS/TiO2 for CO2 conversion, ECS Transactions, 85 (10) 47-56 (2018).

37.   Kang Du, Guohua Liu, Xuyuan Chen, K. Wang. Photocurrent Properties of Ti3+ Introduced TiO2 Nanotubes Photoelectrode Decorated by CdSe Quantum Dots, ECS Transactions, 77(6): 107-118 · April 2017.

38.   Shuai Zhang, Kang Du, Guohua Liu, K. Wang. Photon Absorption Enhancement of TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Decorated with Aluminum Nanoparticles, ECS Transactions, 77(6):153-160 · April 2017

39.   Kang Du, Pai Lu, Guohua Liu, Xuyuan Chen, and Kaiying Wang. Atomic layer deposition of TiN layer on TiO2 nanotubes for enhanced supercapacitor performance, Transducers 2017, Kaohsiung, TAIWAN, 710-713.

40.   Qiang Zhang, Ranbin Chen, Haisheng San, Guohua Liu, Kaiying Wang. Betavoltaic microbatteries using TiO2 nanotube arrays, Transducers 2015, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 1909-1912.

41.   Rongteng Lu, Kang Du, Guohua Liu, Changping Yang, Kaiying Wang, Preparation and Photoelectrochemical Properties of Multilayered WS2 Coated Titanium Dioxide Nanocomposites, ECS Transactions 66 (14) (2015) 57-63

42.   Du Kang, Liu Guohua, Chen Xuyuan, Wang Kaiying. Photocurrent enhancement of TiO2 nanotubes decorated with PbS quantum dots. ECS Transactions 66 ( 2015 ) 305-312

43.   Baozhong Zhu, Hao Li, Yunlan Sun, Huajian Sun, Guohua Liu. Effects of Polyacrylamide and Particle Size on Combustion of Al-H2O-Based Propellants, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN, Vol. 47 (2014) No. 9 p. 730-736.

44.   Guohua Liu, Kaiying Wang, Nils Hoivik and Henrik Jakobsen. Growth and morphology of highly ordered TiO2 nanotube arrays via electrochemical anodization, ECS Transactions, 2012, 41 (30) 19-27.

45.   Guohua Liu, Kaiying Wang, Nils Hoivik and Henrik Jakobsen. Reducing solvent evaporation rates for the detachment of anodic TiO2 nanotubular membranes, 2012 MRS Online Proceedings Library, Volume 1442

46.   Guohua Liu, Nils Hoivik, Kaiying Wang and Henrik Jakobsen. Free-standing TiO2 Nanotube Membranes from Electrochemical Anodization, IEEE, NANO 2011, No.127, p.1011-1015, August 15-19, Portland, Oregon, USA.

47.   Guohua Liu, Nils Hoivik, Kaiying Wang and Henrik Jakobsen. Facile fabrication of self-organized, free-standing titanium dioxide nanotube membranes, the 22nd Micromechanics and Micro systems Europe Workshop June 19-22, MME 2011, Tonsberg, Norway

48.   Waqas Ahmad, Guohua Liu, Nils Hoivik, Kaiying Wang. Ultraviolet photodetector translated from crystalline TiO2 nanotube arrays, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 7-9 August 2012, Paper No. 300

49.   Qiong Chen, Guohua Liu, Kaiying Wang. Planar photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) device based on free-standing TiO2 nanotube membranes, 223rd ECS Meeting, May 2013, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

50.   Ying Zhao, Kang Du, Guohua Liu, Nils Hoivik, Kaiying Wang. Study of electrical field distribution and growth of gradient-arrayed TiO2 nanotubes by electrochemical anodization, IEEE, NANO 2013, August 5-8, 2013, Beijing, China.