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[1] R. H. Friend*, F. Li* et al., “Efficient radical-based light-emitting diodes with doublet emission”, Nature, 563, 536-540 (2018).

Highlighed by Prof. Kusamoto and Prof. Nishihara entitled “Efficiency breakthrough for radical LEDs” Nature 563, 480-481 (2018).


[2] R.H. Friend*, J.L. Bredas*, F. Li* et al., “High stability and luminescence efficiency in donor-acceptor neutral radicals not following the Aufbau principle”, Nature Materials 18, 977-984 (2019).

Highlighed by Prof. Reineke entitled “Radically more stable”, Nature Materials 18, 917–918(2019).

Highlighed by Prof. T.M. Swager entitled ”When Aufbau Needs to Bow Down: Highly Photostable and Luminescent Dornor-Acceptor Organic Radicals”, Synfacts 15, 1131 (2019). (send email to lifeng01@jlu.edu.cn to request PDF).

Highlighed by Prof. Benzhong Tang entitled “Non-Aufbau Principle to Achieve High Stability Organic Luminescence Radicals”, Chem. Res. Chinese Universities, 35, 743–744(2019).

Highlighed by Prof. Yuguang Ma entitled “Violating the Aufbau principle: an efficient way to improve the stability of luminescent radicals”, Sci. China Chem. 62, 1551–1552 (2019).


[3] R. H. Friend*, F. Li*, E. W. Evans*, et al., “Understanding the luminescent nature of organic radicals for efficient doublet emitters and pure-red light-emitting diodes”, Nature Materials, doi.org/10.1038/s41563-020-0705-9 (2020).


[4] F. Li* et al., A Stable Room-Temperature Luminescent Biphenylmethyl Radical, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 57, 2869-2873 (2018), hot paper.


[5] ZG Shuai*, F. Li* et al., Triplet-Polaron-Interaction-Induced Upconversion from Triplet to Singlet: a Possible Way to Obtain Highly Efficient OLEDs., Adv. Mater., 28, 4760-4746 (2016).


[6] F. Li* et al., Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using a Neutral pi Radical as Emitter: The Emission from a Doublet., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 54, 7091-7095 (2015), inside cover and hot paperranks 1st of Hottest articles in General Chemistry of Wiley-Vch in 2015.

About the organic light-emitting materials and diodes with doublet emission, the following is the website of the Talk by Prof. Li:
