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Congratulations to the research group and the Chinese Academy of Sciences for the publication of the results of the cooperation in the journal Nature Communications

Congratulations to Pro. Sun Kuan of the research group and Zhang Zeyu & Du Juan's team from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, for publishing the results in Nature Communications. This work demonstrates the real-time observation of polaron formation in FAPbI3 thin films through terahertz emission spectroscopy.

Abstract: The formation of polaron, i.e., the strong coupling process between the carrier and lattice, is considered to play a crucial role in benefiting the photoelectric performance of hybrid organic-inorganic halide perovskites. However, direct observation of the dynamical formation of polarons occurring at time scales within hundreds of femtoseconds remains a technical challenge. Here, by terahertz emission spectroscopy, we demonstrate the real-time observation of polaron formation process in FAPbI3 films. Two different polaron resonances interpreted with the anharmonic coupling emission model have been studied: P1 at ~1 THz relates to the inorganic sublattice vibration mode and the P2 at ~0.4 THz peak relates to the FA+ cation rotation mode. Moreover, P2 could be further strengthened than P1 by pumping the hot carriers to the higher sub-conduction band. Our observations could open a door for THz emission spectroscopy to be a powerful tool in studying polaron formation dynamics in perovskites.

Original Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-36652-4