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Warmly welcome the new class of 2022 to join the research group!

In the golden autumn season, osmanthus is fragrant. In this harvest season, the research group also ushered in another batch of new students. Here we warmly welcome Ph.D. students Pan Yi, Yue Yaru, Gao Qin, Chen Zhaoyu, Luo Yuanyi, Komal Zahid, postgraduate students Wang Wenshan, Xiang Qingtao, Li Yingfang, Sang Shuyang, Cheng Long, Mao Yu, Wang Can, Dong Zhen, He Yuting, Luo Jiaxin, Yang Hao, Luo Gu Zixia, Wu Zhiwei and Ahmar Ali twenty students joined the research group!

For the profiles of the students, please refer to the group member introduction page: https://www.x-mol.com/groups/LaFREMD/people